The Real feelings of the heart.

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YOU WILL FEEL THE PAIN WHEN YOU EXPERIENCING IT FOR REAL... Gauri said to om when shivaay turned off to silence for the whole journey rethinking her decision again and again in his mind. He didn't even speak anything to Aru. They took flight from Rameshwaram to Bangalore. On the other hand, Avi, Didn't even to see her When Khushi asked him to go, Particularly. He stayed rooted in the same place. 

"Why you didn't go to see her?" - Aru asked him. 

"I wouldn't have stopped myself... For me, She's fine, That's enough for me..." - Avi said while resting on his seat with the oscillating mind. Aru didn't ask him anything further. He didn't even have a proper conversation with Khushi but Khushi understood him. Where on the other hand, Khushi was confused. But Anika smiled rethinking the incident, She literally couldn't come out of Arushi's kiss in her forehead. 

"Avi was broken..." - Khushi spelt to her. 

"He also came?" - Anika asked her. 

"Yeah, But he refused to come inside..." - Khushi said. Anika gulped the lump in her throat. Anika looked around and asked her about shivaay. 

"Shivaay went along with them..." - Khushi said, Her expression changed. 

"Why are you asking about him when you literally wanted him to go from this place..." - Khushi asked her coldly.

"When you changed your side..." - Anika asked her when she sensing her tone. 

"From the beginning, i was always in your side... The thing is going a little forward... Engagement, That too, In the next week..."  - Khushi asked her in a confused state. Anika stayed silent. 

"More than everyone's behaviour, Your behaviour confusing me... Your father talked like this zillion times to you in the past, The Anika who didn't give an ear to them then, Now out of sudden, Got ready to marry a stranger whom she didn't even see him..." - Khushi asked her. 

"I saw him..." - Words uttered from Anika's mouth. 

"Where?" - Anika asked her. 

"In the photo..." - Anika gave a quick reply. 

"Seriously, Anika..."- Khushi asked her.

"Now what you want me to do, To go and unite with shivaay... After he did that much to me..." - Anika asked her in a high tone. Khushi stopped her conversation. Anika didn't mean to yell at khushi but She really some moment to think. Khushi could sense something is very bad with her behaviour, But she opted to stay silent. Her father came after paying the bills. Anika smiled widely at her father when he pecked her forehead. They made their way towards madras. 

"Hey, what happened to your research?" - Khushi asked her on their way back to Chennai. Khushi got her smile in return. Anika didn't reply to any of her questions. But opened her fist and smiled at shivaay's engagement ring, which he held it in his neck like a locket.

Shivaay wanted to go back to his apartment, Aru didn't stop him. But Jahaan did, holding his wrist tightly. He turned back and took her in his arms. She didn't wait for a second, But she kissed his cheeks. 

"Hey, I am not going anywhere... Just having some work, After finishing that, I will come back, Promise..." - He said and kissed back her cheeks. He saw Avi leaning against his car, Thinking about something so deeply. He moved towards him, He quickly straightened his posture and stared the ground instead of looking at him. 

"I don't know what to say... I don't have any justifications, too... But I never meant to hurt your mom to the deepest by leaving her in the time when she needed the most... But it happened, Avi... I wish i could go back to the time and changed my decisions... I know it's difficult to forget but At least, Try to forgive me..." - He said and gave jahaan to him. he took her in his arms and this time, He made up the courage to match his eyelids. Tears welled up in his eyes. 

"While Reading your story in mom's perspective, I understood, How you both cared for each other than loving each other... For you, It's always about her... For her, It's always about you... Before reading that, I am not the person whom you're seeing now... You know Khushi... I love her, But I don't have the courage to take up the relationship... It was mom's tears which she shed in your absence stopped me... But After reading and realizing each of your perspectives, I come to know, That the real love is wishing for the partner welfare and doing anything for them... So I can understand, But i am still upset about your mistakes... Relax, Go... Take your time, But COME BACK" - Avinash said while wiping off his tears. Listening to him, Everyone except Jahaan shed tears. But shivaay left while giving a quick smile as he couldn't stay longer in there. 

"Wait..." - Avi stopped him. Shivaay stopped. He quickly went inside his house and returned back within a few minutes with her diary. 

"I think you need this..." - Avi gave the diary to him. Initially, shivaay hesitated to take it from him, But he eventually took it from his hands and proceeded his way back to his house. He wasn't ready to read the diary. He kept that diary on his table. 

Days went, But shivaay couldn't build up his courage to read her diary in the fear of getting more pain. But eventually, he had to read when he felt completely weak and the news about her engagement hit her ears from one of their common friend in college. Reality strikes in, And he realized his mistake, a day before her engagement. He understood the reason behind their birth. But he couldn't do anything as he destroyed everything on his own hands. He opened the first page of the letter, He was quite surprised as she didn't write anything about him in the first two entries. 

But In the third entry, She wrote about her slap, He felt his hands on his cheeks but the hallucinated pain gave him pleasure than pain. He could feel her. But he was helpless. Then her first bike ride on his birthday, The two envelopes, Her gift. the tie. he couldn't stop himself from going to their beautiful past in their previous birth. 

"Wear tie, Shivaay..." - Anika asked him when she saw him preparing for his first day in Bangalore. He combed his hair looking at the mirror. They just got married before the six months And the pregnant anika half sitting on the bed. 

