GinSherry Week Day 4

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At this rate, I don't even know what am I writing. Anyway, let's assume her age is 13 in this and I hope they are not OOC :')



It is just a normal day for her. She just started to work for the organization as a scientist and researcher, under the drug development- it was just one month and everything went smoothly. Every fellow's scientist accepts and respects her even though she just joined- maybe because she is placed in a higher rank as soon as she started work there.

Today, she just moved to Japan and will start her work and live here. She doesn't complain much since she is actually half-Japanese and she's interested to know more about her family background- her deceased parents and to meet her sister who is lucky enough to grow up here.

It is already night and she just finished moving the boxes to the new place she will live- with the help of some organization's worker. It is a place that the organization prepared. They have to live there for a year or more- since it is easier for the organization to observe and evaluate them. Once they found their permanent place to live, they are free to leave the place and the service they offer.

Before she unboxes her stuff, she decides to explore the place first. Weirdly, it feels like someone already staying here- everything is in place and there are even some elegant house accessories placed in some spots. Not to mention the cozy vibe as soon as she stepped her leg in.

Then she walks to the kitchen and goes through every cabinet- there's even some stuff already like some instant noodles, packaged food, a brand of coffee that she likes, canned food, kitchen utensils, even some spices, vegetables and much more. She is glad since she doesn't have to do the grocery at all. Maybe the organization prepared everything for her.

Then she checks for the room available, there are only two rooms. One is unlocked and another one is locked. The girl is clueless since they don't say anything about this place and she plans to ask them tomorrow. The available room seems to be big enough for her- she is positive that she doesn't have any problem storing her stuff. Besides, once she gets the other room to unlock, she will place some stuff there.

As she finished exploring the place, the exhaustion kicked in and she decides to tidy her stuff tomorrow. She wants to call it a day and have a good bath- it was such a long day for her, from travelling on the plane to moving her stuff and familiarizing herself with the town.

Without minding the stacked boxes in the living room, she finds her way to the bathroom and fills the tub with warm water- it must be great to soak after such a long day for her. A bottle of expensive bath salt that she's been wanting to try is in there- she doesn't know the organization was this dedicated to their members.

She grabs the bottle and places two scoops of bath salt into the tub and let it dissolve. The smell of the salt brings calmness and she can't wait to soak herself. The girl undress as she soaks her whole body under the water and let her muscles relax.

She closes her eyes as she leans on the wall- it feels so good. She is about to sleep as soon as she feels the warm water and the great smell of the bath salt. What a temporary paradise she's experiencing right now.

On the other hand, a man just arrived in his place. It is such a rough day for him, he had to do a lot of physical activities and he was dirty, sweaty and tired. He just wants to take a shower then sleep- or maybe make himself something to eat.

As the man unlocks the door, the first thing he notices is tons of boxes in his living room. He is confused- what's with these boxes that almost used half of his living room space? He didn't order any package at all. He probably needs to get some explanation from them.

Since he is too tired to bother with what is inside those boxes, he walks to his room and takes his dirty clothes off his body and wraps himself with a piece of towel to cover his lower part. Then he continues his step to the bathroom- from afar, the man can smell his bath salts. He is confused for the second time. Is someone prepared a bath for him or he is too tired that makes him have weird imagination?

It is about 20 minutes since she soaked her body and she has to go out. As she's about to stand up and rinse herself from any excess salt, the bathroom door opened. A figure of a silver-haired man with only a piece of a towel wrapped around his lower abdomen stands at the door frame. His pairs of green eyes look at her blue eyes for a moment in silence- both parties are confused.

"Pervert! Get out!" said the girl as she throws everything around her to the man who's standing there- from shampoo bottle, shower gel, another bath salts package, toothpaste- everything. She just grabbed everything that she can reach and throw it nonstop at the man.

There's nothing the man can do but retreat without closing the door back. He walks to the living room and decides to wait for the random girl who's just using his bathroom- not to mention his precious bath salt too. Just who is this girl already?

The woman on the other hand look at the empty door frame- so the man already left.

'At least close the door, geez!' she thought before she takes a quick rinse and wraps her body with a towel. The thought of the man who randomly appeared made her think- is he the one who's living here? Then does she has to go out?

No, the organization tell her to live here and she will not leave. There must be some confusion here. The girl then takes her steps to find the man- there should be some explanation about this. The man is there in the living room, standing while thinking deeply- he is surely confused too. Then he shifts his well-built body to the girl who appeared behind him.

"I demand an explanation about your existence here, little girl," he said as he looks sternly at her straight into her eyes. The girl narrows her eyes- she didn't flinch or even afraid with the man in front of her who was trying to scare her off. And she hates it when people called her little girl.

"And I demand an explanation from you for breaking into my place," she said with narrow eyes as she crossed both of her arms.

