Fear of loss

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Jungkook's pov

"Jungkook, I can't reach Y/N. Do you know where she could be? Her phone is switched off." As soon as I stepped inside the living room, Mingyu jumped off the couch and this was the first thing he told me. He seemed restless. My heart stopped when his words reached my brain.

"What? But she was here yesterday evening before I left..."

"I searched for her in her bedroom first thing in the morning. I had something important to tell her and I could not wait. But her bed was untouched. I don't think she slept here last night. I am really worried, Jungkook. She never turns off her phone. You know how she worries about you all the time so..."

My chest tightened, my hands got suddenly sweaty. I tried to think where you could possibly be, but the only thing that came into my mind was those guys I met at the club. Mark and Kai. Also Jennie.

I swallowed hard remembering Jennie's threat. "You'll regret this. "

I thought she was talking about me. That she was threatening to harm me. Not you. I wouldn't have had anything against it. But the possibility of you being in danger was something I couldn't cope with. I felt suddenly nauseous. I couldn't stop blaming myself for leaving you alone. For not being there to protect you. What if something bad happened to you? What will I do? The thought alone caused my heartbeat to thumb loudly.

My eyes stopped on Mingyu's phone in his hand. I stretched my arm and grabbed it intending to call you. And he was right. The call didn't get through. The phone slipped off my hand on the white hone with a thud before quickly running to your room. My heart was beating so fast. It was all I could hear.

Once inside your bedroom, my eyes roamed everywhere, searching for any indication that might tell me where you might be. My lips parted when my eyes caught a glimpse of your phone laying somewhere near the wall, next to the foot of the bed.

I was starting to freak out as I picked it up and switched it on only to search through your contacts, then your messages, my eyes stopping on a particular one.

"I miss burying myself inside you."

I felt anger building inside me.

That guy. I remembered seeing him forcing himself onto you in Kai's club. My fingers clenched around the phone as I read the old messages he sent to you. The way he threatened you to reveal to the police where I was hiding if you won't go to see him. I bit my lip in frustration, my hand trembling against the cold plastic. I tried to push aside the dark thoughts that started to cloud my judgment and think clearly.

Kai. He actually seemed disturbed by Mark's presence in his club at that time. Also, he lied to his police friends about my real identity. I wasn't convinced but he was my first option. If will not work... My mind flew to that man... That woman's husband. Maybe he will.

Yeah, I actually met him last night. I wasn't very happy about it. It was like an endless nightmare.



I was sitting on a bench, somewhere in a park, close to Mingyu's house. I was deep in thoughts this until someone sat next to me. I didn't even stress myself to turn my head and see who the intruder was.

"You are Jungkook, right? I'm sorry for appearing like this out of nowhere and disturbing you. I just wish to talk to you. Can you just hear me out?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm your mother's husband."

I threw a glance at the man annoyed. It was enough one look to know that he was rich. I chuckled.

"I'm not here to defend her or anything. I only want to tell you her story. I want you to know how her life was all these years. I know that it must be hard to listen to her, but maybe with a complete stranger will be a little easier. You're not my child. I'm nothing to you. But because the woman I love happens to be your mother, then this also affects me."

"Hadn't you watched the news recently? You should know that I'm a dangerous man." I sighed, feeling suddenly tired.

"I know everything when it comes to you, of course. We searched for you for years. Also, Mingyu told us everything. Now, if you intend to harm me, at least do it after you have listened to what I have to say. I don't want to die for nothing. It would be very outrageous. I wouldn't be able to rest in peace."

I grinned. Well damn.

"Alright. But you better think twice before opening your mouth. Search for your words wisely." I smirked at the way his body stiffened next to me. But he didn't move an inch whatsoever. I had to prise his courage.

"I don't know if you remember anything about your real father."

I narrowed my eyes. Actually no. I don't remember ever seeing him actually.

He took my silence as I didn't and he continued. "When your mother and father decided to move together, her family turned their back on her. They never approved their relationship. Your mother's family has a good background but it wasn't the same as your father's. He didn't afford much.

