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Ash's Pov

"What the hell..." I complained as I got up, my mind trying to process the situation. "Is that him?" I looked around, spotting the same Mareep again. I decided to ask it for help.

"Hey, Mareep, can you help me out... do you know where he went?" Mareep simply nodded and started running towards the tree where Mewtwo resided. Oh no, having these two together could be a problem.

As I got closer, I saw Mewtwo floating high above, and Charizard standing on the ground, growling. When did he get this better?

"Ash, you better take this runt away," Mewtwo suggested, sounding almost like a warning directed at both Charizard and me. I had a feeling Charizard had ticked him off.

Charizard was trying to open his wings, which were stuck together from healing. It was surreal to witness this miraculous recovery. His wounds had sealed up, and I could hardly believe my eyes.

"Charizard, don't try to fight him... you're not in a state to do it," I pleaded, hoping to prevent any further pain for him, but Charizard remained stubborn, not willing to back down.

"Runt, you have my word, I will battle you when you are in a better condition," Mewtwo responded, seemingly uninterested in battling Charizard at the moment. Charizard's ego was certainly hurt by that statement.

Unleashing a loud roar, Charizard sent a fierce flamethrower at Mewtwo, who effortlessly deflected it. I knew it wasn't the right time for them to battle, and I ran towards Charizard, trying to calm him down.

"Buddy, not now, you can't battle him in your current state. When you're ready, we'll face him, I promise. Not now, please," I pleaded, hoping he would understand. Thankfully, he seemed to relent, but still held his ground.

"At least you have some sense, Ash," Mewtwo said, acknowledging my plea. I continued to caress Charizard, reassuring him.

"Come on, buddy, let's go back for now... when we're ready, we'll face him together and emerge victorious," I said, seeking his confirmation. He nodded, indicating his agreement, and we began to slowly walk back to our place on the island.

As we rested under the same tree where Charizard had healed, I laid my head on his giant body, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence.

"I can't believe you healed up so fast," I remarked, still amazed by his rapid recovery. Charizard responded with a nod and a slight grumble.

"You know what happened, right?... most of our friends are gone," I said, knowing he was aware of the loss we had suffered.

"We'll get those bastards for them, won't we?" I asked, seeking assurance that we would avenge our fallen friends. In response, Charizard snorted out a fierce flame, confirming his determination to stand with me against any adversary.


3rd Person Pov

As each day passed, Ash and Charizard's bond grew stronger, reaching an unprecedented level that wouldn't have been possible without the isolation on the island. A curious Mareep observed Ash's actions, following him around all day and keeping an eye on him and Charizard. Ash, too, noticed the Mareep's presence and found it intriguing.

Charizard's health was improving at a remarkable rate. On the third day after awakening, he attempted to fly, but his efforts resulted in a plummet from the sky, though he managed to jolt himself up.

On the fourth day, Ash suggested trying flying once more, but this time slowly and with ease. Charizard initially tried to forcefully flap his wings to launch himself into the sky, but Ash intervened, instructing him to take it slow and flap his wings gently. With Ash's guidance, Charizard gradually propelled himself off the ground and stabilized in the air.

"That's it, buddy! You're getting the hang of it. Now slowly increase the pace of flapping," Ash encouraged him, providing step-by-step guidance to help Charizard regain his flying abilities.

"That's enough for today," Ash called his Pokémon back, and Charizard landed beside him. In a playful gesture, Charizard playfully slammed Ash to the ground, tickling him until he burst into laughter, the kind of laughter he hadn't experienced in a very long time. It was a heartwarming moment, and Ash hadn't felt so carefree in ages, except for the few chuckles he shared when observing Mareep or other Pokémon trying to follow him unnoticed.

Days passed by, and almost two weeks after Charizard had awoken from his healing slumber, he was preparing to face a formidable opponent – Mewtwo. It was a battle that anyone would think twice about engaging in, but Charizard, fueled by his newfound strength and Ash's unwavering support, was determined to take on the challenge. 

