Chapter 3 Suprise Suprises!

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      I opened the door to my home, and ran all the way into my room. I jumped up into the air as I threw my backpack on the ground. I landed with a big omf* on my bed. I looked up at my ceiling and let myself relax. I grabbed out my phone, and texted Milly seeing if she wanted hang out. I set my phone beside, and slid my hand behind my head. I heard the ringtone for Milly, so I quickly snatched up my phone to see her answer.

Srry but I can't😕

I quickly texted her back asking why?

Milly's P.O.V
Buzzzz! I looked down at the text Wil's sent me.

Why 😭?~ThisGirlOnFire522

      I looked at my desk to see the project I was working on. I looked back at my phone and told her I was working on a project. Hopefully she doesn't ask what class it's for. I waited for the buzz of my phone, which came in a matter if seconds. I looked at my phone to see how she responded.

That's ok school come first!😜 Bye!~ThisGirlOnFire522

      I let out the breathe I didn't realize I was holding, and went back to working on the project. Tomorrow I'll 'turn them in' to the peoples that need them. The only problem is how am I going to get Willow at the meeting spot without telling her? Even if this fails this is going to be the best party ever!

~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~

Willow's P.O.V
     I grabbed my phone, and saw Milly had texted the same thing repeatedly for the last half hour. I decided to give up and text I'm coming. She had replied with "Wear something nice!" I was confused, but then again Milly and I do stupid weird stuff on each other's birthday. Last year we set up a booths and let people's slam our faces into cake! It was honestly the greatest time I had ever had! I got off my bed and went into the closet to change. I came out wearing something a bit causal, but still cute! I got to the stairs and ran to spot where Milly said she'd be meeting me. I stopped every once and awhile to look at the scenery of all the different colored leaves on the tall trees above me. It took my breath away every time! I felt the cold Autumn chill run over my arms creating small goosebumps. I slightly shivered, but I kept on walking. I eventually reached the spot where Milly would meet me. I looked around for her, but she was no where in sight. I decided to wait a bit incase she was still on her way.

Milly's P.O.V
      I ran from the party spot after yelling for everyone to hide. I hoped that Wil's wouldn't leave the spot before I got there! I saw a small shortcut through the woods, and a double bonus was that I might be able to scare her! I eventually was able to see her through the dense forest around me. I silently peeked through the bushes, and slowly crept toward her carful to avoid any twigs or leaves that could make I sound. As soon as I was close enough I tapped her on the shoulder. With a LOUD screech she jumped about a good foot in the air.

Willow's P.O.V
      I screamed as someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around only to be faced with a smirking Milly. I am rubbing off way to much on her! I silently thought.
      "What was that for!?" I madly screeched at my now giggling best friend.
      "I thought it would be fun!" She had said soon before she started laughing so hard she was crying.
      "Don't ever do that again!" I said through gritted teeth.
      "I'll make no promises Wil's!" She said through her insane laughter. After Milly had calmed down we walked to a different spot. Milly took the lead as I drew close behind. I started to waver a bit, but I quickly regained my balance and pushed myself onwards. We eventually came to a small multicolored park. We walked through the small archway at the front. I looked around admiring all it's beauty! Even though it's fall this place was beautiful! I watched as the little waterfall poured into the small brook. I then noticed that there were tables lined up against the walls. They had millions of sweets on top! Cakes, chips, small candies, pastries of all kinds! It was a miny paradise! I turned with a what-did-you-do face, but it was answered with a SUPRISE of people jumping out everywhere! I screamed at the top of my lungs both out of happiness and shock! I ran up to Milly who was holding the birthday crown which is tradition at our birthday parties. I went down on one knee, and Milly placed the fake silver and loved crown on my head. I then stood up and at that moment Milly had cried "Your birthday queen has arrived all bow down to her majesty!" I giggled at her silliness. She then turned to me.
      "What shall we do first my queen?" She said with a slight bow. I smirked and turned to the crowd. "LET THEM EAT CAKE!!" I yelled as loud as I could! We then all ran towards the cake which was decorated like fall. After the cake we all went to the middle of the park and started to dance. They somehow got a DJ booth in here and the DJ was playing like no tomorrow!
       My head started to hurt from the sound, or at least I think it was. As I kept dancing I started to feel faint. I fell to the ground as black dots clouded my vision.

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