twenty one

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With a gentle knock, you stepped into Mingyu's office and closed the door behind you. Then your gaze shifted to Mingyu who was sitting behind the desk signing some documents.
"I need to go somewhere this evening," you informed him the moment his eyes stopped on you.

"Where? "

"I received a message from an unknown number, telling me they want me to go to a specific party which will be held in a club. But it's not only that," You took a deep breath. "They also know about Jungkook." You confessed.

Mingyu's eyes widened as he slowly placed the pencil down on the desk.

"If I will come, they will not appear. They will not stop with only a threat and we have to know who they are and what they want." Mingyu thought out loud. "But still, I can come with you and watch over you while staying hidden somewhere inside the club," Mingyu suggested then waited for your response.

"And what if they will follow me from here? Besides, I know who the person is. It's either Kai or Mark. Or both of them. Jennie made sure to meet the guys. It seems she knows them pretty well." You pushed the inside of your cheek with your tongue in annoyance.

"I am not scared of them. I am more scared of them going to the police and informing them about Jungkook. I can't take him and run away just like that as it happened four years ago. I can't risk, not after his face is constantly shown on the news."

Mingyu closed his eyes slowly as he brought his hand to massage the back of his head. "Damn it. What's wrong with that girl? She promised me she will be careful and not make me problems." Mingyu said with a disappointed voice.
"Who are those guys and what do they want? "

"I don't know but I will make sure to find out." You bit your lip piercing you just bought as you remembered how the both of them were looking at you the day you met.

"I need clothes and you will come with me to help me buy something." You said as you stared down at Mingyu.

Mingyu raised an eyebrow seeing you so worked up.


"Because I need a man's opinion." You grinned. "And I have faith in your taste."

Mingyu stared at you deep in thoughts. Then he smiled after figuring out what was your plan.
"You sly woman!"

Your smile widened but soon faded away as Jungkook popped up in your mind. "How is he by the way?" You asked Mingyu worryingly. "I didn't have the opportunity to see him after you hypnotized him. Did everything work out well?"

Mingyu tilted his head, thinking of something. Then, after a short pause, he smiled warmly. "He will be the one to tell you everything."

You raised your eyebrows in confusion.

"He is alright, Y/N. I hope that with this new information everything will change in our favor."

Your pov

I sighed as I stared at my reflection in the big mirror in front of me. When was the last time I have done this? Actually wearing make-up and having my hair done, I thought to myself as I slid my fingers through my curls. I couldn't recognize myself. I like to be a little more natural. For the first time in my life, I felt fake. This wasn't me.

After taking in my black long sleeve dress, I rolled my eyes exasperated. It was kinda too much, but after seeing Mingyu's flushed face ready to explode the moment I stepped out of the dressing room in it, I didn't think too much before buying it.

The dress barely covered my butt. The soft fabric made of lace hugged my body in a sensual, provoking way.
Let's not talk about how displayed my whole back was. I let out a tsk at my mauve dragon tattoo poking out from underneath my dress.
I didn't like to show my tattoo to everyone, but I was aware that the tattoos look amazing on a woman's long and sexy leg that most would find difficult in keeping their eyes off. And that was what I wanted. To make sure that those boys who dared threaten me, fall at my feet. The idea itself made me grin evilly. I needed to be the one in control here. I couldn't let anyone have the upper hand. Not when Jungkook's life is at stake.

My smile widened remembering Jungkook's puzzled expression when he first saw my tattoo. I could read everything on his shocked face. He couldn't believe that I was the kind of girl to actually have a tattoo. His eyes actually sparked after taking in what was displayed in front of him.
Once again I concluded that he likes bad girls.

"What does your tattoo means?" He asked as he caressed it gently.

"My secret," I responded. Then placing one finger against his lips, I forced him to stop asking. And he never did. This was something that I appreciated about him. He knew when to leave me space.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
How far am I willing to go for you, Jungkook? Where will this lead me? Where my love for you will bring me?

As I stood there to collect my thoughts, I felt the door of my room opening. I opened my eyes and locked my gaze with Jungkook's in the reflection.

His presence, once again, left me breathless. And he was wearing only a black hoodie and a pair of blue sweatpants. It was enough to make my heart flutter though. It's something regarding his existence I guess.

Jungkook stopped for a moment to take a slow deep breath before making his way to me. The door automatically locked behind him with a soft click.
He stared at me without uttering a word, his large, dark eyes shining in the faint light. In exchange, I smiled warmly. It seemed I, as well, had a strong effect on him. Something good to be aware of. My lips curled up.

