twenty two

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~The world is small~

Jungkook's pov

This wasn't part of my plan, I thought frustrated as I headed toward them. The whole idea was to stay somewhere hidden and observe, yet here I was, once again, on the verge of tearing someone's head off.

Everything around me became pitch black from the moment I saw her getting up and approaching that guy. And I couldn't just ignore it. I just couldn't.

I didn't want to follow her. Actually, I felt bad doing it, but the way she dressed and the motive behind it wasn't quite convincing and build suspicion in my heart.

As soon as I was close enough, I grabbed her wrist tightly with no intention of letting her go.

You will not leave me. I will not let you.

Despite my calm appearance, my heart was racing at an alarming speed.
This is how she felt every time I went to others?

I needed to pull her far away from his tight hold and make him stop touching her before I would lose completely my mind and do something stupid. Something I was sure I would regret. Something I was sure would disappoint her.
After all, four years ago, I went through the same thing. Back then, I went that far to the point of hurting her.
Remembering how everything ended because of my stupid actions, I made sure to hold my feelings under control and never let that happen again.

She has a reason. There must be a reason why she is doing this. I am sure. I am sure. I repeated that to myself to help me calm down. In fact, I was repeating it since I left Mingyu's house to follow her.

Knowing her getting out of the house looking like that, in that dress, dark thoughts took over my judgment. I couldn't help it, after all, I had a problem when it came to people, as well as when it came to my self-confidence.
I told myself that everything was inside my stupid mind which had such an amazing talent for making things up, to seem different from the reality, so I put aside the idea of her cheating on me and followed her only to make sure no one will hurt her in any way.

But after seeing her with this guy, only with this guy, everything started to change drastically. She actually came here for this guy. Why? Why?

I bit my lip until it almost drew blood. I felt how my eyes started to sting. After all... Did you get sick of me? "

"I know everything about you, Jungkook. Actually, is not that hard. All I had to do was to search on the internet for a couple of minutes..."

And it was enough to know everything about my life?

"Do you have any idea how popular you became around here? If I would snatch that mask off your face, everyone in this room would recognize you immediately."

This guy was talking and talking but I couldn't hear his words because of the loud beating of my heart.
Not that I was curious to hear what he had to say.
The tone of his voice and the way he was looking at me, were enough to see what he thought of me. It happened too many times for me to not see the obvious.

I couldn't help but smile.

Another one who thought of me as useless. I guess this will never change.

I shrugged it off inside my heart and didn't think too much about it. I didn't want to think about it. After all... I was used to these kinds of stuff. The truth was visible in every inch of my flesh and bone.
If I wanted to keep going and survive, there was no other way but to ignore their cold eyes and mean words.

It has been a long time since I stopped caring. This is how it should supposed to be, but why did this time reach my heart? Why did this time it felt different?

Maybe because you were there?

Maybe because I felt ashamed in front of you?

Yes, that was the truth. That guy was right. Everyone is right when they say that I am a useless little creature and a pain to the world.
He was right and I...Couldn't look his way.

Another one better than me. Anyone out there is better than me. What am I even doing always following you around? Why am I always making you problems? Ah, but I can't help it. Even if you feel annoyed, I can't stop reaching for your hand.

Please don't leave me behind. I know they are better but... I will try harder.

My whole attention was focused on her and the way she was touching me without him noticing. When I grabbed her wrist earlier, she brought her free arm up towards my hand that held hers and slid her fingers under my sleeve to caress me in a way only she knew how. Her deep eyes drilled into mine.

But if I didn't give a shit regarding what that guy was saying, that didn't mean she was feeling the same. She quickly turned around to look at him and I could see the shining curls of her hair only. My eyes widened as she pressed her back on me like she wanted to protect me from something harmful. Also, her hand grabbed mine tightly before hiding our clasped hands behind her back.

I furrowed my eyebrows. It was clear that she didn't want him to know about our relationship.

Relationship. I bit my lip as I stared down at our linked hands.
Since when is something like this for me?

