Chapter 4

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As Ash woke up on the comfortable bed, he was surprised to find a steaming cup of coffee sitting on the table beside him.

Ignoring it for now, he couldn't help but reflect on his decision to return to the world he had left behind.

Regret washed over him as he remembered the struggles he had faced to protect Lance and his crew from Mewtwo's wrath.

He had come back to take care of Kanto, but his compassion had been taken advantage of in the past, and he was determined not to let that happen again.

The trust he once had for the world had crumbled, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of isolation.

Just then, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. "May I come in?" the voice of Cynthia, the Sinnoh Champion, rang out from outside the room.

"Yeah, come in," Ash replied with a deep sigh, putting on his T-shirt.

Cynthia, a young blonde woman dressed in black, entered through the automated door. "My, my, you look... horrible!" she remarked, teasingly.

"Can you just stop that, Cynthia? I know I look horrible, you don't have to remind me," Ash replied, clearly displeased by her remark.

"Okay, I won't," Cynthia shrugged, taking a seat on the chair beside Ash's bed.

"Why are you even here?" Ash questioned, facing the Champion with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"Geez, Ash, settle down a bit. We've got time," Cynthia said calmly.

"You didn't answer me yet," Ash pressed on, wanting to know her true reason for being there.

"How can I not visit when the boy I thought was lost forever comes back unscathed?" Cynthia replied with a hint of exaggeration.

"Thanks a lot for coming... I thought most people would've stopped caring that I even existed," Ash thanked her, feeling a sense of gratitude for her unexpected visit.

"That's not true, Ash. Everybody still cares for you... most miss you more than anything," Cynthia reassured him with a comforting smile.

As Cynthia got up from her seat, she said, "Come on, I've got a surprise for you."

"For me??" Ash questioned, following her curiously, unaware of the surprise that awaited him.

Ash's heart swelled with emotions as he saw his mother's face, but the sight of her in a wheelchair hit him hard. He couldn't bear to see her like this. Ignoring the man in the white coat standing beside her, he rushed towards his mom.

"Ash!" Delia's exclamation echoed through the room as Ash found himself at a loss for words. Tears welled up in his eyes as he knelt down next to his mother, trying to apologize for something only the two of them knew.

"There's nothing I wouldn't forgive you for," Delia comforted Ash, her warm smile putting him at ease.

His attention was drawn to Brock, whom he had ignored earlier. "Brock," Ash said, his face forming a small smile.

"Been a while," Brock replied, his own smile gleaming with happiness.

"Sure has, I missed ya all very much," Ash replied, getting up to give Brock a brotherly hug.

"Yo, Ashy-Boy... you dumbass idiot, where were you?" Ash didn't need to look to know that those words belonged to Gary. He felt a familiar hit on his head, but instead of getting angry, he turned around to face Gary with a point-blank stare, his face devoid of emotion.

"Stop it, Gary," Ash's words said it all, and Gary expected him to argue and get mad.

"Make me," Gary scoffed.

"Same as ever," Delia commented on Ash and Gary's exchange, showing that even after all this time, some things never changed.

Laughter filled the room as Ash and Gary embraced each other, tapping each other's backs. It was as if the time they spent apart had never happened.

"I wasn't sure if you made it out," Ash finally said, reluctantly letting go of his friend.

"Nothing can kill the Great Gary Oak," Gary proudly declared, his confidence shining through.

Ash's reaction was mixed, and Brock couldn't help but be curious. "Why did you keep away this long, Ash?" Brock asked, genuinely wondering about the reasons behind his friend's absence.

"It took me long to realize what I had to I know exactly I'm gonna do" Ash's reply comes as no surprise to anyone, Brock acknowledges Ash's decision with a Nod.

"Whatever you do just be safe and make sure everyone around you is safe." Delia remarks

Ash's heart felt lighter with his mother's reassuring words and Cynthia's understanding presence. He knew he had made the right decision to come back, and he was grateful to have friends like Cynthia, Gary, and Brock by his side.

As they left his mother's room, Cynthia informed him that they had important things to do, catching him up on what had happened during his absence. Ash's curiosity was piqued, and he was eager to know what had transpired in the world he had left behind.

As they walked past two men, one of them fiddling with his Rotom phone and the other sipping coffee, Ash's gaze locked with the man holding the coffee. The man had striking golden eyes, and something about him seemed familiar.

"Hii Leon, hope you had a nice trip here," Cynthia greeted the man with the golden eyes, introducing him as the World Monarch.

"The world what?" Ash exclaimed, not hearing the last part clearly.

"It's nothing. Just like you, I'm a Champion too," Leon chuckled, brushing off the title with modesty.

"I'm Leon, nice to meet you, Ash," Leon introduced himself properly, and he nudged his friend Raihan to do the same.

"I'm Raihan, a Dragon-type gym leader," Raihan introduced himself with a friendly smile.

Ash's curiosity got the better of him, and he asked where they were from.

"We're from the Galar region," Leon clarified.

"Galar? Never heard of it," Ash replied with a light smile, intrigued by this new region he had never encountered before. They move forwards and Ash's curiosity gets the better of him.

"I don't understand why we're here," Ash inquired, turning to Cynthia, who seemed to be the only one in the know.

"There are a few things you need to know," Cynthia replied cryptically.

The others' behavior piqued Ash's curiosity, and he couldn't help but wonder what he had missed during his time away.

"Why the secrecy? What's going on?" Ash's impatience got the better of him as they ventured deeper into the facility, which appeared to be the most secure and secretive organization in the world.

"In a way, we are attending a meeting, but not a typical one," Gary responded, and Ash raised an eyebrow, eager to know more.