The very Mewtwo, created by Team Rocket to help rule the world, had transformed from a merciless Pokémon into a compassionate one, all because of a boy named Ash Ketchum. Life on the island was idyllic for the Pokémon, but it was challenging for humans to find enough food. However, Ash had become resourceful, developing a liking for the berries and fruits that the Pokémon consumed.

Over the years, his diet had taken a toll on his physique. Once built and healthy, Ash's body had become skinny and slender, his arm muscles less defined, and his clothes loose-fitting. Yet, despite his physical transformation, he approached his battles with an unyielding confidence.

Walking towards the large open area where they could engage in an aerial battle, Charizard followed Ash in the air. As they neared Mewtwo, the powerful Pokémon questioned if they were truly ready.

"Let's find out," Ash replied, and Charizard released a thunderous roar that echoed throughout the island.

Ash's face had an expression devoid of any emotion, a fiercely determined look on his face. The time spent on the island had taught him to suppress his feelings and exude unwavering confidence.

The saying that one should fear someone with nothing to lose more than someone who has something to lose applied to Ash. He had nothing to lose, except for Charizard.

 His released Pokémon were safe and happy, unaware of the tragedy that had befallen the island. Ash didn't want them to know the harsh reality they would face upon their return.

"Well, then what are we waiting for?" Mewtwo asked, remaining extremely composed despite Charizard's intimidating presence.

Ash nodded again as Charizard took off towards Mewtwo, launching a close-range attack right from the start. Mewtwo was momentarily surprised, but he quickly evaded Charizard's assault.

"Switch," Ash commanded monotonously.

Without hesitation, Charizard performed a swift maneuver, hitting Mewtwo's abdomen with his tail, sending the powerful Pokémon backward.

"Flamethrower!" Ash's commands continued relentlessly, as Charizard unleashed a torrent of blazing fire towards Mewtwo.

Acknowledging Charizard's strength, Mewtwo decided to take action. "Fine, you're strong... I'll do it," he declared, preparing a shadow ball and throwing it towards the incoming flamethrower.

Upon contact, the shadow ball initially pierced through the flamethrower with force, but midway through, the flamethrower burst through the shadow ball, creating an intense clash of power.

"He's stronger than expected," Mewtwo commented, shielding himself within a psychic barrier. Yet, neither Ash nor Charizard showed any signs of being fazed by the remark.

"Fire Spin," Ash commanded, his voice filled with ruthless determination.

Charizard soared towards Mewtwo, releasing another scorching stream of fire swirling towards the opponent. Mewtwo allowed the attack to swirl around him, effectively holding him in place. To most, the extreme heat would have been debilitating, but to Mewtwo, it was merely an insignificant increment.

With a display of his powerful psychic abilities, Mewtwo took control of the swirling fire, shaping it into an extraordinary fire blast, and directed it back towards Charizard at unimaginable speeds.

Unperturbed, Ash stood his ground as Charizard took the hit head-on without flinching. When the fiery storm subsided, Charizard roared fiercely mid-air, sending chills down the spines of every Pokémon living on or near the island.

"Keep your mouth shut. There are Pokémon living here, and they won't bear it," Mewtwo warned, but both Ash and Charizard stared back with blank expressions, unresponsive to the caution.

"Can we continue?" Ash asked, to which Mewtwo simply nodded.

"Charizard, Fire Blast!" Ash commanded again.

Charizard launched a raging ball of fire that transformed into a humanoid figure mid-air, and Mewtwo swiftly countered it using his psychic powers.

As Ash observed the situation closely, he noticed something and called out, "Steel Wing."

At Ash's signal, Charizard spread his wings wide open, glowing with a blinding light, and charged straight towards Mewtwo. Mewtwo shielded himself within the psychic barrier.