At first, they were alright but with time he became frustrated with the way they were living. No matter how much he struggled it seemed that he was always stuck. There was not enough money. He had problems at his work with his superiors and colleagues who blamed him for the disappearance of an important amount of money. There wasn't any proof but it didn't stop them from blaming him as he was the one holding the corporation's evidence. He was dragged into a scandal. Forced to face the authorities and in the end, locked up in prison for years without proper evidence. A few years later, he was released. But it was hard for him to interact with people. Being an ex-prisoner, people avoided him. It was impossible to find a job and he had no other choice left but to steal. He started to consume drugs and in the end, he abused your mother."

"She was always there for him even when he discharged his anger and powerless on her as she was the only one he had.

Your mother would lock you up in a room so you wouldn't witness all of this. She was afraid that your father would go to the extent of also hurting you."

"This until the day she found him hanging up to the chandelier in the living room."

"She took the hard decision to leave him, for your sake, but after only two days, too worried, she came back, only to find him dead. It was too much for your father, suddenly waking up all alone."

"She was destroyed. No matter what, she loved your father. He was a good man, but society changed him completely. He cracked. He became someone he wasn't. When he realized that, he took the hard decision of taking his life."

"He left a letter to your mother, telling her how much she means to him. How much you mean to him. And he also apologized for not being the man she deserved. For not being able to protect her."

"After his death, she went to her parents to ask for their help. But they refused to have anything to do with her so she was forced to take measures and give up on you. She couldn't see you starving and having to deal with cold and hardship."

"I preferred to live on the streets and starve if that meant she wouldn't give up on me."

"She is a mother. A parent can't live while watching their child grow up in misery. She wanted to know you were safe, even if that meant handing you over to another family. We can't know what the result of our actions will be. She tried to protect you in her way even if maybe it was not the best decision.

You have no idea how many times she cried late at night, thinking of you, missing you. The light in her eyes came back to life the moment she saw you. It was like she didn't live for real until then. You will never hear this from her. She never shows her vulnerability and what she carries inside. Instead preferring to keep everything to herself so she wouldn't hurt nor trouble those around her. Especially those she cares about."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"I just want you to take a moment and try to put yourself in her shoes. Was never a moment when you did something for the good of someone you cherished? Because you thought it was the right thing? Even if you stepped on your own heart?"

My mind brought me back to the moment I took the hard decision of leaving you. I didn't want to. But I knew I will drag you down.

I averted my gaze. I understood where he was coming from. Still, it was so hard to forget and forgive. I couldn't do it.

End of flashback

After I changed into a black pair of jeans and a black hoodie, I left my room, and with determined steps, I walked into the living room.

"I need your car keys," I said as soon as I spotted Mingyu. His eyes widened.

"No way. I'm driving. Do you even know where is the break and where is the acceleration?"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

"Don't you whatever me. Where are we going?"

"Kai's club."

"And why..."

"Shut up and let's go already," Jungkook spoke, impatiently heading towards the door. Mingyu ran after him.

Once in the car, Mingyu's gaze shifted to Jungkook who pulled his hood over his head before smoothly covering his mouth and nose with a black mask. He felt a chill on his back when his gaze traveled up to end up locking with his. He could even feel the hairs on the nape of his neck standing up.

"Are you gonna start moving this damn car anytime soon?" Jungkook asked, his voice dangerously low.

Mingyu took a deep breath, his hands clenching around the wheel. He tried not to seem affected but it was harder than it looked. He was scared, terrified even. After all, he knew better than anyone what Jungkook was capable of. He almost lost his life only because he did nothing to help Jungkook when he was abused by his brother. He didn't want to imagine what Jungkook would do to him if he pisses him off.

But even if he was scared, he still tried to act strong. After all, he was the older one. And he couldn't afford any slip-ups. Not when it could endanger your safety and also Jungkook's. He swallowed his fears and build up the courage to open his mouth. "Jungkook..."

"I will not lose my shit, ok? But if you don't hurry, I might."

Mingyu swallowed hard. He heard Jungkook exhaling a breath.

"I won't hurt you... I'm sorry."

Mingyu's eyes softened, tears started to build up. He knew what that apology was for.

"I'm sorry for doing that to you. It won't happen again... No matter what.

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