65: Getting Ready For The War

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Next day,
A new fresh rays of sunlight touched on the earth....the birds chirped and chanting of mantras echoed in the walls of temple....the scent of fragrance sticks and fresh flowers, the ringing sound of bells made the whole atmosphere divine....

Dhara stood infront the deity , closing her eyes and joining her hands....
She prayed her heart out to almighty...

" O lord shiva, give me courage.. today I'm going to reveal the biggest truth to my sons....I know they will be very happy knowing that their best friend ang raj is not only their best friend but also their elder brother too...but still..I'm afraid ..I'm afraid that how will they react..react to the fact that I hide that from them....but I too wanted confirmation..that's why I didn't tell them....hey bholenath..give me courage.... please be with me...."

Dhara offered pooja to shivling and went out of the temple....she reached at the royal court and took a deep breath...she knows karn, along with vrushali will come here in any time....
She called one daasi and ordered her to call all her four sons and her daughter along with her in laws...
Daasi nodded and after sometime, Krishna along with prithvi, dhananjay,Nakul and sahadev came to her chamber....They altogether touched her feet and she blessed them.

" Maata ...you called us?" Prithvi asked

" Yes putr....but where are the others..." She asked...

" They will come ..they are with children.." Nakul said to which dhara nodded...
After a minute, devika , draupadi, Rukmini , Malini and Subhadra too came inside and greeted her....

" Putro... I've....I've to tell something important..to you all.." she said

" Tell us mata..." prithvi replied

" Putra....do you all remember I said you something in childhood...that you all have a big brother..elder than prithvi..." Dhara said while looking down in tension...

" What ??? Arya have a big brother..?." Devika asked out of shock

" Yes putri..I begot a son before prithvi ...."dhara said with confidence in her face...

" But .. where is he and who is he.." krishnaa asked as she  couldn't suppress her curiosity...

" But you told us that he is no more...." Dhananjay asked....

" But we didn't understand anything...what exactly happened mata.." Malini asked...

" I'll tell you all.." dhara said and started to say how she got her first son and how she lost him...
The brothers stood there silent and krishna smiled as if he knew everything... Rukmini's eyes brimmed with tears while dhara's daughter in laws felt sad...

" so why are you saying about bhrata vasusena now mata?" Rukmini asked and dhara nervously looked at them...

" Be.. because...he..he.. he's ALIVE" dhara said and she looked at everyone to see their bewildered expression and confused glances....

" Yes...he is alive and i found him..." Dhara said gaining courage...

Prithvi moved towards her with a confusing expression and tears brimmed in his eyes...

" Who is he mata...where is he... where is our jyesht bhrata..." He asked

" He..he was ...there... before our eyes and I failed to recognise him...I..I.." dhara cried and prithvi engulfed her into a warm embrace....

" Mata...you are making us confused..he was infront of our eyes...who ?" He asked....

" ANG...ANGRAJ...KARN..." she said and that's it....a the brothers went numb... prithvi's grip loosened on his mother and looked at her with a shocking expression....
Dhananjay cried out of happiness and ran to his mother....

" Mata...is it...is it true that...karn ..bhrata ...he is our..bhrata......mata ..is it?" He asked...he found difficult to frame his words....

" Yes putro...ang raj karn tumhari jyesht bhrata hai..." She said ..

Everyone looked each other in happiness and suddenly she joined her hands before them....

" But sorry my children...I didn't tell you ...I came to know about this truth at the day when we came back to Indraprastha after that lakshagraha incident....but I wanted confirmation.... so during your exile time, I went to ang rajy and learned from queen radha itself that they got karn from forest and...he is my...my own son..." Dhara wept badly... Krishna  stood there right behind her...

He thought for a while and then a small smile formed on his lips...
He moved towards her and placed one hand on her shoulder...

" Bua... whatever happened it's fate...no one can rectify it now...but ha...you can plan your future...may be ang raj karn also wanted to know his real identity...it's not your fault that you hide that from your sons ..we totally understand that it's your circumstances made you hide that from Us....don't worry.." he consoled her..

