64 : A sadness before happiness

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He reached at the garden alone in pitch dark and let his eyes shred tears until a cold hand touched his shoulders..... shrutkarma suddenly wiped his tears....
He looked back to see Pradyumna standing with a sad smile on his face ....

" Kirti...I completely understand you and my sister..I know how much she loves you.....I hope you both can convince our family and you both  are matured enough to take an appropriate decision.... I'll be with you...just keep this in mind that a sadness will always comes before happiness... don't lose hope "Pradyumna said breaking the silence...

Hr didn't say anything.... Pradyumna moved aside to see a crying Charumathi standing behind him.... Pradyumna went from there giving some privacy for them and shrutkarma stood there...all numb to react....
Charumathi ran and hugged him tightly and sobbed.....

" Kirti.... please..I get to know about this alliance today  morning...I know you love pithasree...I know you will even sacrifice your life if he asks....but please... don't sacrifice me .... please kirti ..I love you.." she managed to say between sobs...

He didn't reply anything....he just caressed her hairs and stood silently... looking into darkness....
On the other side of garden,
Abhimanyu strolled in garden  thinking about something....he didn't confronted a girl in these years rather than his sisters....the mighty archer , felt nervous for the first time in his life.....
Moments before, he heard king virat telling that he is very much happy to send his  daughter as kulvadhu of Kuruvansh .....his father and mother's Daughter in law and his ardhangini....

He stared blankly at the dark sky and Cresent moon which  was peeping through the clouds.....
Suddenly he heard the sound of anklets and his heart started to race faster inside his chest....
He turned to see uttara standing with a slight shy on her face ... looking down ...
He walked towards her....his throat dried....he walked up to her ....he closed his eyes and breathed in....

" Rajkumari.." he called...
She looked up and slightly smiled.....

" I know..it happened all sudden ...I don't know what are you feeling right now ..but I'm surprised...you know I got separated from my parents when I was only 3 years old..... and when I grown up, I've heard from my mamashree that how my own paternal uncles insulted my mata" uttara saw Abhimanyu clenching his fist while saying the last line

He continued
."..she is always my first priority than anything and anyone and it will remain till my death....so in all these years ...I only waited for the moment to take revenge for my parent's insult .. nothing else was there in my mind other than that and also  I never confronted or even talked to a girl other than my mother, jyesht mata , maasis and my sisters .....but today my mother asked me for this marriage..in these years ,the only thing she asked was this...but that doesn't mean that I agreed for this alliance out of my Mata's compulsion...I've seen you once in matsya...and I think you....you will be a perfect match for me....I'll try my best to fulfill my duties as a husband....but I can't assure you that I'll be always with you...you know..I'm a warrior..but till my death..I'll protect you...and will love you..so Rajkumari...are you ready to be my....my wife..."
He said in one go and Abhimanyu wondered from where did he got the courage to say this all..

Uttara looked up and slightly smiled at him...
" I completely understand Rajkumar...I too will try my level best to fulfill my duties as a wife....and I'll consider your family as my own family...."

" So are you ready to marry me..." He asked tilting his head slightly as Uttara was looking down in shy...

" Yes..." She said  in a soft voice , without meeting his gaze and a warm smile adorned Abhimanyu's lips..he got impressed by her sweet gesture and Caring towards his family....
In Krishnaa's and Dhananjay's chamber,
Krishnaa walked here and there in her room in tension...  she was tensed about Abhimanyu and Matsya kumari uttara..

She paced back and forth until dhananjay stopped her by holding her shoulders....
" Krishnaa don't get tensed .. everything will be alright..." He consoled her...

" I hope everything will be fine arya.." she said back and suddenly a daasi came and knocked the door....

" Yuvrani.... Rajkumar Abhimanyu is asking permission to see you" krishnaa heard the voice from behind the door and she said
" Let him.."

Abhimanyu quickly  came running into the room and hugged his mother tightly and swirled a round with her...krishnaa got surprised....

" Are..abhi...what's this... leave me.." she said and freed herself from grip...

He freed her and hugged dhananjay tightly and took his blessings...he surprisingly looked at his son and blessed him....

" Mata.. pithasree...I've a good news for you..." He said in an exciting tone...

The looked at him curiously and he broke that surprise..
" Mata... pithasree..as your wish..I'm ready to get engaged with rajkumari uttara and she also agreed for this alliance...." He said making them surprise and they too hugged him....

Krishnaa's eyes shred tears of joy and it made their way down through her cheeks and she kissed his forehead in happiness.....

On the other side...,
Shrutkarma walked silently through the corridor which was leading towards his parent's room...
Yes, today he have to confess his love to his family....this mighty son of dhananjay is determined that today he will confess his feelings towards yadav kumari Charumathi to his parents....

His Thoughts of loosing Charumathi, his parents reaction..his beloved mamashree's face ... everything flashed infront of his eyes....he closed his eyes and a lone tear escaped from his eyes ...he was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even realised when he came infront of their room..
He slowly looked inside and saw his parents were looking extremely happy for his brother.....
Shrutkarma smiled and silently went from there as he didn't want to ruin those moments....
He silently walked back to his  room with a heavy heart....
In krishna Rukmini's Chamber..,
Rukmini kept looking at her husband who was peacefully lying on a couch, closing his lotus shaped eyes.. supporting his head with his hands ...he carried a small smile on his lips...

"Arya..." She finally broke the silence sitting next to him on the couch....but no response...

" arya .. please listen to me...." She said and he hummed without opening his eyes...

" Why did you say such a big lie to our family...why you said that we fixed charu's marriage..why you made me a part of this drama.." she asked and krishna smiled a bit...

" Arya..now don't make me spell bound with your smile...I want answers tell me..." She asked in irritation...

Krishna slowly opened his eyes and looked at her and smiled...he slowly got up from the couch and sat beside her...he placed his hands over hers and replied....

" Because... sometimes..some lies can bring truth out priye"

" Arthaart?(means?)" She asked

"Means some lies will help us to find truth and who knows may be that  truth  changes our charu's fate?" Krishna asked with a mesmerizing smile and Rukmini sighed....

" As usual... I didn't understand a word arya...you and your puzzles..." Rukmini got up from the couch and walked towards the bed...but she abruptly stopped and turned towards him....

" But let me tell you...Charu is very much upset...you yourself pacify your ladli arya..."she said and went to bed ...with a mesmerizing smile..he too got up from the couch to complete his beauty sleep...

On the other side of the palace,
Vasundhara sat inside her inner chamber with a lotus flower in her hands ....she remembered how she was happy when she got her first son,her vasusena.....
She smiled and suddenly her smile vanished thinking about how will karn accept these truth....
Will he accept this?
Will her other sons hates her for hiding this from  them so long?
Will he hate me for not protecting him?

So many questions araised in her mind ...she finally decided to open up to her sons about the truth of karna tomorrow....
Yes tomorrow is the best day as everyone is here and karn too will come... yes it's the best time....
So dhara is about to reveal about karna..and how will the brothers react? Any idea?
How's the chapter guys..
Sorry for the late update.....
Hope you all like it.....

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