Chapter 10 part 2

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"I want  my wife back " Neil said it looking at Karan with intensity which made Avni shocked still in his arms ,Karan walked from there and as soon as that happened Neil turned to look at his wife who was already looking at him . Neil tried to avoid what just happened so ...

Neil:"I know that I am handsome and irresistible but at least close your mouth !" He smirked.

Avni closed her moth but reopened it to speak :"what was that with Karan !?" She asked confused.

Neil:"I wanted to dance with you that's it !"Avni found Neil's behaviour weird so she just nodded and held him but this time differently in a much more intimate way , her both hands were around his neck while his held her from both her upped back and lower back sorry bare back Avni kind of shivered at his touch which made Neil happy because she didn't feel anything with Karan . slowly the song became more quitter and romantic which made Avni feel sleepy because she was tired but the loud music of earlier wasn't allowing her to even close her eyes but now that it's much more quitter she just leaned on Neil's chest and rested her head in him still dancing or maybe just standing but with this position her bare back was even more visible so he took the pin that WAs holding her hair up , she must have put it earlier on the bar , as soon as he did that her long black hair fell on her back covering her Avni felt it but couldn't react as she was so tired . Neil noticed that and straightened her taking her hand in his taking her upstairs to their room leaving the party which was orginised for them but still...

as soon as they entered the room Avni sat on the bed holding her head which was paining due to stress and yesterday's tears and the loud music of earlier , but she got up and went to her cupboard taking her pyjamas when she noticed Neil struggling to take off his tie she put her pyjamas on the bed walking towards him .

Avni:"may I?"

Neil:"yeah" he couldn't take his eyes off her she looked even more beautiful sleepy .

Avni took off his tie and gave it to him and spoke further .

Avni:"Neil can you give me my hair pin ! I need it to put my hair up !"

Neil nodded and started searching for it in his pockets but told her that he couldn't find it and that maybe it fell , Avni said that it was okay ! and went to the bathroom and stood I front of the mirror she thought that Neil was infront of the cupboard looking for his clothes but he was actually looking at her through th open door of the bathroom here she was struggling to lift her hair up and open the small tie on her bare back which was holding the upper part of the dress. Neil couldn't control and entered making Avni look at him through the bathrooms mirror .

Neil:"may I !?"

Avni :"I don't want you to think that I am trying to trap you again ! So maybe it's better if you call your mom or Bebe !" She looked hurt from yesterday's words . 

Neil:" idont think that low of you " she smiled and agreed to his help .

She lifted her hair up exposing her back to him . He opened the little tight rope which made her shiver as the dress was about to fall off her body on the floor but she held it . And looked down shying away from him Neil's cheeks were red by now imagining what would have happened if that dress fell .. Well that would have been mature ..

Neil came out letting her change her clothes and as soon as she came out he approached her .

Neil:"how do you know him ? " he asked in a very calm voice .

Avni:"who? Karan?" He nodded .

Avni:"well I used to work in his restaurant and that's how we became friends !"

Neil :"what type of friends ? I mean what did you used to do together !"

Avni:"the basic ! Which friends generally do "

Neil ": I am not really good with friendship so it would be better if you explain "

Avni:" shopping , parties , good food good movies !"

Neil:"oh" all he could say was oh !

Avni walked away from him and layer on her side of the bed facing Neil with her back . Neil also layed beside her and after a lot of hesitation he whispered her name which made her turn to look at him . 

Neil:"I thought about what I said yesterday ! And I think I was wrong , maybe we should try giving this corrected marriage a chance even if it is for 3 months because after all we are still legally married ?" He said it in one go making her blink .

Avni:" I don't have any problem with that I  guess !" She said it smiling . 

Avni:"Neil! Why did you take my pin off my hair earlier on the dance floor !"she wanted to speak more with him ...

Neil swallowed his saliva first  :" well your bare  back was visible ! And I dint want you know men looking at you in that way !" He is so cute she thought but then relaxed herself and spoke to him.

Avni:"but you got it for me ! Right ?" 

Neil :" yeah I did but if I noticed that it was a backless dress I would have never gave it to you ! It was just so naked ! The back and even the chest "Is he angry she thought ? And wait the chest ?? 

Avni:"what? What do you mean by naked from the ..." She became red like a tomato 

Neil:" well ! It was logically naked because you weren't even wearing a bra !" 

Avni literally shouted :"huh? " 

Neil :" yeah but now that I saw it I don't want you to wear that outside !" He is possessive that's hit she thought .what hot ? What's wrong with you Avni !!!

Avni:"what do you mean outside ?"

Neil :" I don't mind you wearing something like that in our bedroom !"he is smirking ....

Avni was just red and looking down so shy but managed to ask something that peeped into her mind just a minute ago when he spoke about giving their marriage a chance .

Avni:" so will we you know ?" Now she is sitting on the bed making Neil also sit and look at her confused .

Neil:"will we what ??"

Avni:"do that ? Whatever  couples do ?" Wow she means that? 

Neil understood and wanted to tease her more by asking her to explain but he dropped that idea when he saw her red face and shaking hands .

Neil:"you mean sex !?" He asked smiling like a fool .avni couldn't even look at him and just nodded blushing .

Neil:"well! If you want to !  ...u..m do you ?"

Avni :"you are my husband so why not ?"she said it almost without a volume but Neil managed to hear it and took her cheeks with both his hands and approached her face coming so close to her making her feel his hot breath on her lips she kept looking at his lips imagining how beautiful her first kiss would be and suddenly she felt her lips warm as Neil slammed his lips on hers moving slowly first sucking on her lower lip and them the upper which he slightly bit making her moan "mmmm" in his mouth he couldn't control his hand which was roaming all over her back and arms making her moan again giving him the opportunity to enter her mouth and dominate her tongue with his he wanted to kiss her even more hold her even closer but couldn't as he felt her need for oxygen he parted away from her slowly opening his eyes first looking at her beautiful face and her swollen lips and closed eyes followed by her hitched breath finally she opened her eyes looking at him almost fainting from the new sensation this was her first kiss unexpected but beautiful she couldn't handle his gaze and his herself on his hard chest .he smiled .and asked .

Neil:"what's wrong ? " he whispered softly .

Avni:"this...this was my first kiss " she said still hardly breathing .

Neil :"what ?? Really " he seemed so happy that he was her first but felt guilty that he wasn't her first ! Not the first but the best kiss...

Neil:" well I think for now we will just do this , because for sex you need to be sur and at least like that person , I want to be your friend not only husband ! I've never been friend with a girl! But you told me that you had a guy friend whom you used to go out with him so let's do that tomorrow ! Maybe shopping ! ?" Was he nervous .

Avni::" yeah ! I would love to I need many things " 

They layed down and slept ! not in each other's arms unfortunately but close .



I am done with part 2 and I will post chapter 11 next week 💕💕

I hope you liked it ! 

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