But he wasn't smiling back.
He looked down at me with a strange look in his eyes. There was something I couldn't quite place. A mix of admiration, surprise, confusion, and sadness. Maybe a little fear as well?

"Where are you going like this?" He asked as his fingers touched the soft, smooth skin of my exposed back.

I shivered and closed my eyes at the feeling of his warm fingers caressing me.

"I have to go somewhere and meet someone," I responded and his fingers froze against my skin.
I bit my lip as I analyzed his expression carefully.

"Who? "

"Someone too curious about me," I confessed. After all, I couldn't lie. I hated lies and pretendings. Especially when it came to him. But I couldn't tell him the whole truth. I was scared of his reaction and I preferred to know him there, safe. After all, I had to protect him, not throw him straight into some snake's trap.

"You know how my parents are police officers. For sure they took care to put my face on a missing person's list, and as they have lots of acquaintances it wasn't hard for people to find out that I turned back to Seoul." It wasn't a lie though. Because I went out with Jennie yesterday and exposed myself, on my way home I happened to come across one of my colleagues from university. Thank god she didn't know about me, about my disappearance, and not in the last, the reason behind it. I come to wonder if my parents actually said something about me. I didn't see anything about me on the news.

"I will come back to you as soon as I finish, I promise," I whispered as I turned around to look up at him. For some reason, I always made sure to assure him about that. That I will always come back, and that I will never leave him so easily. Because of his experiences with people, I knew how hard it was for him to trust someone. I knew how suspicious he could get and how everything that I struggled to build between us could end in a split second, just with one mistake or misunderstanding. Sometimes it was tiring, sometimes I tend to forget that he was special and I needed to pay more attention to my words and the way I do things, though, with time everything started to flow naturally.

"And you have to wear this for such a purpose?" Jungkook whispered, now his fingers touching my lip piercing. His eyes darkened as he searched my eyes.

"They are stylish people." I managed to let out under his scrutiny.

"Aha... "

He sounded unconvinced.

My eyes widened when he suddenly leaned in to trap my lip piercing between his teeth before quickly releasing it.
"Ok. You can leave," he whispered as his eyes looked tenderly into mine, his furnace-hot breath fanning against my lips.

He walked away without another word, leaving me to stare at his retreating back.

I felt confused.

It was actually way easier than I expected.
I furrowed my eyebrows and narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

It's never easy when it comes to him, but I didn't have any time left to think too much about it.

I took a big breath to steady myself before entering the club.
The moment I stepped into the club, I grimaced at the loud music. I am too old for this. I rolled my eyes as I started to get annoyed by the fact of being forced to do something like this.

I dragged myself towards the bar. I sighed and plopped myself down on a bar stool.
I can't believe I am doing this. But what other choice do I have? I was nervous about how everything will work out. At least I wasn't alone, so what could happen? No one in his right mind would try something in a place full of people.

After scanning the menu, I ordered an unknown drink. No matter what it was, I needed to hold myself onto something, even a glass.
I felt anxious as I carefully took in my surroundings, searching for a familiar face. I was sure that the one who wanted me here was either Kai or Mark. Or both.
I will just wait and see what will happen. Sooner or later he will have no other choice but to get out of his hidden place and come to me.

The club was oddly luxurious. I have been in clubs before, but this was something else and I couldn't get used to it. It will take a while I guess. I couldn't remember when I was anywhere this nice.
From the flooring to the interior decoration, everything felt supremely high class.

The bartender placed my order in front of me with a small smile before walking away and disappearing somewhere behind a door, leaving me all by myself.
I looked down at my drink and let out another sigh as my fingers encircled my drink. I had no intention of drinking that weird colorful thing. God knows what the heck that guy threw in it. His eyes were too scary and his hair too odd for me to leave my guard down. Who the heck would dye their hair blue?

I could feel people throwing me curious glances as they talk. I had no idea what was so interesting to see over here or talk about, also it was kinda rude to stare at someone without any restrictions or shame.
I pressed two fingers against my temple as I tried to calm my nerves. The person who forced me to go through all this will hear me out. I couldn't wait to give him a piece of my mind. I bit my lip as I, impatiently, tapped my fingers on the wood bar.

As I scanned my surroundings once again, my eyes landed on a guy's profile that seemed familiar. He was talking with two guys, a small smile plastered on his face.
It took me only a moment to understand that I was looking at Kai.
Some very distinct people stood out, but Kai had a different feeling from the others, surrounded by a strong aura that draws you in.
He was caught in a friendly conversation from what I could tell. They seemed very close.