"Please don't. I swear that everything is a misunderstanding. Jungkook isn't like everyone is thinking. He didn't harm anyone. He just needs a chance to be understood. I am sure no one would think badly of him after... "

"Do you think that I care if this guy is innocent or not? Do you think I care enough to hear about his life story? Please, don't make me puke. I am only interested in you, baby."

A small smile appeared on my lips as I listened to how she was defending me. How she was trying to make someone who I didn't give two shits, accept me and become our ally.

I don't need you to protect me. How long are you planning to fight for me?

I don't care about people. I don't care what they think of me nor I am curious to find out.

But I guess he knows about me and you are afraid that he will turn me in.

I didn't care what may happen to me, but I guess it was different for you.

As she was still trying to convince that guy, the images I saw while I was hypnotized by Mingyu invaded my mind.

"Stay here and be a good boy."

That night, before they died, I was laying on the bed, where that man left me after he was done with me.
I could see nothing but the darkness surrounding me. I thought I was unconscious, or maybe it was the effect of the drugs he had given me.
I was lost in my agony... Until I heard his words.

"Stay here and be a good boy until I am done with those people who hurt you in such a manner."

I opened my eyes and saw him. Everything was distorted in front of me. My head was spinning and I felt like throwing up. I couldn't see his face clearly, but his voice felt familiar. And then I knew. It was Jin.

I felt relieved. After all, he was someone close. He was always coming to that man's house and he always seemed kind to me.
I thought to myself I am not alone anymore. They will stop hurting me because now I have someone who will protect me.

"Come and search for me." He whispered as he caressed my cheek gently. "I will take care of you. I will not let you feel lonely anymore."

Then I felt the knife that man gave me being taken away from my hand.
I closed my eyes and felt how, once again, darkness enveloped me whole. Then I lost my consciousness, but not before hearing his last words.

"Don't forget, Jungkookie. Call me and I will be there, ready to do anything for you. This is my phone number. Remember, no one has to find out." Were his words and I felt him placing something next to me, on the bed. It was a small piece of paper. Maybe his phone number was written on it.

"You didn't kill them, Jungkook," Mingyu said, his face shining brighter than the sun.

I didn't know how to take that. It was a good thing or a bad thing?

I remembered seeing pictures of me covering his office walls. Pictures with me as a child. As well pictures with me taken in prison when I was unconscious.
In half of them, I was naked.

That was the moment I awakened.
I killed him and tore apart each photo. After, I burned everything up.

I didn't even have enough time to process what I just found out. I didn't want to. I guess because I was scared of my reaction.

I lost six years in prison for nothing.

Everything I went through was...Because of what? What was the reason?

If I thought too much about that I was sure I will go crazy. No, I had to stop the flow of my thoughts and the direction they were heading to.

"Even if you killed Jin, we could say it was self-defense. The authorities will lose their power over you and there will be nothing they could do. You spend six years in prison for a crime you didn't commit, so they can't condemn you for the same crime. I promise that I will make sure of it."

"But until everything is set, please take care and don't do anything stupid. Jin's death is more than enough. Make sure to not screw everything up, not now when a second chance was given to you."

With Mingyu's words in my head, I glanced at that red-haired guy and then at his hand on her shoulder.

Impossible. Definitely impossible.

I sighed. I felt how I started to get annoyed. I couldn't help but plan his
death inside my head.
But then her tight grip on my hand brought my attention to her.

"Is everything alright here?"

A voice behind our back startled me. We immediately turned around to see a guy standing not far from us. His eyes immediately stopped on me.

I felt weird by the way he was looking at me.

"You must be Jungkook." Then his eyes moved behind me, probably at
Y/N. I am glad you guys made it." He smiled as his penetrating gaze returned to me.

His smile seemed genuine. It took me completely by surprise.

I raised an eyebrow at his extended hand before looking up with narrow eyes.
"I am Kai by the way."

Who cares? I don't.

"Right," I responded, suddenly feeling the need to get out of that place. It was too crowded all of the sudden and I felt my throat contract.

His hand fell beside him as he was still watching me, a glint of something on his face, in his eyes. Curiosity? About what?
That annoying smile hadn't wavered whatsoever. It was still there and it annoyed the shit out of me.

What the fuck was even there to smile about?

