Chapter 4 Now Pass on the Dancing Fever! Thats Not What I Meant.

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Milly's P.O.V

I saw Wil's start to stagger and only to fall a few moments later! I ran towards my best friend trying to at least catch her head so she doesn't bust it open. I pushed people out the way yelling sorry afterwards! I reached my friend just in time, and that's when people started to notice. I looked around for something to put her in to take her home, but all I could see was a wheel barrel with all the presents inside. A few people including myself started stacking the present mountain, and instead turned it into a chair. We then carefully put Wil's on top and started to head off to her home. Some of the boys at the party decided to help by pushing her and the presents in the wheel barrel. We all headed to Wil's house which was a bit of a ways away, but we had to get her home. We drove over twigs and holes in the sidewalk as we hurried to her home. We reached her home in about 15 minutes. I quickly scrambled up the steps to the front door skipping 2 steps at a time. I pounded on the door and rang the doorbell tell my hands hurt. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the front door open.
"Milly? What are you doing here, and why isn't Willow with you?!" Wil's mother Ms. Amory said with panic in her voice.
"Ummmm... She 'crashed' during the party..." I looked up at Ms. Amory's confused face, but once she spotted Willow on the present throne passed out her face was filled with a mixture of fear and panic! I stepped out of the way in fear that I may get trampled to the ground. As soon as I did I watched her mom rush over to the throne pick up her daughter and usher her to inside. I quickly told the boys carrying the wheelbarrow to take the presents into the backyard. I then followed her mother inside, for Wil's was like a sister to me and we'd never forget them in time of need! She was always there for me now it is my turn to return the favor! I turned around and closed the front door once I was inside. I watched as all of the household turn into a state of panic as they brought Wil's to her bed. Although they should've called an ambulance they decided she might just need some rest, and if she didn't wake up soon they'd take her to the hospital. I headed back downstairs to tell my mom what happened, and to say I might stay here a little while. She said she was alright with it, but I'd have to come soon. I hung up my phone and headed back upstairs to Wil's room. I stayed there for a little bit before I decided to go back home. I grabbed my stuff and walked outside. I never realized how late it was till I walked out. The sky was turning shades of oranges, yellows, reds, pinks, and purples! I steadily headed down the roads, paths, and sidewalks that lead to my home. Once I reached the door I twisted the handle and opened the door with an ease. I went and ate my dinner which I had to warm up, and then headed to my room. I laid on my bed wide awake waiting to fall asleep. My mind eventually after hours of exhaustion drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Willow's P.O.V
Everything was black! My body was numb; I could hear everything that was going on. I longed to open my eyes and to say I was alright, but I wasn't. I started to feel a tingling sensation in my feet, and it gradually started to rise up and throughout my body. It was so warm! I was hoping whatever this is that it was good and not bad...

A/N~ Mwahahahaha cliff hangers attack!😈

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