The man's temper built up- since she is still a girl and they are confused about what is going on, he didn't want to touch and harm her.

"Excuse me, this IS my place. I think you're just confused. You may leave after you wear your clothes and don't forget to get rid of your useless junks here" he said and get ready to use the bathroom- he wants to end this quickly, he doesn't want to deal with this.

"Excuse me? My stuff is not some worthless junk. Anyway, they literally helped me move my stuff in this place and I am sure you are the one who has to move out" she said as she maintains her demanding voice in front of him- who he thinks he is telling her to leave? She didn't care about his position in the organization- unless if he is actually higher than her.

"I advise you to not talk to me with that tone, little girl," he said as his step pauses and shifts his face to look at the girl. The girl chuckles.

"Then I advise you to not talk to me like that, big guy. Who do you think you are?" she asked- she knows she just takes the risk of saying such things. But she didn't care anymore- her ego took the best of her.

The man on the other hand seems to be affected by her words. What a difficult little girl he has to deal with. Did she even know who she was talking to? The man then makes his way closer to the girl.

"Do you want me to kill you?" he said as he bents down to look straight into her eyes.

The girl flinch a little- his sudden change did scare her a bit yet she still standing there, looking at his eyes daringly. She has been scared by random people before and she's not going to let this man slip.

"Do you want me to poison you?" said the girl, acting bossy in front of him.

The man then moves one of his hands that is big enough to cup her cheeks.

"I see, you're pretty daring huh," he said with a smirk as he got closer. The girl maintains her breath- she senses the danger in his eyes. She collects her strength as she pushes his hand off her and takes a step back, retreating.

"Ugh, this is not going anywhere. I'm calling them" she said as she then grabs her phone that was placed on the table and make a phone call. Good thing they answer the call despite the late night. The girl puts it on a loudspeaker.

"Can I help you, Sherry?"

"Look, why there is a man in my--"

"You should tell me first and you know I hate to share my place," said the man, cutting her words. The girl takes a quick glance at the man- how rude, she didn't even finish her sentence yet.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, both of you have to share the place for a couple of months because the new place is still under renovation. Your place is the only available one since the others are already full, Gin. I did try to tell you but you just left"

"And why you didn't tell me about this place beforehand? You need my agreement first" asked the girl as she's about to lose her temper.

"You are probably going to disagree. Both of you are pretty difficult to deal with and we didn't have a choice but to obey---"

The girl ended the call- she can't keep hearing their lame excuses. This is just bullshit and she's tired to deal with it after such a long day. She is frustrated and she needs sleep.

"Stupid," she said as she throws her phone on the couch. Then she shifts her face to look at the man back. The girl sighs in defeat before she speaks,

"Guess we don't have any choice but to be stuck here for a couple of months. Whatever, I don't care anymore. I am tired"

"Don't act like this is your place alright? If you make any fuss I'll kick you out. And don't use my bath salt again" he said before he shifts his back to her, walk to the bathroom and closes the door- leaving her alone in the living room. The girl stares at the closed door with displeasure.

"Stingy old man!" she said as her eyes still glued on the door.

"I am not old," he said, a little bit offended with her remarks.

"You are still stingy after all, whatever I'm still going to call you old man!" she said and she then enters her room and locks the door. She's pissed off with the man.

Meanwhile, the man who's in the bathroom crushes the shower bottle in his hand as he closes his eyes- suppressing his anger.

"Calm down, she's still a little girl" he whispered to himself and tries to shove the anger away.

From that moment, they continue their chaotic life for a couple of months and the most interesting part is they never ask about each others' position in the organization- both of them decide to stay oblivious about It.


Sherry is sitting in a room with an organization's staff. They are waiting for someone due to some mission they have to carry out. This is the first time ever for her to team up with anyone outside the division she works in- drugs development. This also may be the first assassination mission for her- maybe she's not doing that instead her partner will do it.

For the 5 years, she spent her time in the lab and didn't actually aware of the organization activities- she didn't know about the new members, ranking up or whatsoever, she just focus on her work in the lab, making drugs.

The woman is currently reading some information about the mission while she waits for her partner. After some minutes passes several steps getting audible and the door behind her opened- she is certain it is her partner. The woman shifts her body to look at the person. Her eyes widen as they look into each other eyes.

"Finally you are here. Anyway, this is your first time meeting with each other right? Let me introduce, this is Sherry, the top scientist in the organization and this is Gin, the number three in command"

From that moment, she just actually knew her position is way lower than the man that she once disrespect and even call him as 'stingy old man'. For some reason, she thinks she is in trouble. She can see his smirk and she hates it since both of them know that she can't fight against him anymore- but she will not stop herself from teasing him.

"It's been a while, stingy old man," she said fearlessly with a smirk.


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