Charizard struck with a powerful Steel Wing attack, creating a slight shockwave. Up until this point, Mewtwo had been on the defensive, protecting himself without launching any attacks of his own. But a shift in the battle's dynamics was imminent.

As Charizard attempted another attack, Mewtwo's defense remained steadfast, blocking the assault yet again. The clash between the two powerful forces intensified, setting the stage for an epic battle between the Pokémon and the psychic mastermind.

"It's time to teach you a lesson," Mewtwo smirked, utilizing his psychic powers to grab hold of Charizard and hurl him against the boulders.

After Charizard crashed through several boulders, Mewtwo glanced at Ash, dropping Charizard to the ground, only to witness him stand unfazed. Ash's heart raced with concern for his Pokémon, but he refused to let his emotions show.

A sense of relief washed over Ash as he saw Charizard rise from the smoke and dust, showing his resilience and determination to continue the battle.

Unleashing a furious roar, Charizard expressed his anger towards Mewtwo for treating him like a mere toy. Ash, attempting to calm Charizard down, pleaded, "Calm down, Charizard. He wants your anger to get the better of you."

"Try our old way," Pikachu's spirit suggestes, speaking only to Ash, yet once again supporting his dear friend.

Ash nodded slightly, and Mewtwo sensed that something was amiss, keeping his guard up.

"Let's go," Ash commanded as Charizard flew aimlessly, circling around Mewtwo.

"Flamethrower!" Ash ordered again, but the attack missed its mark.

Mewtwo regarded Ash's tactics as futile, unaware of the significance behind his actions. Ash's methods may not always make sense to others, but he had a way of reaching his destined point.

As Mewtwo continued to dodge the blazing hot flames, he found himself backed against the rocky barriers surrounding his home. Faced with no other option, Mewtwo had to either attack or escape through teleportation.

"I'm not going to be beaten by this runt...not today," Mewtwo declared as he launched a barrage of Shadow Balls towards Charizard.

"Now we're talking," Ash said with his familiar smirk, expressing his excitement. Charizard roared, indicating his eagerness to battle.

"Dragon Claw!" Ash shouted, forgetting that Charizard had never used this move before.

Charizard struggled at first, but his determination to win awakened the dragonic power within him. With his Claw growing larger and glowing brighter, he charged straight towards Mewtwo, who quickly erected a barrier to protect himself.

Charizard and Mewtwo engaged in a powerful clash. Charizard pushed with all his might to break through the barrier, while Mewtwo exerted force to repel Charizard.

"If Mewtwo escapes now, we won't be able to trap him like this again...I have to do something," Ash thought to himself, and Pikachu's words echoed in his mind.

"Trust us like old him up again," The spirit of  Pikachu remindes Ash of the countless possibilities they could achieve through their bond.

Realizing the power of trust between a trainer and Pokémon, something he deeply believed in, Ash couldn't abandon it now. Greninja had shown him the true potential of this bond, and he held on to that belief firmly.

"Charizard, I believe in you! Now, a barrier stands between us and victory. Let's smash through it!" Ash exclaimed, seeking to motivate Charizard even further. However, seizing the opportunity, Mewtwo pushed Charizard back, disrupting their momentum. The battle between Ash and Charizard against Mewtwo had reached a crucial point, and the outcome hung in the balance.

Ash felt his frustration mounting as his strategy backfired, and he began to doubt whether his plan would work at all. Charizard endured a relentless assault from Mewtwo, who showed no mercy, throwing him against boulders and the cave interior repeatedly. Helplessly, Ash watched as Charizard was tossed around like a ragdoll.

"Charizard, get out of his grasp!" Ash tried his best, but his efforts seemed futile. He hadn't anticipated facing such a powerful and relentless attack.

"Done with your crappy strategies?" Pikachu asked, sensing Ash's internal struggle and anger. The frustration of his plan failing and the impending defeat weighed heavily on him. Though he knew Charizard's tenacity, he couldn't bear to risk his Pokémon's life once again.

