Chapter 16: Flames, Fire, & Fury

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" had another nightmare? Again...?"

"Sure, mistakes and consequences may not be the same thing."

"I'm proud of you, Carson."

"Carson, I'm here."

"It's beautiful." 

"But they sure have something to do with trying. Right?"


He was gone.

Out of all his nightmares, this was probably the one he was mostly calm on. Other times he would be crying and screaming, but here he was, calm and steady. Crying inside, steady outside.

For someone he once loved and knew, he didn't know he would become a stranger.

His mind didn't have any more space to worry about anything else. There was already the problem with Lance, the problem with his grades going down, the "rumors," and finally, Edward.

They were planning on killing Edward.

Carson couldn't go on and think about what happened last night, cry about his nightmare, or study for his grades going down. He needed to find a way to take down Lance and get him arrested once and for all.

Something inside grew.

He wasn't going to let Andre, his friends, and Hunsterton kill Edward that easily. Carson wanted to play board games with Edward, he wanted to bond with Edward, and he will make sure Edward will be alive before Carson holds a Monopoly card for the first time.


He was doing, not thinking. Carson walked the halls with only courage and words stored up for Andre. He wasn't going to eat lunch all alone in his bedroom, he was going to stand up to Andre.

Everybody stared at him, looking disgusted because Carson, in their eyes, was a "bad" person. But Carson wasn't going to invite himself to insecurity town.

He marched the halls, finally reaching the cafeteria room. Carson opened the doors and slid his body between. It was all happening so quickly, there was no time to even think. He looked around the cafeteria, after a while, finally spotting Andre.

He stomped towards him with fierce in his eyes. "Andre." Carson slammed his hand on the table.

Andre slowly turned to look at him. He smirked. "Has Carson come to play?" His friends started to laugh.

"Like the other night was a joke." Carson said. "You had the nerve to leave me with him, and you knew full well what he was going to do!"

"'FuLl wELl wHaT hE wAs gOiNg tO dO~'" Andre teased. "Not my fault you made the big guy mad. And it's not my problem if he...touches you."

His words left Carson no hesitation. Carson punched Andre's face right infront of his friends, and everyone in the cafeteria. Everyone was watching them now, including the wimp-ful lunch ladies. Every orphan started jeering.

Andre turned his face forward, facing Carson, while feeling his cheek. Andre's eyes grew in fury. He jumped up from his seat, almost managing to kick Carson's stomach.

Carson blocked with both his hands, drifting away from Andre. He grunted and kicked Andre right in the face. 

Andre's ear was close to bleeding. He looked up at Carson, angered, but also, pretty much in pain. Jack and Jaceson stood up from their seats, attempting to defend their friend.

But before Jaceson could lay a punch on Carson, he prevented his hand from hitting him, and then kicked Jaceson in the balls. The pain on his ball made Jaceson scream as he fell on the ground. 

Jack charged with fists. Carson jumped on the table, kicking away the food trays and spilling the milk. He kicked Jack from the back of his head. He quickly turned around, stepping on Jack's back. Carson was caught off guard when Jack grabbed his foot and pulled him on the ground.

Carson landed on the floor. He looked up and saw Andre's foot, which kicked him in the eye. Getting a black eye, that wasn't going to stop Carson's flame from growing higher. Carson's other eye was still pretty painful from getting his head and eye banged on a table the other day.

Carson knew he had to act quick when Jack was about to stand up. But first he had to take care of Andre. With his foot, he tripped Andre, making him fall real hard on the ground. Carson felt good fighting, he had no thought of consequences at this point.

He stood up and was kicked on the back by Jack. He turned around and was about to punch Jack in the eye until Jack blocked his move. He tried hitting him with one hand, but Jack blocked that. With the other hand, Jack blocked that too. Since the hands didn't work, Carson raised his leg and with his knee, he hit Jack's jaw. Carson could feel Andre standing up.

