A bizarre meeting

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This is the journey of the greatest detective of whole time in Pokémon's World. The fact is I just his assistant or at least the one who follows him solve every weirdest case ever in Pokémon history.

1st, Hot month, 300

This is the first day of the hot month, and it is so hot, that a Charmander, a Fire-type Pokemon, like me also feel uncomfortable. Oh, God! It's hot like I'm sitting next to Entei's volcano. So, I decide to close my no-man's detective office and go to the beach. Well, since I was young, I really like detective things, however, I'm not talent at it, but the passion has led me to open this detective office. But the worst thing here is the biggest case I ever received was finding lost items. Yes! How talent I am! So, on this hot day, I close the office and go to the beach to cool myself as well as my mind. Although I have no talent in investigation, I'm very resourceful with machine, and I built a car with the engine part using thermal energy from the fire behind my tail. Some elder Pokemon tell me: why I am not become an inventor, and I will be very successful. But I respond to them: Because that's what I want to do. Back in the present, I'm taking out for the car; it has 4-wheel that can balance itself everywhere, two rows of seats, right after the driver's seat has a hole where I will put my tail in it and provide energy for car's engine. I step on the car to put the tail in the hole and start the engine. The car crank, and the wheels begin to roll, I drive through a row of tall trees, but they couldn't cover this terrible heat. After a while, in front of me is a big mountain, and I drive along the mountainside to get over it. When I get up quite high and reached the downhill point, I begin to hear the waves and salty sea breeze, in front of me is a sea with sheen of water then I push all my energy into the tail, and the car rushed down the slope. Coming near the seaside, I parked near the sand, a long lemon-yellow sand with some dry starfish and seashells on it. Then I jump out of the car, stand on the sand and suddenly startled by the hot sand because of the sun's light, it like walking on embers, so I hurriedly run to the darker sand due to water. The cool wind and cold sea water rushed to me and relieve some of the hot weather. I clasped my hands behind my head and started to walk relentlessly; my feet keep walking while I'm whistling – Ah! It's so good. I grant that I make this decision. The clear sky plus the salty scent of the sea, the wind blowing through me makes I feel cool and forget the burning heat. Suddenly the sky darkened, the ground shakes violently, I hurriedly lay down on the sand to keep my balance. Although I was lying on my stomach, I still try to catch my head up and look at everything around me. A small black circle like a door appear before me, gradually made my curious rise and decide to crawl closer. When I was a few hands away from the gate, something from the gate fell into the sand. I hurriedly look at what it is, it's a strange Pokemon I had never seen, he looks like a dog-type Pokemon with most of the fur is blue, and it's black at legs and ears – I think those are ears. And when I look back at the gate, it has closed? Then the sky lit up again, the ground stop moving, everything go back to its original form. The only thing is not normal: there is an unconscious Pokemon in front of me. I stand up and approach him then carry him to the car, start the engine and drive home; it's also the detective office. Then I gently take him to my bed and run to find a doctor. When the doctor and I arrived, he was awake, the doctor examines him and tells me there was nothing serious he only too exhausted and needing a rest. I take the doctor out and go to get some food for him. When he finishes eating, he falls asleep again, my part, it's near sunset, so I take something to eat and go to a big couch outside the living room. Lying in the chair look at the other guy then look up at the ceiling and thought: I don't know what that black hole is? And who he is. Just like that, I write a few lines of the diary and fall asleep.

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