"What should I do?" Ash implored Pikachu for suggestions, hoping for a solution, but Pikachu cryptically responded, "Find it yourself. We'll help only when you are who you really are." Pikachu's answer puzzled Ash deeply, leaving him even more uncertain.

Mewtwo delivered a final blow, crashing Charizard onto the ground, forming a massive crater around him. Ash rushed to his fallen Pokémon, feeling lost and unsure of what to do next. His carefully crafted plans had failed, and negative thoughts filled his mind in an instant.

Feeling defeated, Ash closed his eyes, and in that moment of despair, memories of his deceased Pokémon surrounded him. Their silent presence conveyed the unwavering faith they had in him, urging him not to give up. The weight of their trust resonated within Ash, sparking a newfound determination to rise above the situation.

With renewed resolve, Ash opened his eyes, his gaze steadier and his mind focused. He may not have all the answers yet, but he knew he couldn't back down. He couldn't let his Pokémon down. As he looked at Charizard, lying in the crater, he remembered all the battles they had fought together, all the victories they had celebrated.

"I won't give up," Ash muttered, his voice firm, his eyes reflecting unwavering determination. He may not have a foolproof plan, but he had faith in his bond with Charizard and his Pokémon. With that, he took a deep breath, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Ash...if he defeats you, that means he defeats us all," Pikachu's spirit remindes Ash once again.

"I can't let them down...I've let them down once already, i wont let that happen again," Ash thought, snapping out of his imagination to see Charizard struggling to get up, giving him a taunting snarl.

"But can i do it strength was with them, now I'm alone," Ash's tension escalated as his internal conflict ate away at him.

"You're not've got us all with you," Ash heard the words and looked around to see all his Pokémon's spirit taking form from Charizard.

"We're always together," Pikachu exclaimed, appearing from within Charizard

Mewtwo was stunned to witness all of Ash's Pokémon appearing out of nowhere.

"How is this happening?" Mewtwo exclaimed in utter shock as he faced a horde of Pokémon, all staring at him with rage and determination.

"I don't care," Ash replied resolutely as Charizard rose to his feet from the rubble, seemingly unaffected by the previous assault. Mewtwo couldn't believe his eyes, witnessing the power of the bond between Ash and his Pokémon. They conquered death to be with him. 

"I should've're always a surprise. Now come at me with that new power of yours," Mewtwo taunted with a sly smile.

Ash closed his eyes once more as all the Pokémon disappeared back, leaving only Charizard standing by his side. Charizard's tail flame burned even stronger, radiating with newfound energy.

"We'll beat him together," Ash promised, feeling the support and cheers of his Pokémon in his heart.

"Charizard, are you ready?" Ash asked, seeking a final confirmation, while Mewtwo tensed up, sensing the weight of the impending battle. Ash had a promise to keep, and Mewtwo had an oath to uphold.

"Charizard, use Dragon Claw!" Ash exclaimed, closing his fist with excitement.

With a determined aim towards Mewtwo, Charizard took off into the skies. Mewtwo rushed in, enveloping himself in a Psychic barrier, both Pokémon moving at their extremes. Their collision shook the island, and the battleground was ablaze with intensity.

After the clash, both Pokémon emerged unharmed, and Mewtwo wore a smirk on his face, seemingly unfazed by the encounter. However, the battle was far from over. The stakes were high, and both Ash and Mewtwo knew that this battle would test their limits. The power of their bond would be the deciding factor in this epic clash between trainer and Pokémon mastermind.

"You're strong, but not as strong as me," Mewtwo boasted, unleashing a furious barrage of Shadow Balls at Charizard.

"Cut through them!" Ash shouted, swiftly getting back on his feet.

Without hesitation, Charizard sliced through the shadow balls effortlessly, rushing towards Mewtwo. But once again, Mewtwo put up a barrier, stopping Charizard in his tracks as he flew around, futilely slashing at it.