Jack felt his jaw and was about to punch Carson across the face until Carson ducked. Instead of punching Carson across the face, Jack punched Andre. Carson kicked Jack in the stomach before kicking Andre towards Jaceson.

Jaceson caught his friend. Even with injured eyes, Carson could still fight. The rage of the three wanting to kill Edward gained Carson fury. Jack ran towards Carson, with angered eyes, ready for beating.

Carson acted quick. He grabbed a lunch tray and smacked Jack's face with it. He felt Andre coming towards him. Trying to aim at Andre was a fail. Instead of hitting Andre (who blocked,) he hit Jaceson, right at the throat. Jaceson began coughing.

Carson didn't know what he was worrying about all this time. He knew what he was doing, he knew how to fight, yet, he let the word consequences take over his confident fighter side.

Okay, maybe he was a little too confident. Carson was tripped over by Andre's leg. He hit his head on the table but when he was about to get up, Jack had already punched him across the face.

Carson winched at the pain and then Andre came over and kicked his nose. Jaceson joined in and punched Carson's mouth, striking for the teeth. His gums were now bleeding and his lips were busted but that didn't stop him.

Carson grabbed Andre's foot that was aiming towards his eye. He took a lunch tray and aimed it right at Andre's face. Andre winched at the pain in his nose, which he felt was about to bleed.

Carson stood on top of the table. From the back of Jaceson's head, Carson kicked in full force. Jack caught Jaceson but Carson kicked Jack across the face while he was still on top of the table.

Jack fell, bringing Jaceson down with him. While they were on the floor, Carson shoved Andre with his shoulder. He kicked Andre right in the face and kicked him in the stomach. Andre was already getting weak, which Carson noticed.

He walked towards Jack and Jaceson, who were weakened. Carson kicked Jack on both eyes and Jaceson on the nose and mouth.

He then turned over to Andre who fell on the floor, and was now losing his strength. Carson felt like taking the whole floor on Andre for ever wanting to hurt his brother. Vengeance took over his mind, no hesitation can stop him now.

Carson dropped himself on the ground and began taking his anger out on Andre. For all the times he felt miserable because of him, for all the times Andre had bullied him non-stop, and for all the times, Carson stayed up and thought about how his life was plain misery.

For each punch he had a reason. Carson striked for Andre's teeth, his eye, his lip, his nose, and across the face. He wanted to see blood on him.

Carson stopped punching when a strong force was hit on the back of his head. He turned around, thinking it was either Jack or Jaceson. But before he could even look up, he was kicked real hard on the chest.

The person striked Carson real hard on the jaw. He was quickly blacking out. But still, Carson managed to slowly look up and notice the person's features.

Black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.



One bad thing was to make an already strict and aggressive teacher angry.

Carson wished he could've kept that in mind before he started fighting three older guys he thought was more confident than him. But man, Carson felt good with that fight. He finally had a chance to defend his brother, gain confidence, and the word consequence finally left his head.

But oh well, who would've thought fighting would get you in the nurse's office with the headmaster inside?

The headmaster.

A remaining enemy Carson absolutely despised and hated. All four were treated in the nurse's office, knowing full well they would be sent to the headmaster's office.

Carson had finally woken up from getting knocked out. The first thing he saw was a tall thin glass plain that seperated the waiting room from the actual medic room. Plants in white vases on top of marble round tables were set on both sides of the glass plain. Next to the glass plain was a white door that had the sign "Medic Room/Nurse Lilian."

 Another thing he saw were three angry guys, covered up in bandadges, glaring at him, with rage still burning in their eyes. Carson turned away, looking scared and pitiful, but something inside him made him enjoy the angry looks on their faces.

A few seconds of waiting, the nurse came out with a checkboard in hand. She had blonde hair that reached past her shoulders, with bangs and hazel eyes. The nurse was dressed in white with a red medic sign on the right. "Andre, Jack, Jaceson, and Carson?" She spoke in a gentle voice.

All four nodded. Andre, Jack, and Jaceson glared at Carson while Carson glared at Jaceson, Jack, and Andre.

