Chapter 17: Strangers

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The sound of jeering filled the halls as Carson was getting escorted into the place where most his nightmares lived. But the headmaster's office can never hold as much nightmares as his mind.

Everybody was either on the right or left in the halls. Every orphan they came across were either praising Andre, Jack, and Jaceson or booing and glaring at Carson. They still couldn't seem to open their eyes to the actual bad people.

But even though Carson kept his head down, he could feel their glares and scowls. Afterall, he was the "bad guy."

At this point, Carson couldn't think about getting trouble or the fight. All he could think about was how people saw him, and how much they hated him for a rumor that was partly true. Keeping his head down, he felt like it'll hurt less than looking directly at their disgusted faces.

"Wooo Andre!!!"

"Yeah! Beat him up, Jack!"

"You bust his mouth, Jaceson!"

"You suck, Carson! Get wrecked!"

They jeered. Carson felt that energy from earlier running to him. But he felt like he couldn't do anything now since he was already getting in trouble. So like other times, he kept his voice quiet.

"All of you, shut up!" A voice yelled. Carson turned around and saw Avery, his personal inspirement but also the same person who knocked him out.

Once she yelled, everybody did exactly what they were told. Nobody wanted to talk back to the most toughest staff member here, the fencing coach. Not only did their voices mute, but also their body froze.

Carson slightly smiled at the order of his coach. Avery decided to walk along with them, behind the nurse and everyone else. She faced every orphan with a stern look, the kind nobody would want to question or else they'll end up knocked on the ground.

After a while, they finally reached to the headmaster's office, Lance Hunsterton's office.

Carson scowled at even the sight of his office. The nurse came up and knocked, backing away when she heard footsteps.

And there, opened Lance Hunsterton.

Carson scowled at him, Lance only smirking at the sight of Carson's insane hatred.

"Your problem now, boss." Avery spoke.

"Very well, come in." Lance stepped away, smirking at Carson as he entered. The other three followed along, leaving Lilian and Avery outside.

"Have you caught up with the story behind all of this?" Lilian asked Lance.

"Alright so, it's apparently Carson's fault that Andre didn't get a chance to say goodbye to his brother leaving, and now Carson thinks Andre, Jaceson, and Jack had spread rumors to people, and I guess that's why he beat them up." Avery explained in a monotone voice, again.

Lance stepped outside, closing the door behind him. Their voices were a little faded from behind the door but the four could still hear them.

"Did you only get mad because we were planning to kill your brother?" Andre started, snickering. Jack and Jaceson began to laugh at Carson's hatred look.

"Did you only get mad cause you didn't get a chance to say bye to your brother?" Carson fought back. Andre, Jaceson, and Jack's faces went from barbarous to anger.

"LITTLE-" Andre threw a fist at Carson, but Carson dodged out of the way. Instead of hitting Carson, he hit the door, real hard. Andre winched at the pain.

"Hey!? What was that!?" Avery called from behind the door.

Jack spoke in his mischevious tone, "Andre." He took Andre's shoulder and gently pushed him away from Carson in a person trying to calm someone else down manner.

"The Kids Kingdom Orphanage won't be standing for long anyway." Jaceson teased.

"You know what else won't be standing for long?" Carson's fierce grew. "YOU!" He almost charged until he felt someone holding him back.

"Oh my gosh..." Avery sighed. "When are you going to stop?"

"Yeah-" Jaceson started.

"Hey, shut up." Avery spoke while Jack and Andre quietly laughed. "Dang, Carson. Even with an injured face, you can keep your fury." With that, she let him go.

"Anywho, I'm heading to the fencing gym, all of you, get wrecked." Avery turned around and walked away.

Lance shut the door as soon as Avery and Lilian left. All he did was chuckle, looking down at Carson he smirked, "Did someone get mad?"

The three were laughing. Carson glared at them and then turned to Lance, "You got mad the other day, thinking I exposed you." He pointed out. "Did someone cry?" He teased back.

"Your the one who's going to be crying when your brother's orphanage falls down." Hunsterton teased, keeping his voice low.

Carson clenched his fist, still hearing the laughter of Jack, Jaceson, and Andre.

"Is someone getting mad?"

"Hes gonna cry!"

"Fighter much?"


But he didn't use his fists.

Carson kicked Hunsterton across the face. Lance felt his jaw and anger filled his sadistic eyes. His kick hushed the three's laughter.

"I said it once, I can say it again." Carson threatened, "Your not going anywhere near his orphanage, and I'll make sure of that."

The three began laughing, resuming the bullying. Jaceson smirked and in a cheeky tone, he said, "What are you gonna do? Cry until we stop?"

Their laughter only got louder when Hunsterton, out of anger, grabbed Carson's hair and slammed him towards the wall, banging his face. He winched from the already painful injuries he had. Carson felt his face that was covered in bandadges before turning around. He scowled at the four.

"I'm gonna punch you harder until you bleed, begging me to stop." Carson threatened. He ran towards Jaceson, but Lance caught him. The three paused for a second but started laughing louder again. "You won't be laughing until you find out I'm serious!"

"You know who else won't be laughing?" Andre's look turned sadistic.

"You behind this door."

And with that, the three proceeded to the door. Hunsterton slammed Carson to the ground, face up. He cruelly stepped on Carson's injured face, making his scars bleed more. Every winch and whimper Carson made, Lance only made it worst. Andre opened the door and left, his friends following him.


Sexual abuse is a traumatizing experience. Carson could think of a million negative words for it. As his shirt was thrown on the ground, he looked up at a stranger with hands ready.

