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Your pov


I restarted the videotape Naeun gave Mingyu and watched it for the third time.

Mingyu handed me his camera a few hours ago before leaving toward the house of one of his patients. On the videotape, we can clearly see Jin and another man who I come to understand later, that he was Jungkook's father. They were arguing because of Jungkook.

Jin was throwing threats at the man who calmly sat on the chair close to the study desk, with a cigarette between his fingers. It seems that Jin was aware of what he was doing to Jungkook and he wanted to make sure that he will stop. Or else he will take care of him in a way not too Christian. The man had no clue that he was recorded. The camera must have been hidden between the books in the library opposite the desk. 

"I'll make sure to end you if I see another scratch on him. It will remain nothing of you when I'm done with you, do you understand? I will forget our years of partnership. "

The man only laughed before standing up and leaving Jin's office.

Then I took his diary and read through it. There were a few papers torn but at the end of it, Jin described detailed his plan of murdering Jungkook's entire family.

I was both relieved and terrified.

"I don't know what is happening to me but I can't snatch him out of my mind. I am aware that he is too young but what to do when I am this smitten with him. I want him all by myself."

"I miss him. I haven't seen him at all in a whole week and I can barely breathe.  I can't wait to have him. To kiss his rosy lips and touch his white delicate skin. If I'll end up in hell then I willingly embrace it."

I crooked my nose as I kept on reading, but as I continue, the room seemed to be spinning around me and severe nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. I quickly covered my mouth for fear of throwing up, but that didn't stop it from happening. I quickly grabbed the first thing closest to me which was the bed scarf.

At that moment, I was clueless about the fact that... It was the beginning of my agony.

Jungkook's pov

I couldn't hold in my rage. I was this close to losing my mind completely. You were there watching me, terrified.  Because of that, I couldn't lose it. But it was so hard. I wished I could kill Mingyu. I was praying for this opportunity.

"Jungkook... She is..."

"I know who she fucking is!" I yelled.

If Mingyu wasn't holding me, that woman standing a few feet away from me would've been dead the moment she put her foot in Mingyu's house.

A few days later, I was actually living this hell. I was forced to confront that woman. A situation I didn't even dream about.

"I will kill her! I swear that I'll kill her if she will not get out of this house. Like right fucking now!"

"Kookie, "

The tremor in your voice brought my attention to you. I didn't want you to be forced to see this. But this was the fucking reality. I was broken. Once again. Most of all, frustrated. Because once again I was falling into my misery. And you had to witness it again.

I couldn't hide from you. You could see through me each time I tried to hide it through this acting. I was falling apart. My heart was shattering into a million pieces.

"You have to listen to her, Jungkook. I know it's hard but..." Mingyu tried again.

"You know? How can you fucking know that? You don't know shit, so shut the fuck up!"

I will cry. Ah, damn it.
I felt hot tears filling up. Why do I have to be so weak?

I grabbed Mingyu's arm which was wrapped around my waist. He was standing behind me, holding me. He had used all the strength he could muster, making sure to prevent any catastrophe from occurring. He was holding me so tight I could barely breathe.

"I'm so sorry..."

"I don't fucking need your sorry. Do you understand? I don't want to see you. You are nothing to me, bitch! Get this into your fucking head. I hate you!!!"

My voice broke and I couldn't control my feelings anymore. I could feel those annoying tears splash down my cheeks. I bit my lip as I clenched my fingers in Mingyu's arm.

"I just wanted you to know that I always loved you."

I let out a chuckle at the hearing of her words. She was crying. She seemed so weak and pitiful. But I didn't give a shit about her feelings. After all, she was a stranger to me.

"Go back to where you came from. Live your life as you did until now, without me in it. Trust me when I say that you didn't miss anything. It's nothing here for you to come back for."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning around, this way facing Mingyu. He stammered the moment our eyes locked and he let go of me, probably reading my intention of leaving the room.

I felt your eyes on me but even so, I chose to avoid your powerful gaze. I know how much you wanted to comfort me but I was tired of dragging you into my mess. I'm tired of feeling ashamed in front of you.
I also want to be strong... Like you.

At that time, I wasn't aware of how much I was hurting you. How much you missed me. I'm sorry for making you go through all this. I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry for being so weak.

Without thinking, I left. Somewhere at the back of my head, I heard you protesting but I was too caught up in the recent events and didn't pay too much attention. Anyway, it was evening, the sun has set over an hour ago or so and I could hardly see a few feet out in front of me. I wasn't worried that someone might recognize me, actually, it didn't even cross my mind that possibility. I needed to get out of there and breathe some fresh air.

As I walked down the street, someone's presence brought my attention to them. It took me a few seconds to recognize the person who was standing not far from me and I rolled my eyes annoyed. I couldn't believe that she was this stupid. After what she had done, she actually had the guts to follow me around.

I took a big breath to calm my nerves. Shoving my hands in my jeans pockets, I kept walking like I wasn't aware of her existence. But she grabbed my arm and forced me to stop as I passed her.

I closed my eyes and counted to 10.

"Jungkook, I... I'm so sorry for what I did."

Of course you are.

"Now if you said what you needed to say, can I have my arm back?" I breathed out with my eyes still closed.

"I miss you."

I will lose my shit.

"Aha. Now let go."

"Why are you so cold every time? Do you know how much this hurts me? At least look at me."

I opened my eyes slowly. Her fingers tightened around my wrist. Annoyed I pushed the inside of my cheek with my tongue.

I hated her touch. I hated it when people force themselves on me.

"Give me a chance. I am sure I can make you happier than she will ever be able to."

"Yeah? And what do you know what I need?"

"Of course I do. I saw the real you, remember? I'm sure she has no idea who you really are. When she will see, she will leave you. I won't. I'll give you everything you want."

Her words hit me. Yeah, she definitely knew what I was. I had no self-restraint when it comes to others. But one thing she didn't understand. What she offers me will never make me happy.

With you is...

"Even so. I don't want you. If I fucked you once, that doesn't mean anything. Trust me. You were just a piece of trash I used for a while." I threw her an icy glare and smirked before leaning towards her and licked my bottom lip. Her eyes widened as she stared at me.

"You're boring," I added as I wrapped my fingers around her arm forcing her to release me. "I don't need you."

"You will regret this." She threatened.

"Can't wait for it," I mumbled in boredom, then turning around I walked away.

Jennie's eyes narrowed as she watched Jungkook's retreating back.

"I can help you with that..." A figure spoke as soon as it stopped next to Jennie, a few moments later.

Jennie's lips trembled slightly, her eyes still focused on the path Jungkook walked on.
"I'm counting on that."

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