"oh?" Ash questioned, surprised by the revelation.

"Yep" Gary confirmed, and Cynthia chuckled to herself.

Ash couldn't shake off his unease as they entered a room where he thought it was empty until he heard a groan coming from across the room. To his astonishment, he saw a girl in a lab coat struggling to carry a massive pile of books.

Rushing to her aid, Gary lightened her load, and Ash immediately recognized the blonde teenager before him.

"Oh, shoot," Ash mumbled, wanting to escape the situation.

"Mister!" The girl's voice was firm yet gentle, compelling Ash to face her.

Reluctantly, he turned around, coming face to face with Lillie, the memories of their past encounters rushing back.

"Just why did you call her here?" Ash muttered under his breath, trying to avoid the inevitable conversation.

"Actually, I work here," Lillie explained, and Ash was taken aback.

"Lillie is our head researcher here," Cynthia added.

Realizing there was no escape, Ash resigned himself to the situation.

"Then what do you research here?" Ash asked Gary, trying to steer the conversation away from himself.

"You'll find out soon enough," Gary teased.

"Lillie, it's good to see you again," Ash said, managing a small smile.

The surprise came when Lillie embraced him briefly, and Ash couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

"I still can't believe Pikachu is gone," Lillie said, her voice quivering with emotion.

"He's never gone... he'll always be with us, no matter what," Ash assured her, a sense of loss overwhelming him once more.

"Pikachu's passing affected her deeply," Gary interjected, and Lillie nodded in agreement.

"I'm sure he's happy wherever he is," Cynthia offered.

"He is," Ash confirmed.

"Ash, we'll bring those who caused all that to justice. We'll do it together," Cynthia vowed, her determination clear.

"Come on, Ash, we need to go. There's a lot we need to tell you," Lillie said, her voice filled with urgency.

They headed towards a well-lit conference hall where Lance awaited their arrival.

"Good morning, Ash," Lance greeted warmly, and Ash nodded in response.

"We hope you had a good rest because we have a lot to discuss," Lance stated.

"Please take a seat, Ash," Cynthia added, settling in her own chair.

"She's been showing me around for quite a while now. So, what's this all about?" Ash asked the group.

"Do you know what happened all around the world after Pallet Town was decimated?" Lillie inquired.

"What happened here?" Ash asked, his curiosity piqued.

"The whole world went into chaos. There were public protests demanding the eradication of organizations like Team Rocket," Gary explained, and Ash remained silent.

"Yes, and as Champions, we were under immense pressure to take action," Lance continued.

"And that's exactly what we're doing now," Cynthia interjected.

"We've been taking down their bases one by one, and so far, we've managed to shut down seven of them," Lillie elaborated.

"Who's part of this 'we'?" Ash asked.

"Eight Champions, their G-men, and top-end trainers like me, all recruited from across the world," Gary replied, watching Ash carefully.

"Can I meet them?" Ash wondered, looking at Cynthia and Lance.

"They are scattered all over the world. Some of your friends, like Gladion and Paul, are part of this mission too," Lance explained, knowing it would be difficult for Ash to meet everyone.

"All that said; Ash, would you like to join us? I know you don't have all your Pokémon, but we can provide you with some if you need them," Lance offered, hoping Ash would accept.

"I have all the Pokémon I need with me, don't worry about it. I'll help you deal with those guys. On one condition," Ash said, his expression growing serious, and a sense of determination in his voice. The others in the room waited, anticipating what Ash's condition might be.

Lance leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Ash with a hint of curiosity. "So, what's your condition?" he inquired.

Ash's expression remained stoic as he replied, "It's simple; any information regarding Giovanni reaches me first."

Lance nodded, considering the terms. "I suppose we have a deal then," he said, extending his hand towards Ash. Which he promptly returns

"Well come to the World Defence Association- Kanto Division" Lance welcomes Ash to the place where he will take the first few steps towards his vengeance.

*A day Earlier* At Kalos

In the quiet solitude of her room, Serena stands before a mirror, adorned in her showcase outfit, a mixture of nerves and determination evident in her eyes. It had been a long year, filled with doubts and uncertainties, but she had finally mustered the courage to step back onto the stage.

As she holds a cherished photo of Ash and his Pokémon close to her heart, Serena's emotions swirl like a gentle breeze. She recalls the countless moments they had shared together, the adventures, the laughter, and the unwavering support they had given each other.

"I miss you, Ash," she whispers, a tear trickling down her cheek. "You were always there for me, cheering me on, even when I doubted myself. But I'll carry your spirit with me, no matter where I go."

Taking a deep breath, Serena wipes away her tears, determined to honor Ash's memory and make him proud. She knows that he won't physically be there in the audience, but she believes he'll be watching her from wherever he is.

"Today, I'll give it my all, just like you always did," Serena declares, her voice filled with conviction. "I know you'll be cheering for me in your own way."

With a newfound strength and the unwavering support of her Pokémon, Serena leaves her room, her heart set on the stage where she will once again showcase her talent and passion for performing. It won't be easy, and the memories of her time with Ash will bring both joy and sorrow, but she's determined to carry on, knowing that she carries a piece of him in her heart.

As Serena steps onto the stage and the spotlight shines down on her, she feels a sense of connection with Ash, as if he's there, guiding her every move. With each graceful movement and heartfelt performance, she gives her all, not just for herself, but for the friend she holds dear in her heart.

And in that moment, as the audience applauds and cheers for her, Serena knows that she hasn't just performed for herself, but also for Ash, whose memory will forever be a source of inspiration and strength in her journey.


Chapter done!

Hope everyone enjoyed it!

Will Sere win the showcase?? Tell me what ya guys think.

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