The trembling decision.

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Only her breath came back, But she didn't gain her consciousness. Shivaay held her in his arms and seek hospital for help. He couldn't see anyone, Neither His kids nor the people who came in his way. His only concentration, Thoughts only revolves around her, He was running along with her tightly holding her palms. But Reality strikes in when they took her inside the ward pushing him aside. Aru and om came and rescued him but his trembling eyes didn't let her go from him. Avi was blank. Seeing Everyone crying even jahaan shed her tears. She could sense something going wrong somewhere very badly. 

"She's out of danger, Will get her consciousness soon..." -  Doctor announced, Everyone got relieved to hear that news. Sense of thinking came back to shivaay. Aru thanked every god. He moved towards the crying jahaan who was in gauri's hands. He widened his hands for her. Without even thinking once, She went to shivaay and buried her head on his neck crook. He could sense her crying. Even he couldn't control his tears because of the situation. But when he saw aru and others, His tears seized inside. He didn't shed the tears after that. He sat next to Aru having Jahaan on her right shoulder. Without even thinking once, Aru thuds her head on his left shoulder. They couldn't able to think anything else. But shivaay supported his both daughters but when he turned towards Avinash, he was blank. Completely blank looking anika through the transparent glass. By then He got a call from Khushi. He had no idea, How she sensed his helpless condition every time being there miles away from him. He came aside from them.

"Hello... Avinash, I called you because, Hey! you're fine right..." - She asked him when she sensed silence from the other hand. He was blank till then, But When he heard Khushi's voice, he couldn't hold him back longer. 

"Actually we came to Rameshwaram..." - He replied to her after a long pause. 

"We?" - Khushi asked him. 

"Me, Didi, And Him" - Avinash couldn't say his name. 

"Shivaay?" - Khushi asked He hmmed. Khushi didn't say anything. 

"Mum (He stopped) Anika drowned in the ocean, We somehow managed to save her... But didn't get consciousness, yet..." - Avinash broke the information to her, She was shell-shocked on the other hand. 

"Which hospital?" - Khushi said and he told the details. 

"Khushi..." - He called her by her name after a long time. 

"Avi..." - She called him. 

"If you have any plans to come here, Come soon... I couldn't able to breathe..."  - He said, There was silence only after, Neither Khushi spoke, Nor Avinash. Neither of them cut the call. 

"Okay, Take care!" - Avinash cut the call. And came back to the family sat next to Aru. Resting her head on shivaay's shoulder. She held his palms intertwining with her fingers stating that she needs him as much she needs shivaay in her life. Avinash didn't jerk off her hands but sat there with a weak heart. 

Time went like a breeze, It had been twelve hours, Still, anika didn't get back her consciousness. Jahaan slept in shivaay's shoulders. Seeing everyone in the state, Avi stood up from his place.

"Where are you going?" - Aru asked him in a scared tone when he released the grip and stood up. 

"Relax, Di..." - he said while slightly patting her cheeks and passing a quick smile to her. He went to the canteen and brought tea for everyone in the tray. He gave tea to everyone. 

"Give Jahaan to me, Relax yourself" - He said coldly to shivaay when he refused to have tea. Aru took her head from his shoulder. 

"Jahaan... Baby, Come to Avi..." - Avi widened his arms for her. Wiping her eyes off, She came to avi from shivaay. Kissing her head, Avi took her to the cafeteria. Because he knew, she couldn't control hunger for a long time. Shivaay felt proud seeing his both children who look after her as their own kid. But he didn't say anything. 

His heartbeat skipped for a while when he saw anika's parents approaching them fastly. Shivaay kept the tea aside and stood up from the place. Her father stuck at the same place when he saw shivaay after a long time like her mom, who stagnated at the same place. Khushi came behind them. 

"He saved anika..." - Khushi whispered to them. Before he could finish the sentence, Her father emerged to him and gave a tight slap on his face. Aru tried to stop him but shivaay stopped her from doing that. 

"He saved my daughter... But I think he will definitely kill her if he stays here for a while..." - Her father said. 

"Get out" - He said. 

"I will go when she gets her conscious back... Promise, Uncle..." - Shivaay pleaded.

"Can't you get it... I asked you to get out..." - Her father repeated. 

"Uncle, Listen to him, Once... I know he did a very big mistake, But let him stay Until she gets her consciousness back... Please Uncle..." - Arushi pleaded for shivaay. But Her father wasn't ready to listen to any of their words. But he eventually had to stop his taunts when the nurse came from her ward and told them that anika got her consciousness back. Khushi couldn't do anything but her eyes searched for Avinash who was not present.

Anika's father went inside not before warning shivaay to go away from his vision. His heartbeat stopped for a while when she saw her lying in the bed in a very weak state. He couldn't able to stop her tears. When he saw him across, She tried to sit, Before she could make an effort, Her parents ran towards her and made her half sit in the bed. He didn't say anything. But tears escaped from his eyes when he saw her in the condition. 