"Anu... You know right, I don't how to wear it and also i don't have the one..." - Shivaay replied to her while looking at her reflection in the mirror. 

"Where's that tie which i gifted to you on your birthday?" - Anika asked him in a slight anger tone. He smiled at her to change her mood. 

"Not working!" - She replied to his smile. 

"Where's the tie?" - She again asked. 

"Cupboard..." - He replied to her, He stopped her when she stepped down her toes. He quickly came towards her, Opened the cupboard and handed the tie to her. she took the brown colour tie from the box. He sat close to her and looked at the tie as well as her glowing face closely. 

"I thought you gift it for kinky stuff..."  - Shivaay whispered, She glared at him. 

"This mind will always stay on the same track..." - Anika asked while pushing his head with her thumb which was approaching her for a kiss. 

"Whenever i see your glowing face, Hormones automatically hooking up, What shall i do?" - He whispered while tugging her hair back to her earlobe. 

"I know... And also able to sense the outcome of it..." - She said while caressing her six-month-old stomach. He immediately kissed her baby bump. She caressed his hair with a smile. 

"Don't know, How i am going to stay away from you both?" - He whispered while laying on her lap, hugging her stomach. 

"Shivaay, Just for a few hours, Why are you worrying like this? Gauri is here, right... For taking care of me..." - Anika asked him. 

"Now... sit" - She said. He sat opposite to her. She took the tie and tied it around his collars. He stayed silent and smiled. 

"I have a solution to your problem!" - Anika said He looked at her. 

"Let's use this tie for kinky stuff first..." - She said and tied the tie around her neck too and pushed the knot toward her. He came close to her, Their lips touched. It happened in a fraction of second for shivaay, Before he could come to his sense, She shut her eyes and kissed him. He kissed at her back cupping her face, His eyes were open and saw her expression. For him, It was too pleasing to watch.

He could still feel her lips on his while remembering their beautiful days with each other. He touched his lips but he didn't find her. He realized how much he held back himself. His brain said, he deserves this pain, but his heart asked him to go to her and bring her back. In the fight, He failed to make a decision and ended up in reading the next entry. The entry which anika accepted his proposal. 

"You know, people say Mahmud Beveda had been cheated because queen Rudabai committed suicide before they were about to get married. Even if queen rudabai forced to get married to Mahmud beveda, He would have been cheated by her every single day, Ask me why?" - i asked him while holding his palms tighter than him.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because whenever he touches her or sleeps with her, She could only feel King Rana veer Singh's presence... It's impossible to erase the true love evidence from a girl's heart... Likewise, It's not hard, It's impossible for anyone to erase the feelings which i am having and will always have for you, And you already Own my heart..." i finally confessed my feelings to him. I don't know it's because of the outcome of my heart which started to miss him to the core but i really want to seize the moment. From this second, I can officially think about my life with him. And there are no second thoughts, he is my life. 

He read the particular part again and again. He could sense the clearness in his heart. Her words, Her expression and everything told him that she couldn't even able to think any man in her life other than him. 

"Our destinies bound with each other, Whatever way we take in our life, Ultimately, we have to meet in the same end" - Her words again hit his ears. He stood up and called om in the very next second. 

Anika on the other hand, Took a long chain, Opened her drawer and took her engagement ring from the jewellery box. she opened the long neck chain, First inserted shivaay's ring and then inserted her ring as a locket. 

"At least, You too stay with each other..." - Anika whispered and put the chain around her neck which was hanging nearer to her heart. she then wore her engagement saree, then the jewellery and most importantly masked a smiley face and went out. 

"You're looking pretty..." - Her mom exclaimed. She fakely blushed when she saw daksh saw her from a corner in her drawing-room. He smilingly approached her. She went towards him with a smile, Nobody could say that she's acting. They sat in haven. Daksh didn't say anything. But when the priest asked daksh to put tika in her forehead, She gulped her throat harder and held her fist tightly. But the smile was constant in her face. He kept tika in her forehead.

"You're looking wonderful in saree..." - Daksh whispered in her ears. 

"You're looking handsome in dhoti..." - She lied wantedly even though he was looking like a monkey in any costume. 

"Thanks for the compliment..." - He said and smiled but Only anika know she's smiling sarcastically at him. 

When they were about to exchange the ring. She heard a familiar disturbance in her heart. She couldn't able to figure it out. Out of her control, Her hands shivered when he picked her hand. he slipped the ring in her left hand. she gritted her teeth when she felt disgusted when he touched her. when it was her turn, She didn't hold his hand but slipped the ring with her thumb and index. He was confused. She eradicated everything with her smile. He got convinced. 

She held her lockets when he held her waist for the photograph but the smile didn't fade away. She went to Khushi when she saw her coming late to the function. 

"Why are you late?" - She asked her. 

"Anika, shivaay came here... He wanted to talk to you..." - Khushi said. Her heart stops beating for a while. 

"What's left to talk? Ask him to leave..." - She said. 

"I stopped him outside, If you didn't go, he will come inside... whatever it is, talk and end it..." - Khushi said. 

"Outside..." - She asked. 

"Yeah... Over there..."- Khushi turned back towards the car where he sat inside. She looked at him, Their eyes never failed to lock with each other even though they were meters away. Without even her knowledge, She moved towards him. But daksh stopped her from leaving the place holding her shoulders. 

"Neel..." - All the three, Om, Gauri and shivaay whispered in shock when they saw him. But he didn't see any of them. 


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