GinSherry Week Day 2

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I decided to focus more on Gin's POV in this cus why not? :3



Both his strong hands hold the steering as his pairs of green eyes focus on the empty road- it is late night and he just finished his mission for the day. As the top three of the organization, surely there's tons of thing that he needs to take care of- almost everyone is relying on him.

As for today, he just finished off some traitors without giving any chances- rats will always be rats. No matter how great the disguise is, eventually their natural disgusting behaviour will always display and it can always be sensed. It is not just that, he takes care of some essential things to the organization. He also needs to stop Vodka's foolish behaviour since he is too easy to fall for the simplest trick.

At the same time, needs to observe some new members that just added to the organization- whether it is truly a member who seriously want to join them or it is just another stupid rat who's trying to infiltrate the organization. It's just the first day yet he can sense one of those new members are just a stupid rat- he did notify the others to observe the new member closely. For some reason, his instinct is never wrong.

It is such a tiring day for him. Even if he is the number three in the organization, does he not allowed to not get tired? He is a human too and not some sort of robot or a cyborg who can work nonstop. What he has in mind is just to have a nice sleep since tomorrow will be just the same shit that he needs to deal with.

As he arrives at his place, he enters the password and steps in. It is the same view of his usual place, nothing changes at all. Except for a single thing- he can feel another presence in his place, a familiar presence, a feminine. At the same time, he also notices a hint of familiar scent in his place- the sweet smell that only one person has. Does that woman is here? Guess he will discover that soon enough.

As usual, he takes off his coat as well as his hat and places them at the coat stand that places right beside the door. The well-built man finds his way to his room- what he has in mind is sleep, only sleep. He doesn't bother to clean himself or whatsoever, he just wants to sleep.

As soon as he steps into his dark room, the view of an auburn-haired woman who is falling asleep with her laptop on her lap fill his eyes. Did she really continue her work here and wait for him to return like those same previous times? It is the fifth time she did that and he can't understand why she behaved like that.

He didn't invite her at all and yet there she is, has the audacity to do her work on his bed and even fall asleep there without his presence in the house- well he did share the password with her after all and he knows the password to hers too. Yet the woman act like this is her place instead, entering and leaving when she feels like to.

Does he mind about her presence there? Of course not. What he actually mind is that the woman can be pretty careless. Since she's one of person who knows the password to his place, her life is at high risk too- there's probably someone out there who's already aiming at her from afar. If she's ever let her guard down, his place can easily be invaded by anyone and it is enough to cause trouble to her and him.

If that's the case then why did he share the password with her? He just thinks he can trust her enough- that's what his instinct tells and it's never wrong.

Then, is he actually care about her safety? Who knows. Maybe a little, as a colleague and due to her position in the organization- at least that is what he thinks, or he doesn't actually want to fall in his own cliff full of feelings.

The man gazes still hasn't left the woman just yet. Then he shakes his head as he walks in her direction. She's grown up and she still falls asleep like that? The man then moves his hand and take the laptop from her lap- it is still on and he sees some chemical structures and some data of her research displayed on the laptop. How complicated.

The woman has been working pretty hard lately- he notices that since the dark circle under her eyes become visible and she sometimes leaves her lab past midnight almost every day this week. He is sure that the organization want it to be done quickly and she has no choice but to obey. She's probably way tired than him and needs a rest more.

The man turns the laptop off and he places it on the table that places not too far from his bed. He shifts his body back and looks at the woman who is sleeping in a sitting position while her back resting on the headboard. He needs to fix her position yet he doesn't want to wake her. Before he can even touch the woman to fix her position, the scientist makes some movement as she then brushes her eyes.

"Oh, you're back, Gin. I'm sorry I fall asleep" she said with her sleepy voice as she opens both of her eyes, to look at the man who just arrived at his place. And now he doesn't understand why she's even apologizing for falling asleep.

The woman then stands before him with her messy hair and sleepy face as she moves her hand to him and unbuttons his shirt.

"You're probably tired. Let's take this off and sleep" she said with the same sleepy voice. He doesn't stop her at all instead he helps and waits for her to finish before he takes his shirt off. Then the woman pulls his arm and both of them settles on the soft mattress together, side by side.

"Goodnight," she said as she closes her eyes with her hand holding his arm. The auburn-haired woman is truly tired since she's fast asleep as soon as she closes her eyes. The man on the other hand doesn't feel like sleeping just yet- well, he was sleepy before but he doesn't feel he can fall asleep right now.

The man stares at the ceiling with the woman's hand still holding his arm- he doesn't mind it, they did something more than that and letting her touch him is not even a problem at all. Instead, it just feels better for a reason and he doesn't understand why.

It's been quite a moment since he stared at the ceiling and he still doesn't feel like sleeping. As the minutes pass, the night gets colder as she snuggles closer to the man and hugs one of his muscular arms, with her face resting right beside his shoulder. The man then shifts his gaze to the woman beside him and stares at her face instead.

He stares from her lashes, down to her straight nose and lastly her pink lips. He can't deny the beauty that she holds and sometimes it does catch him off guard- he hates her for that since she's the only person who can pull that off in terms of beauty.

She looks peaceful in her sleep and not that tired and grumpy looks when she doesn't get her morning coffee- strangely, it makes him feel warm despite the cold night accompanying them. The woman deserves her sleep since it probably makes her feel better.

The man then moves his other arm around her- embracing the woman. Other strange things, he's getting sleepy and feels even comfortable than ever. His arm perfectly fit to embrace her- as if it is made to each other. It just feels right. He closes his eyes and he unconsciously brings her closer as he is finally able to sleep.

He surely wants this more, sleeping with her beside him and sharing their warmth together- it is a feeling that strangely make him crave for more and forget about his tiresome day.


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