Friend or foe

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The Pichu was sitting as she wasn't able to move. She was tied up in vines around a pole. Her eyes were filled with terror and she was tired and weak from the tantrums she was having and the suction cups taking all of the remaining electricity in her cheeks. She had to find a way out of this trap but she couldn't find any ways to escape. The Pichu's ears perked when she heard paw steps hitting the stony cave grounds.

"W-whose there?!" She stuttered as she squinted her eyes to try to see in the pitch black but to no avail.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you, well unless you try something that will upset me" the creature replied. He sounded a lot different from the other voices she heard. The creature looked smaller than the others, almost as small as the Pichu. This creature sounded like a young male.

"Would you show yourself to me?" The Pichu asked.

"I'm sorry but I can't. The Boss won't let me" he replied.

"Could you at least tell me your name?" The Pichu asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions?! Fine I will tell you my name but that is all I can say. My name is Tom and I'm the youngest of the group. I am a lot more harmless than the others here, you may say that I'm an Omega in my pack, but I may leave a scar if you try to escape" He said.

"Would you please tell me why your pack wants me, Tom?" She asked.

"Sorry but The Boss doesn't want me to tell you about the plan" Tom answered.

"Tom!! Get over here!!" A voice echoed throughout the cave walls.

"Sorry that's my sister, Mia. I got to go" Tom said before running off deeper into the darkness.

"What is he? Is he a friend or a foe? He sounds harmless?" The Pichu thought.
"Maybe Tom could help me. Maybe he would protect me from the others if I could just befriend him."

"Tom, what were you doing with that annoying pesky little Pichu?!" The Pichu could hear in the shadows. Could it have been his sister, Mia, scolding him for talking to her?

"I-I was only conversing with her" Tom stuttered.

"Did you tell her about the plan?" Mia asked.

"N-no, I would never betray my p-pack" he said.

"Good. Now come with me" Mia replied. The Pichu could hear the pawsteps getting softer and softer. She took a sigh of relief. They were gone.

"There has to be a way I can trick Tom and have him help me out" the Pichu thought to herself.

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