"Don't cry! It didn't suit you..." - Anika said in a husky voice while wiping off his tears with her thumb. 

"You're the reason behind this..." - Her father replied to her. 

"I know..." - Her voice mixed with the whisper, Tears escaped from her eyes. "Sorry," she said when the tears escaped from her eyes.  He quickly wiped them off.

"Don't cry! I love you, You know that, right?" - Her father asked her, She nodded her head fastly. When he widened his arms for her, She couldn't stop herself from hugging him. She knew her father always stood by her side. But he wasn't ready to stay by her side when she decided to keep the child along with her. Not because he cared about society, but because he cared about her daughter. He thought that the child will keep her remaining about shivaay's betrayal. But he wanted to die at the spot when she cried helplessly on her child demise. Then, He was there with her like her shadow. Permitted her for anything, For the only cause that he wanted his old anika back. 

"Don't cry! Already i am in pain, seeing you here... Please don't cry and increase my pain" - Her father asked her, She quickly wiped off her tears. And broke the hug. 

"I know, You didn't drown in the sea wantedly, Of course, My daughter is heartbroken, But she's not a coward to attempt any suicide... Am i right?" - He asked her While raising her chin and faced him. She nodded. 

"But don't you think, You cried way to a lot..." - Her father asked her. 

"Your love is pure, Ani... The child wherever she born again, she will be happy! You believe in god, right... Believe in him... Don't cry for her... Everyone born in this world for a reason, And the child would have fulfilled the reason, That's why God called her back... We can't go against nature, Dear..."- Her father added. Tears escaped from her eyes. Her father quickly wiped it. 

"No tears, Hereafter... You deserve the best... You are having the bestest father by your side... Do you need anything else?" - He asked her. She nodded no. 

"I love you, Baba... Sorry for hurting you... I am so sorry!" - She said while cupping his face. Her mom and Khushi rooted right there teary-eyed.

"Say sorry by giving me my old anika back to me... I know it's difficult... But i desperately wanted to see her..." - Her father said. 

"You will definitely get your old anika back, Mr Adithya Sheshadri... But don't forget, I love you more than anything... More than mom, too..." - She said in her old cherished tone while raising her hand towards her mom. Who picked her hand and moved towards her. She kissed her palms. She cried unconditionally looking at her. 

"Sorry maa... I made you cry a lot... Now i will listen whatever you're saying, without trying not to back answering you... I promise..." - She said. Her mom nodded no and hugged her tightly. 

"Mom, I am ready to marry daksh..." - She murmured. Her mom broke the hug out of sudden. 

"What?" - She asked her to repeat. 

"You heard it right mom... I am ready to marry daksh, And give a new start to life..." - Anika told to her parents, Khushi who was present was stunned to listen to her words. 

"Anika... We have time, Let's take it slowly" - Khushi said practically. 

"I already think about it many times, ma'am... I think it's a time..." - Anika said to Khushi, Her eyes moved towards the doorstep when she saw Arushi losing her balance hearing her words. Anika's eyes locked with Arushi, She came towards her holding her scarf. Anika stopped her father who tried to stop her from reaching her. 

"I... Actually... Your Scarf... I am sorry..." - She busted off, Couldn't stop her from hugging her. She said sorry for everything, For hurting her, For not giving her mother position in her life, For misjudging her, For everything. Hearing her sobs, Anika's heart started to beat fast. Tears crossed her eyes. Without even her knowledge she hugged her back tightly. No words came from her, But Arushi cried as much she could, In her arms. Anika didn't break her hug Until she does. 

"Actually... I couldn't..." - Her voice trailed off. 

"Don't need to explain anything... I can understand..." - Anika rescued her. Aru quickly wiped off her tears when she heard jahaan's footsteps from her back. She ran towards anika and stood next to aru. Jahaan smiled at her. Anika smiled at her back. 

"Come here" - Anika widened her hands for Jahaan. Jahaan went to Anika when Aru nodded her to go. Anika took her and made her sit in the lap. 

"How are you?" - Anika asked her. She gestured her fine. Aru wished to tell her that she's her daughter which she yearning for her wholeheartedly. But she couldn't. Jahaan took a chocolate from sling bag and gave it to anika with a smile.

"Your daughter?" - Anika asked her. 

"I wish" - Aru replied to her. Anika's facial expression changed. 

"Do you really want to marry him?  Can't you rethink about it" - Aru posted an unexpected question to her. 

"I love my parents... I can do at least this for them..."  - Anika replied back in a low tone. 

"Why you're asking me to rethink?" - Anika asked her. 

"Because i love my parents too..." - She said while tears crossed her eyes. A Plag of pain hit her heart. Aru quickly wiped off her tears. 

"She needs to rest..." - Her father announced her. Aru asked her to get down from her lap. She took her in her hands she moved towards the door holding jahaan's hand. But Aru couldn't step out. Wiping off her tears, She runs back to anika and kissed her on her forehead. Anika closed her eyes, Tears ran towards her cheeks. Everyone got confused. But the people who were outside couldn't hold their tears.


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