"He's slowing us down...then stopping us. If we're going to break through, we need to move quicker. That's it, we need more speed and power," Ash realized, coming up with a new strategy on the spot, just like he used to.

"What are you trying to achieve, Ash?" Mewtwo inquired, intrigued by Ash's determination.

Charizard backed away and then shot down like a missile on a mission as per Ash's command, gathering momentum and speed.

"We're gonna beat you!" Ash declared with determination as Charizard closed in and Mewtwo readied himself to defend.

"Use Megapunch!" Ash commanded, but Charizard instead used Thunder Punch. Mewtwo quickly countered by catching Charizard's hand and taking the slight damage from the electric energy.

"Wrong move, Runt," Mewtwo taunted, releasing Charizard and preparing to strike with Iron Tail.

"Shit!" Ash exclaimed as Charizard was thrown backward by the force of the attack. However, Charizard quickly regained his composure and nodded at Ash, who returned the gesture with a nod of his own.

Mewtwo watched in amusement as Ash smirked, ready to unleash his next move.

"Use Overheat!" Ash commanded, and Charizard responded by sending a blazing hot stream of fire towards Mewtwo. Mewtwo deflected the attack with ease but failed to notice Charizard approaching him from behind while he was focused on countering the flames.

As the flames cleared, Mewtwo's eyes widened in realization that Charizard was no longer within his sight. Sensing a sudden shift in the air, Mewtwo whipped around, only to be met with the glowing claws of Charizard, striking him with such force that he tumbled back, losing his balance. This momentary opening was all Ash needed to settle an old debt once and for all.

"Thunder Punch," Ash commanded, his voice firm and resolute, urging Charizard to attack Mewtwo once again.

Just as Mewtwo was gathering himself, Charizard's punch landed right in his stomach, sending him flying across the battlefield and crashing into the valley filled with large boulders. Mewtwo fell hard, but he managed to get up, showing remarkable resilience.

Ash's mercy was gone now. He realized that holding back had made him weak, and he was determined to see this battle through, no matter what.

"Flamethrower!" Ash's ruthlessness echoed in every sound byte.

Charizard unleashed a torrent of flames, engulfing Mewtwo and burning him severely. Despite the injuries, Mewtwo got back on his feet, visibly weakened and struggling to catch his breath. In contrast, Charizard showed no signs of slowing down.

"Is that the best you can do?" Mewtwo taunted, attempting to gather himself and muster the strength to continue.

Without hesitation, Mewtwo used "Recover" to heal his physical wounds, but it was clear that his energy was depleted. Charizard, on the other hand, was still far from reaching his limits.

"Well then, let's go!" Ash exclaimed, his determination unwavering as Charizard unleashed a deafening roar that reverberated throughout the island.

"Dragon Claw!" Ash commanded with a quick roll-out as Charizard rushed at Mewtwo, his claws glowing with power. Mewtwo attempted to put up Psychic barriers to defend himself, but Charizard's ferocity pierced through them.

"Thunder Punch!" Ash commanded, driven to finish the battle this time.

With electric energy crackling through his arms, Charizard threw a punch at Mewtwo, who used a Shadow Ball as a last-ditch effort to protect himself. The collision of Thunder Punch and Shadow Ball caused an explosive impact, sending both Pokémon crashing to the ground.

Mewtwo got back up yet again, showing his unwavering determination to uphold his oath to himself. Charizard, too, rose from the ground with scratches covering his body and labored breaths. Ash was surprised to see Mewtwo stand up once more, but he couldn't help but smile at the Pokémon's resilience.

"I'm sorry, Mewtwo, you're strong...but we've got to win," Ash said, understanding the significance of the battle. Charizard nodded in agreement, ready to continue the fight.

"Well then... let's see," Mewtwo replied, speaking with difficulty yet exuding a sense of confidence, just like how Ash used to be, holding onto hope and refusing to give up, even when the outcome seemed clear. The battle was far from over, and both sides were prepared to give it their all until the very end.

