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The war had started all over again. The Frost Giants had frozen most of Midgard including the Midgardians. Thor and I looked at each other. "Here we go again!" She says. I pulled my sword from the umbrella and began charging, Thor joining me.

My men were too drunk and passed out to even offer their assistance to their captain. They swarmed us like ants, we fought back to back. Their freezing cold blood soaked and chilled us. They were relentless, we managed to slice and hack into their numbers. "This planet is not yours!" Thor yells over the clanging of blades. 

"You don't understand Odins son! We will take all worlds!" The leader responds. Thor didn't answer and began to push even harder against the forces of the Frost Giants, he was determined to get to their leader. I sliced two of them in half, their corpses collapsing to the snowy ground.

'How I wish my men were here to help!' I thought to myself as I slit the throat of another Frost Giant. "They just keep coming!' I yelled.

"I know, are you sure your men are unreachable?!" He responds.

"Yes! They're probably still all drunk!" I remind him. "It's just us!"

"I feel honoured to be fighting at your side," he says as we fight back to back once more.

"Same here," I said as we began to thin out their number. We never tired, we fought through the aches and pains of shallow wounds and aching limbs. It felt like an eternity until they finally retreated as their numbers dwindled. We watched as they left one by one back to their home. But the ice did not melt and people were still frozen in their panicked forms.

"You okay?" He asked looking me over, I nodded.

"Just a few scratches, nothing I won't heal from, and you?" I asked gently holding his head in my hands to check him over.

"I'm fine, don't fuss," he insisted even though he was blushing at my touch. 

"Sure, sure," I said letting go and looking around at the frozen Midgardians. "Now what?" I asked looking at the blonde haired thunder god.

"We find someone to reverse what they did?" He says.

"Who?" I inquired. Thor was silent for a few moments as he began to think. He paced up and down, my eyes followed him.

"What about one of the Avengers?" I suggested but he shook his head.

"There's no one powerful enough to do such a thing as reverse a curse," he said.  "Besides we don't know if they're off world." He continued thinking and pacing while I watched him.

"Off world?" I asked slightly confused.

"It means not on this planet." He replied, I nodded slowly.

"Okay, is there anyone to contact to check?" I asked. "No, because last time I checked Fury was off world too." I sighed and cleaned my blade of the blue blooded Frost Giants.

"I know!" He exclaimed.

"Know who can help us?" I asked. Thor nodded.

"Steven Strange!"

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