The shadows in the photograph

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I sat at my desk looking more closely at the clues. "Hm... the piece of hair could help us with the DNA of the culprit." I thought to myself as I looked at it in the ziplock bag.

Then I turned my gaze to the camera bag next to me on my desk. I picked it up and unzipped the bag to take out the camera. I looked through the photos I took while looking around the crime scene. When I got to the last photo, what I saw shocked me and I almost jumped out of my seat.

"What is it, Detective?" Electra asked as she noticed my reaction.

"Come look at this, Electra" I replied.

She stood by my side as she looked at the photos as well. She was as shocked as I was.

"Someone was there with us at the crime scene this morning?!" Electra asked, both shocked and confused.

"By the looks of this photograph it seems that way" I responded.

What we saw on the last photograph was a shadow. It looked like a shadow of a big Pokémon. We could hardly see the Pokémon's face in the darkness but when I zoomed in on the image we saw a red gem on the Pokémon's forehead. We could see it's blood red eyes staring at our souls. It was the most noticeable part of the image.

"I think we've found the culprit!!" I replied. I zoomed into the image as much as it could let me and I spotted many other pairs of eyes staring at our souls.

"Wait a second, there was a whole pack there!! We have to show this to Mr. and Mrs. Pikachu!!" Electra responded.

"Hmm..." I responded as I didn't answer her very quickly.

"What is it, Detective?!" Electra asked.

I turned my gaze to the piece of hair. "It doesn't make any since, where has this piece of white hair come from? This Pokémon's fur is tan, not white?" I replied.

"Hm... Do you think there was another Pokémon there?" Electra asked.

"I don't know, if there was, then it must have been smart enough to hide in a better hiding place than the others did. It looks like we haven't yet solved the mystery than we thought we did" I sighed, knowing that our job was not quite over yet.

"So what should we do?" Electra asked.

"We do exactly what you said before; we show this to Mr. and Mrs. Pikachu" I answered.

"Understood, Detective" Electra responded.

Author note: Well here it is. I hope the long wait was worth it. Shoutout to PrincessPikachuette for reminding me about this story.

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