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This appendix to explain what will inside my novel.
What are Pokemon? Pokemon is a type of high life form in Pokemon world. They separate by their type and their look similar to normal animal like dog, cat, ...etc. Depend on their type they will allow to use some special abilities called Skill.
In Pokemon world, there still have lower life form like our world like rats, dogs, cats, birds,...etc. That why they describe themselves like those animal.
Day and time in Pokemon world a bit different from what we've known. There still have 24 hours a day, but nothing call week or date's name. There only 4 months for one year and each month have 50 days. The 4 month are. Hot, Cool, Freeze, and Rainy.
Some skill will appear in novel
- Psychic: a psych type skill allow user control thing with their mind.
- Aura sphere: a Special skill of Shou. Allow him to create a ball of Ki (Aura) and shot it away. But because of the destruction of this skill he always try to target to objects than other Pokemon
- Volt tackle: A special skill of Feina. She never use it to attack but she use it to rise her running speed to maximum.
- Fire wheel: a fire-type skill usual perform by Su. This skill create a wheel of fire and burn anything in its way.
- will add if need

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