"Boss..." A female voice spoke.

She looked at the helpless child, shirt off, shivering and shaking. Walking into your own boss's office with a child inside, scared and traumatized was something she has never seen before, but it was also something she certainly was against. Carson's scared face turned into a speechless expression when he turned to the woman in the door,


But the speechless feeling in her eyes didn't stay for long. As it turned into rage, she grabbed the nearest plant vase and hurled it towards Lance, right in the face. Once his face was injured, she ran towards him and punched him right on the mouth, busting his lips.

Doors had never been more open. Carson's eyes never shined brighter. He felt like a million pieces were picked up once he saw someone who found out the real side of Lance, finally a high possibility for him to finally get arrested. As he watched Lance getting the taste of a vengeful strong woman, his tramatized look never looked anything more relieved. Heather Harterman would've been more than proud.

Avery kicked Lance's chest right into the bookshelves, causing the books to fall. She showed him no mercy when she kicked him right in the eye. But Hunsterton wasn't going to back down.

He quickly got up and tackled Avery to the ground. He punched her a couple of times until Avery kicked him in the already purple eye.

Lance screamed at the pain while Carson turned to his shirt. He crawled over, grabbed his shirt, and quickly put it on. Carson turned over to Avery and watched her stand up with a bleeding lip.

She turned over to Carson and noticed how he was still in the room. "GO!" Avery ordered. He didn't waste no second, Carson ran out of that door, zooming.

She quickly reacted to an angry Hunsterton charging at her with broken pieces of the vase. Avery dodged out of the way making Lance stab the wooden table instead. He grunted, trying to stab Avery. But Avery wasn't going to die in the hands of a sexual assaulter.

Avery dunked down and grabbed Lance. She tackled him over to the wall before he got a chance to even make one small scar on her.


The halls were still crowded with many orphans, watching him as he ran through the halls. He could catch a few looks by fellow orphans and a few rude remarks but Carson didn't have a second to waste. His time wasn't going to be wasted on punching a fellow orphan who called him a "bad" person. His coach was in trouble and he wasn't going to let an amazing person like her end up like Heather.

Looking around, he helplessly looked for a staff member. No staff member were to be found despite the halls being crowded. But his helpless thoughts came to an end when he saw Ms. Bernadett.

"MS. BERNADETT!" He yelled in a weak tone. Running over, he had almost slipped from running too fast.

Claire Bernadett studied the looks of the poor terrified and worried child. In a concerned mother tone, she asked, "Carson? What's wrong, hon?" She lifted him up to stand.

Carson looked at her with teary eyes. "Coach Avery...she won't have enough time." Carson was crying but he managed to get words out.

"What do you mean!?" Bernadett's worryness became higher. "Is she dying!?"

"'s the headmaster." Carson whimpered. "She'll die in his hands, hes not a good person, Ms..."

"He touched me."

"WHAT!?" Bernadett worried face turned into a raged one. It was a face Carson never saw before. She dropped all of her papers and books, jaw dropped. You could still feel the rage in her eyes but she tried to contain it so she wouldn't scare Carson. "Stay here, alright?" Her tone set back to a sweet mother tone. And with that, she took off running.

Carson watched her take off. He was first-intentionally going to just stand there looking safe. But that's when he remembered something about his ELA teacher,

she was pregnant.

"MS. B! MS. B!" Carson watched his teacher dissapear into the halls, crowds and crowds of orphans surrounding her to the point where she switched out of his sight. "MS. BERNADETT, NO!" He ran towards the crowded group of orphans.

"Excuse me, excuse me!" Carson bumped into many orphans.

"Its him!"


"That's the guy I've been talking about."

"Hes the cruel person who's the main reason of-"

There was no time for thinking about everyone's hatred towards him. There won't even be a headmaster to get them in trouble. So with that being said, after years of hiding in the shadows, and nights of crying because of how his life was ruined, Carson finally snapped.

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" And right there, he silenced those orphans. "That one time Andre's brother got adopted, I never knew he was getting adopted!"

"Then why was he in detention!?" An orphan shouted. The other orphans began to make remarks and comments.

"Because I got him in detention!" Carson admitted. He was finally speaking for himself. "I was young, okay!? I told on him because he was making fun of me for being new!"

The orphans stared at him speechless. He couldn't believe this was happening right now. For all those times he kept his mouth silent, this was finally the day he decided to speak about something. Carson was still panting a little. He was sweating but he wasn't shivering or scared.

Clearly, he repeated, "I didn't know Andre had a brother...I wasn't aware of any of that!" Carson took a deep breath. "But the part where I knew his brother was getting adopted and getting him in trouble so he wouldn't have a chance to say goodbye is false." Brave kid- he was silencing voices.

He looked around him, everywhere he looked were children at different ages. Their faces looked speechless as they continued listening to Carson. But even with how many faces he saw, he caught a glimpse of Andre and his friends in the crowd.

That didn't stop him. "I'm not a monster," Carson continued.

"I was just scared."

"DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!" Andre gave no hesitation to yell. The children around them turned their attention to Andre. "IT WAS HIS FAULT I DIDN'T GET A CHANCE TO SAY BYE! MY BROTHER DIED OF CANCER!"

Everybody gasped in speechless expressions. They turned to each other, whispering and remarking. But Carson wasn't going to let rumors get the best of him, not this time.

"YOU WANTED TO KILL MY BROTHER!" Carson yelled louder- exposed.

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