"Now if everyone could please turn your attention to me, I'll explain what body parts you guys need to rest." When the four boys turned to Nurse Lilian, she began explaining.

"Jaceson, you should be good. Your nose and mouth were just injured." Lilian said as Jaceson nodded at her. He felt the back of his head, which still hurted.

"Jack, keep those bandadges in your eyes until further notice. Don't panic but your eyes are now both purple." The nurse said. You couldn't see Jack's face, but after what happened, it was obvious he was still angry at Carson. You could almost feel the glare.

"Andre, your lip was busted, your nose was injured, you have a loose tooth, and your eye is black. So keep those bandadges for me now, now will you, hon?" The nurse explained. Andre scoffed and winched at the pain all over his face.

"Carson, you have one injured eye and another eye that's purple. Your gums were bleeding and your lips are busted. Also, you had a bloody nose." Nurse Lilian pointed out.

"Jack, Jaceson, you both are hearby suspended by the headmaster and are punished in three days of staying inside your rooms." Nurse Lilian said. She turned to Carson who had a scared face on.

He was getting worried whether or not he was going to get expelled or kicked out from his orphanage. That's what he wanted anyways, to get out of this nightmare of a place. But if he does, they'll bomb Edward's orphanage. And that's something Carson has to fight for.

"As for Andre and Carson, you both have cleaning duties for one whole week. There will be no recess or free time for the both of you, lunch will be late, and all of you have to help the staff members in this orphanage on whatever they need." Nurse Lilian explained. "Of course you guys will have to start on the utteral mess you made in the cafeteria."

"Nurse Lil-" Andre started but was cut off.

"What? Carson started it? I've heard the whole story from the other orphans." Lilian said. Carson gulped. If she believed the whole story, he'd be in bigger trouble. "But of course, all of you will have to apologize to each other. In the detention room."

"WHAT!?" Jaceson stood up.






"Carson started it!" Jack argued.

"Yeah! He came to us first!" Jaceson defended.

"Listen to them, nurse!" Andre said. "He punched me across the face!"

"You bullied me!" Carson fought back. In his mind, he was counting this as a treasured moment. A moment where he finally said something about the bullying without anything having to do with dreams or nightmares. His 7 year old wimpself would've been screaming by now.

"You came to me first!"

"You spread rumors about me!"

"Those rumors were true!"

"You thr-"

Carson stopped in his words. He couldn't expose them. Then it'll risk Edward and Carson's life.

"Some of them weren't!" Carson yelled back.

"Both of you, stop." Avery finally came in through the enter/exit door of the waiting room. "Since both of you were involved in the fight, both of you will be punished."

"Coach! You knocked me out!" Carson argued.

"And?" Avery responded, monotone. "You were beating Andre up and I saw you knock the crap out of Jack and Jaceson. What was I supposed to do? Yell at you to stop?"

"You could've." Carson said.

"Well, I didn't." Avery said. "I've been your coach for like what? 3 years? I know you full well, Carson. Even though your a wimp, that confidence that you finally got, is something you want controlling you." Avery studied Carson's speechless face. "When you finally gain confidence, you don't wanna let that go. So of course I had to knock you out. Besides, you were going insane."

"How did you not get fired?" Nurse Lilian looked at Avery confused. Avery just looked at her with a stern look. "I knocked out a child."

"Kid was beating some other kid up. What did you expect me to do?" Avery said.

"Anyway..." The nurse mumbled in a concerned way. "What brings you here?"

"Nothing." Avery shrugged. "Just wanted to come by and look at the faces of kids who shouldn't of had been fighting." She turned around and grabbed the door knob. "Peace out."

And with that, she left.

There was a moment of silence with the five: the nurse and the four boys. Lilian was scrolling through her messages on her phone, which was unread. The boys looked bored and impatient with a hint of anger in their eyes. Well, in Jack's case, movements.

Jaceson finally decided to say something, "So... teach, Where are we dismissed?"

"Right now." She responded.

"The headmaster's calling all four of you."

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