Mewtwo's strength was fading rapidly, and most of his shadow balls missed Charizard, reflecting his weakened state. Despite the intense battle, Charizard continued to overpower Mewtwo, slamming him to the ground with great force, only to see him rise again. Ash couldn't help but be amazed at Mewtwo's resilience and unwavering determination, a reflection of his own past behavior of never giving up.

Realization struck Ash as he understood the deeper meaning behind Mewtwo's actions. Mewtwo was pushing himself to the limit to teach Ash a valuable lesson – never giving up was what defined him. With a newfound clarity, Ash felt a strong sense of gratitude towards Mewtwo.

As Mewtwo visibly struggled, Ash ran up to him, witnessing the extent of the effort Mewtwo was putting in to remain standing. In a moment of tenderness, Ash reached out and held the weakened Mewtwo in his arms, acknowledging the profound impact the battle had on him.

"You did all this to make me realize that I shouldn't ever give up," Ash whispered, finally comprehending the message Mewtwo had been trying to convey. Mewtwo managed to smile before succumbing to exhaustion and passing out in Ash's arms.

Realizing that Mewtwo needed immediate attention, Ash and Charizard swiftly carried him to the Tree of Life, where Charizard had once recovered. With the support of a petrified Mareep, they laid Mewtwo down on the sacred ground, hoping that the tree's power would aid in his recovery.

As they waited patiently for Mewtwo to regain his strength, they found a moment of respite and peacefully rested. Unbeknownst to them, their previously concealed location was now exposed on radars, as the force field Mewtwo had erected dissipated after he lost consciousness. In the blink of an eye, the hidden place emerged, visible to the world for the first time.

The island's tranquility remained undisturbed as Ash and his Pokémon rested, unaware of the profound impact their actions had on the world around them. The bond between trainer and Pokémon had once again proven to be a force to be reckoned with, and the island had become a haven where miracles were born and destinies were rewritten.

At the World Defence Association's branch located at Kanto.

Lance, the man with the tainted red hair and a prominent figure in the Pokémon world, received alarming news about a mysterious island that had suddenly appeared in the waters of Kanto. The reports indicated strong signals of intense heat and extraordinary psychic power emanating from the newly discovered landmass.

As a skilled trainer and protector of the Pokémon world, Lance knew the potential dangers such power could pose if misused. He understood the significance of acting swiftly to investigate the situation and prevent any possible threats.

Gathering his team of experts, Lance analyzed the data further, comparing the power levels to the Pokémon database. The results left them astonished. The heat source resembled the combined strength of multiple fire-type Pokémon, while the psychic power surpassed any recorded data in their charts.

Lance knew he couldn't take any chances with this uncharted territory. The possibility of rare and powerful Pokémon residing there also intrigued him. However, his main concern remained securing the island to avoid exploitation by malevolent forces.

With a sense of responsibility and determination, Lance gave orders to prepare the fleet for immediate departure. He believed that understanding the island's secrets and ensuring its safety were essential not just for Kanto but for the entire Pokémon world.

As the fleet sailed towards the enigmatic island, Lance contemplated the unknown that lay ahead. The excitement of potential discoveries mixed with the weight of responsibility. He hoped that whatever awaited them on the island would not bring harm to anyone, Pokémon or human alike.

As the ships closed in on the mysterious land, Lance's mind was filled with curiosity and caution. He knew that their approach had to be careful and strategic, as this new territory held countless possibilities and potential dangers.

Lance's eyes scanned the horizon as they approached the island, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The fate of this uncharted land and its potential impact on the Pokémon world rested on their expedition. Lance was determined to safeguard both the Pokémon and the people and, if necessary, confront any adversaries that stood in their way.

Chapter done!!

Hope ya all enjoyed it, tell me what you guys think, votes and comments are appreciated.

Seeya guys in the next one!!

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