"Madhav is right mata... there's is nothing in it to feel yourself an acquist...we totally understand..afterall we are your sons....if uts not us,then who will understand you mata..in fact we are very very happy that heis our jyesht bhrata" dhananjay said and dhara broke down into tears....

Her four sons ran towards her and hugged her from all sides..she caressed their hairs....

" Mata...can I ask you something...did bhrata karn knows it?" Nakul asked which made dhara look up...

" No putr...still he didn't know..I guess" she said

" But he have to..." Sahadev  said and suddenly they heard a voice....

" I knew it..." Everyone looked at the direction Where the voice was heard....it was nine other than karna...

" Putr..." A word escaped from her mouth....

He slowly came towards her,his eyes held a million of emotions and his mother could see it....
When he reached near her ..he bend down to touch her feet and she stopped in middle....
She immediately held him into a warm embrace.....

" Mata..." He called in a shivering tone...

"Putr" dhara called back and everyone who witnessed that scene had tears filled in their eyes....

" Mata...I know...you had lost me..and Radha maa and pithasree got me from the forest... I know you didn't abandoned me but fate seperated us...but destiny bought us together... Destiny bought me and my family together..." He said....

Dhara nodded and called the other 4 brothers towards her...they happily went all the 5 brothers shared a group hug... Krishna smiled seeing that ....
Rukmini who already had tears in her eyes stood infront of them...she saw vrushali standing at the door side with a wide smile and happy tears on her face...

Rukmini went and called her inside...
Now the others moved aside and karna along with vrushali took the blessings of dhara....
Dhara hugged them in ecstasy....
The others too took blessings of karna and now they became a happy family....

" Putr prithvi.. write a letter to Indraprastha to pithasree that we got our vasusen back...my son back.." dhara said to which prithvi nodded...
Days passed,
Karn stayed at Swarnaprastha for some more  days for  and as everyone present there , they started to plan about war...Within these time , they also betrothed Abhimanyu-uttara and prathivindhya-vedavathi marriage....

Bheeshm secretly send vidur to Swarnaprastha with a lot of gifts for the family.....

On such a day as everyone was present there , the brothers started to plan for war....they already told karna about how Shakuni and dhuryodhan planned and  killed their father... karn's blood boiled in anger...

They called Royal astrologer for deciding an appropriate date for starting war...

But bheeshm suggested them that before taking an step forward first they have to do a last try....a compromise talk ..krishna also supported for it but the brothers strictly denied it...

" Impossible... how can we forgot everything so easily madhav...??." Dhananjay questioned in distress...

" Yes bhrata vasudev...this war is necessary...not only for seeking Justice but also for fixing righteousness in aryavarth.." Nakul stated his opinion...

" But before that we can try a last time Nakul...it's not a bad idea.." krishna again tried to calm them...

" How vasudev...you heard it right...our father ...how they mercilessly killed him and how my sister in laws got insulted in the whole court...how can we...." Karn asked this time, supporting his brothers....

" But I think vasudev is right....we should give them a chance ...a last chance" prithvi saod calmly breaking the silence after a long time..

" But jyesth bhrata...." Sahadev was about to say devika interuppted...

" Arya and bhrata vasudev is saying right sahadev...we should try a last time.." she said....

With devika, draupadi ,Subhadra and Malini too came and also stated the same opinion....
So ,the brothers too finally agreed to take a 'shanthiprastav' to Indraprastha....and they decided that sri krishna will go on behalf of them

But reaching there , krishna faced great insult from dhuryodhan....he even tried to captivate krishna ...but he is Sri krishna ..the almighty....
And this enraged the brothers more...they finally decided to rage war as soon as possible and they decided for the date and too selected the place called kurukshetra for war ...

Soon royal astrologer was called to decide an appropriate date for war....
He took a date within two months...

" So it's decided that after 2 months exactly from this date...the great mahabharat will take place. ." prithvi announced...

They send the declaration of war to Indraprastha via a messenger....

Everyone assembled in their royal court to discuss about the war...not only elders, the children also seemed very much eager for the battle....but this scared the queens of Swarnaprastha...the knew about their husbands..but what about their children...that too small to fight a war....

" Now get ready for the war which is going to start within two months ..I suggest dhananjay to take care of our army and provide necessary training for them..." Krishnaa heard prithvi saying to Dhananjay and suddenly her eyes fell on her sons who seemed very much interested in war....

