A twist in the TALE.

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They started their journey to Rameshwaram. Arushi collected reference about some places where anika will visit in her journey. Each and every minute became longer to shivaay, He needed nothing but just wanted to make sure anika was alright. 

They reached the Rameshwaram within six hours where it will usually take ten hours to reach from their location. Everyone was in a hurry. Avi didn't speak with anyone, But Jahaan keeps him with her smile and gesture, usually, his mom uses this trick to divert him from anything. But he couldn't divert, Whenever he sees shivaay's face, He just couldn't able to control his anger, Either he left that place or shivaay left that place understanding him. For Avinash, He just wanted to see his mom once. 

They reached the place, Straightly went to Archeology office. And showed anika's photo to the employee who was present during that time.

"Came here while before, Just now left..." - He said, A hope of relief appeared in their face. They started to search for her. Everyone went in three different directions, Jahaan was confused. Avi went with om and Gauri. Aru stayed with Jahaan as she felt very dry due to the climate. 

"You go and search for her...  We have very less time..." - Aru said while holding Jahaan in her arms. Shivaay nodded no and stayed with them for a while. 

"We are fine! and we will here... Just go and search for her..."  - Aru said where Jahaan looked elsewhere towards the shore which is nearer to the temple. She nudged Aru urgently when she saw someone in her vision. 

"What happened?" - Aru asked her. She pointed her finger towards the shore. Aru and shivaay got confused. She took the chocolate from her sling bag and tried to convey her. 

"Chocolate, You mean the lady who gave chocolates to me and you when i was in the hospital?" - Aru asked Jahaan who nodded yes fastly. 

"Accha..."- He called shivaay and pointed her finger towards a lady in green kurthi and White scarf. 

"Anika..." - Shivaay identified her. Ran towards her. Aru went towards her whole Jahaan's arm. 

shivaay called her name, But it didn't reach anika. He tried to stop her when she was moving towards the seashore along with the group of ladies. He was literally running but he couldn't catch her. 

"Accha... Hold Jahaan... They probably didn't allow gents over there... I will go" - Arushi gave jahaan to shivaay and ran towards the crowd. Shivaay couldn't stay in that play. She was too far. 

"MAAA... ANIKA... ANIKA..." - Aru called her name. But she didn't turn back. She went along with the ladies looking at the Sea. Aru tried to stop her but she didn't stop, Aru went through the crowd, she hit almost every lady in the process to catch her. But she couldn't able to stop her. Shivaay couldn't stay at the same place. When Jahaan clutched his shirt, She stopped panicking and tried to act normal. 

"Anika... stop..." - Aru tried to call her when she reached the sea and closed her eyes. Aru reached the sea. Over then Anika submerged in the sea to take a deep. 

"MAAA..." - Aru called her in her highest tone. But it didn't reach anika's ear. 

When Aru took a dip to find her, It was Anika's scarf which surrounds her leg and stopped her. She couldn't find anika anywhere. She took the scarf from her leg and cried badly. 


It was dark, But anika could see a light from a corner of a grotto. She had no idea how she reached here because the last she could remember her submerging in the sea. But she knew, It's the only way to get every answer for her questions. She moved in the way of light. When she reached the light, The light immediately turned off and turned on somewhere far away from her. Without even getting tired, She moved towards the light. But her legs automatically stopped walking when she heard a familiar voice in her right side. She didn't take a turn but she peeped outside. Her heart stopped beating when she saw Aru, Avi and kid who she saw in the hospital with Arushi's lifeless heads in the line. She couldn't able to move. Neither tears shed from her eyes. But when she saw shivaay's body burning alive in the bonfire in a standing posture. She couldn't stop herself. 

"Shivaaay..." - She ran at her high speed towards him. She tried to reach the fire along with shivaay. But She was shocked when a strong arm moved from the fire holding her stomach. 

"You aren't supposed to die in this birth, Ani..." - That man breathed her in her left ear. 

"Neel..." - Taking his name, She looked at him shockingly.


Avi came to the spot when shivaay answered Aru's call and told everything to him. By then Shivaay jumped into the sea to save Anika. He was searching for her but he couldn't find her.  Before Avi could jump he saw there were multiple swimmers who were searching anika at every corner. Shivaay was searching for her in North, Two rescuers were east and west and nobody could able find her. 

"There's someone's body laying over here..." - Avi heard someone's voice from the east direction. Avi and Aru ran at their high speed to reach there. Avi supported Aru when she was about to slip from the rock. 

Both of their breath hitched when they saw anika laying lifelessly on the rocks. Tears crossed from their eyes. Avi couldn't stop him from reaching her and taking anika in his lap. He quickly checked her pulse, But He didn't find anything. Aru stagnated at the same place, None of her body parts moved when she saw her in that lifeless state.

"Maa... Open your eyes, See i am here... Your Pablo... You aren't supposed to leave me again, Maa... Please... Open your eyes..." - Avi called her but none of those words reached her ears. He cried badly, Gauri who reached the place with Om and jahaan tried to calm him off when she saw his body was shivering like anything. But He jerked off her. 

Seeing them over there, Shivaay reached that place. He was rushing towards anika, He pushed almost every guy who was coming in his way. But when he saw avi carrying anika in his lap, He couldn't able to think anything. 

"She's dead" - He heard someone's voice in a whisper. 

"SHE'S NOT DEAD... UNTIL I AM HERE, SHE ISN'T SUPPORT TO LEAVE THIS WORLD..." - shivaay thundered everyone. Aru came out of her shock when she heard her father's voice in the high pitch. 

Shivaay forcefully took anika in his lap when Avi wasn't ready to leave him at any cost. But he forcefully took her in his arms. 

"Ani... Open your eyes... Everybody saying you're dead... Please prove them wrong... You... You're fine right... Open your eyes... Prove them wrong..."- Shivaay took her towards his chest and hugged her. 

"I know i hurted you a lot, But it was not the correct time to take revenge, Ani... Please... I am sorry..." - Shivaay whispered in her ears. Aru couldn't control herself from breaking down. But Avinash's anger reached his head. When he tried to take his mom from his grip, Anika heaved in a deep breath and clutched shivaay's shirt tightly but she didn't open her eyes. 


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