My eyes widened when I spotted a badge attached to the white shirt the girl was wearing. She was a police officer? My blood instantly froze.

What about Kai? They were close? Kai knew about Jungkook. I had to talk to him. The hell with my fear.

When I was about to get up and make my way to him, I noticed a presence not far from where I was sitting.
I glanced at the person immediately just to be greeted by a bemused grin that belonged to no one other than Mark as he was leaning with his back to the bar.

Since when was he following me?
I was feeling disgusted at the way his gaze roamed my body. But that was what I wanted, right? Just relax and smile girl. This place is full of people.
Also, I couldn't take my eyes off Kai and that woman.

I stood up and pulled my slumped shoulders back. Then I looked at him and smiled. I can do this. When it comes to fake smiles I am a pro. After I am done with this guy, then I will talk with Kai about Jungkook.

With confidence, I headed toward him and claimed the spot next to his right, without asking for permission. Not that I needed to. It was obvious from the way he was looking at me that this was what he wanted. I snorted inside my head.

"Hi," I greeted with the brightest smile I could utter. And it had its effect. The guy's cheeks flushed as I held out a hand to him. He looked surprised before taking it. We shook hands briefly and he smiled.

"So, is it wrong to assume that you were the one who invited me here?" I emphasized the word invited.

"Yes, sorry about that," he tapped his nose with a grin while sticking his tongue out in a joking playful way. But it wasn't amusing at all.
"I guess I wanted to see you.
"And I am sure that you couldn't forget about me either, is that right doll? I am sure I wasn't the only one who felt that we had a bond."

His frankness and boldness caught me off guard. Who would say something like that to a stranger?

He looked so serious. And not only, it look like he was actually believing what he was saying.
I felt a deep urge to snort or at least scrunch up my nose at his chosen words and the way they sounded coming from his mouth.
I forced a smile and it came out more naturally than I was hoping.

Such a cocky guy. Exactly my type. I hope you noticed my sarcasm.

"How do you know about Jungkook? Did Jennie tell you?"

"Actually, I had the enormous luck to hear a conversation between her and Kai," Mark revealed.

"And your condition for keeping it to yourself?"

"Leave that guy and come to me."

I smirked. Was he serious?

"And why do you think I will do such a thing?"
This guy was insane. Who was he? The way he was acting and talking revealed that his brain had big issues. Once again I couldn't comprehend how someone like Kai became friends with this guy. When it comes to people usually I am right. Was there something I missed out on? No... Kai wasn't this kind of guy. True, we talked for only a few minutes, but it was enough.

"You see, I can't just be with someone that comes and tells me he wants me. Wouldn't this be weird? And how would I look like?" I smiled warmly as I touched his shoulder gently. I had something else in mind but I wasn't aware of how unstable this guy was, so I had to do something and win his trust.
"But if you really want me, if you really like me, then don't tell anyone about Jungkook. You see, he is very important to me, as a friend of course." I added and relaxed my shoulders seeing him nodding to himself.

"First, you have to win my trust and admiration. And the only way you can have those is by doing this one favor I am asking you. From then on everything will go smoothly between us. I like when a guy shows me how much patience he has when it comes to me. Instead of pressuring me, wouldn't it be better if I would come to you by choice and not because I am forced to do it?"

He tilted his head, seeming to think about his answer.
But after a while, his eyes darted from me toward somewhere behind me and I turned to see what he was staring at.

"It seems that after all, you didn't come alone, babe." Mark chuckled, his hot breath tickling my ear. "Ah, such a shame because I actually have so many things to tell you."

The world seemed to slow down as I stared at a hooded man as he was walking slowly straight towards us, hands in pockets. He was wearing a black mask to cover up his face but even so, it wasn't hard to figure out who it was.

When he was close enough, he stopped in front of me and looked at me. The moment our gazes locked, I could see a brief of anger in his dark eyes before he tucked it all away.

Mark grinned, and before I knew it his arms were already around my shoulders. I glared at him and tried to distance myself from him, but his grips on my shoulders tightened as he pulled me closer. Jungkook's eyes narrowed dangerously. Mark's cheeky grin on his face widened.

"I think you put your hands on what is mine, buddy. And I am sure this wasn't your intention. At least I hope it's this way, for your own good." Jungkook whispered loud enough for us to hear.

Great. And everything was smooth-running. Just great.

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