Suddenly something stuck on her head.... Abhimanyu!!!!!!
He will complete 16 only after 4 months...
She remembered the words of royal astrologer which he said before Abhimanyu was born....

"Rajkumari krishnaa... don't let him participate in any war till he completes age of 16..." 

" No.." she mumbled to herself under her breathe and looked sadly at her son...
No she can't even think about the worst possibilities...no...her first son,the first one who gave her the bliss of mother hood ..her Abhimanyu...no she can't lose him....

"Samrat...can I say something.." krishnaa spoke up gathering courage...

" Yes..tell me krishnaa.." prithvi replied

" Samrat...we know this war is necessary but we can avoid the worst possibilities to an extent right?... our kids are too small to fight a war...so I suggest to avoid them from this war.." she said Looking at children...Dhananjay looked at his wife, perplexed

Prathivindhya, Shrutkarma Abhimanyu ,satanik , shrutsena's  face lost  all its colours and looked blankly at krishnaa....

" But. jyesth mata...we are well prepared for this war .. nothing will happen to us.. trust me.." prathivindhya assured her...

" No putra... draupadi is right...no you all can't participate..you all are top small to fight in battle..." Devika supported krishnaa...

" But mata  Gurudev taught us that age doesn't matters...what matters in a battle field is valour.." shrutkarma said

" Yes mata...and also what will happen to us..? Please mata let us participate..we promise you that we will make you all proud.." Abhimanyu said and krishnaa glared at him...

Krishna understood his sakhi's state of mind... but Destiny can't be tied up...

" Sakhi...let them give a chance to prove themselves..there will be so many warriors in the battlefield who is Destined to be killed by your son's  hands" he suggested

" No sakha..how can we sit calmly by sending them to battlefield...I can't ....no I won't allow...." Krishnaa firmly stated and Subhadra too supported her...
" Yes bhratasree..i think jiji is correct they are too small ..."

" Krishnaa... nothing will happen to them...why are you so stubborn.." dhananjay asked in confusion..

" You didn't understand it arya...it's a mother's mind...you won't understand.." krishnaa said making dhananjay perplexed..

" But mata .. please...this is not fair.." Abhimanyu whined...

" Abhi....do what we elders say....you can't go to battlefield and you won't... especially you...you understand..???" Krishnaa raised her voice at him and Everyone looked at her in astonishment...

Krishnaa was never like this before..that too before prithvi...in the royal court...
She immediately went out of the chamber leaving dhananjay and Abhimanyu baffled...

" Bhrata...just a minute.ill be back..I think she was feeling insecure about our children..." Dhananjay said and stood from his throne, and marched towards his Chamber....
At Indraprastha,
Dhuryodhan threw the parchment that he received just some time ago from a messenger....
He clenched his fist and hit hardly on the wall beside.....

" Shanth mere bachche...." He heard a voice from behind...

" No ..not now mamashree..I'm hearing this words of you from  the day I started to recognise this world....but not now... Never...!!!!" Dhuryodhan sounded rude this time on his mamashree...

Shakuni gritted his teeth and plastered a smile....

" I'm not saying to keep quiet..we have to fight back...but we not want support ..we want a powerful army...as we know..that karn was also their elder brother and matsya and avanti kingdom will also support them...but now we too want power...we too want a large army...." Shakuni said

" Yes... mamashree..we are also powerful in a way... pitamah bheeshm is with us...and also guru dron and his son aswadhdhama...you know he have bhramastra...." Dhuryodhan said proudly..

" But dhananjay too have pasupatastra..." Shakuni suddenly remembered him...

" No child..never see your opponent as a weak one...and of course they aren't... now what we wanted to do is to multiple our army...I've send message to gandhar and uluka and visha will be here at anytime.." Shakuni said with his evil smirk...

" Really...???they are coming....then no problem mamashree..let them come...they will be my strength.." dhuryodhan said and laughed..... Shakuni too smirked planning something big....
How's the chapter guys???
And eager to know who is uluka and vrisha...well do you guys have any guess..? If so do tell me in comments
And also I hope you all like it....

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