"Hi Kai, I am sorry for coming like this without letting you know." I heard her apologize and I knit my brows in utter confusion. From where does she knows him?
I felt suddenly sick. I couldn't keep up with it. Drops of sweat started to cover my forehead and my hands felt suddenly cold.

The moment his gaze stopped somewhere behind me, his warm smile transformed into a cold, scary one.
"Mark... I thought I told you that I don't want you here. And Y/N, don't worry, I am actually happy to see such a beautiful girl as you in my modest club." That warm smile came back to his lips.

"Also, I want you guys to meet my friends," Kai said as two men and a girl soon accompanied him. My eyes widened the next moment I threw a look their way. All of them had badges attached to their shirts. Those badges looked too familiar to be ignored. They were definitely police officers.
Y/N... What are you doing? Do you know these guys?

I felt her arms closing around my waist, her trembling body pressing on my back. My eyes softened.

Stop worrying about me and worry about yourself. If they will find out that you helped a fugitive, you will end up in prison.
Ah, what should I do?

I could tell them that I threatened you with your parents' lives. Yeah, I could do that. My shoulders relaxed.

Kai watched us with a tilt of his head.
"They are Yugyeom, Jaebum, and Areum." Kai introduced his friends after a long pause. His smile disappeared the moment his eyes stopped on Y/N.

"They are... " He bit his lip before looking at his friends.

"They are Soo Ah and Dae-Hyun."

My eyes widened in astonishment. Mark snorted.
Why? What does this guy think is doing?

They bowed slightly, not giving me too much attention. For my relief and Y/N's, they left the club right after as they were on duty.

"Now if you will excuse me, I need to greet some of my guests," Kai said.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, Jungkook." He also added. "I hope we will see each other soon."

I had no idea how to react to that.

"Thank you." You quickly said as you grabbed his hand. "I will not forget what you did for us."

Kai smiled but this time his smile was forced.
Then he left and we stood there looking at his retreating back.

What was that all about.

"Think about my proposal." That Mark guy suddenly said and I glanced his way with a raised eyebrow.

What the fuck was he talking about?

"See you soon and..." He threw me a glare before continuing.

And here I was perfectly chill.

"... Leave this useless guy before I will make you myself."

My lips parted in awe as I followed him distancing from us. I, then slowly, shoved my hands into my pockets and pulled out my gloves. If I was careful maybe... "

"What the heck are you doing?"

I moved my gaze at you and raised my eyebrow. Did you actually ask the obvious?

"Maybe you want to help?"

Your lips parted in astonishment. Why? I couldn't quite figure that out.
What other choice do we have? Do you know another way to make him keep his mouth shut?

Furiously, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the exit.
"Damn it Jungkook! For once I hoped that you will actually be a good boy and wait patiently and obediently at home. She snorted to herself. "As if."

I hung my head and pushed my lip forward in dejection.

She. Is. Mad.

Wait. I should be the one mad here, not her. She had the nerve to lie and go to a place to meet up with a guy behind my back. What about her parent's acquaintance? Yeah. Right.

I wrapped my fingers around her wrist and forced her to stop. She turned around and we just glared at each other. Her eyes betrayed anger and despair. But to my surprise, the next second, she smirked with a tilt of her head.

"Don't tell me that you have the nerve to actually glare at me."

I parted my lips to say something but the strange glint in her eyes made me reconsider.

"If you dare talk back to me, I will snatch your dick off. "

I pressed my lips and loosened my grip on her wrist as if I was electrocuted.

"We will talk about this back at home." She ended before dragging me towards the door.

But as soon as the door opened, my eyes widened at the sight of two familiar faces.
We stopped a few inches from each other and stared in complete shock.

The boy I was staring at, was a boy I knew very well. After all, we had a one-night stand a couple of days ago.
His eyes were wide, his lips parted in shock as he was trying to process the unfortunate coincidence.


I pressed my lips together into a thin line. It was bad. It's true that what happened between the two of us was before I slept with Y/N. But I didn't worry about her at that moment as my eyes landed on the guy next to Jimin.

"Jungkook?" The boy asked in utter confusion.

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath.

Damn it.

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