Chapter 1

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A lovely looking building with different drawings on that showed case to appeal to younger kids such as babies and very young children, from the outside no one could tell that on the inside something very wrong was happening. Stepping in would allow you to see many day workers running around holding towels covered in red, crying could be heard from one room thus showing a young girl standing in the middle of the room looking down at her hands with blood on them. Her black hair though there was one bright red streak on the right side of her head, "" The little girl cried while looking at the others around her easily seeing the fear on their faces and in their eyes.

"How could a child do something like this to other child?" A teacher voiced sounded out being near a young boy who had blood running down the side of his head, it matted his brown hair to the side of his face as his tears mixed with the blood sliding his cheek to his shirt. "...s-shu-t..up..." The little girl muttered closing her bright red color eyes forcing more tears to run free from her closed eyes, "Someone quick call for ambulance! The blood isn't stopping!" Other teacher called out placing a towel to the young boys head, "" The little girl whimpered slowly opening her eyes and looked at the rest of the children in the room who were crying or hugging other child near them, "She is like a mon-" A teacher spoke before getting cut off by a near by teacher who was removing children from the room after checking them over.

The little girl watched everyone moving around her hearing them speak and the anger rising inside of her little body, she was different yes but all she wanted was to have fun and be like every other child though now it seem she would never have that chance having heard what the teacher almost called her. Trying to hold it in but failed as she threw her head back with anger showing clearly in her bright red eyes as she clenched her teeth at them, "I AM NOT A MONSTER!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and quickly turned running out of a door that lead to the outside leaving teachers calling to have her come back to the building.

~* 13 years later *~

A teenager with black hair and that one odd red streak running in her hair among the black sat on a city bus with ear buds in, looking out the window could allow one to see the dark storm clouds and watch rain hit the window then slide down. "Its like crying but with out sound." The girl thought blinking eye'ing her stop coming up and jumped to reach the pull cord, pulling the hood of her hoodie up to try and stay dry from the rain as she ran down the sidewalk then ducked inside of a huge church building. "He better have a good reason for calling me out here like this or other wise I'm gonna hurt him." The girl whispered in between breaths as her hands were on her knee's, "Ah Angel how good of you to have made it in this kind of weather." A male voice sounded from near by and the teen looked up with a small grin and straightened her self up right to look at the young male in-front of her.

"Well you see Ray....I only came cause your a good friend of my sister other wise...I would have just stayed home." She muttered shaking her hoodie and the male name Ray smiled nodding his head which allowed his red hair to bounce a little, "Yes well it seems that your sister found something and wished for us to past it on to you." He spoke casting his crystal blue eyes to the side as if he was second guess on really wanting to go threw with giving the teen the sent item or not. "I haven't heard from my sister in so long that I was starting to get worried." Angel spoke with a small smile on her lips who she only shared with a few people that were close to her, "Right well....follow me." Ray said turning walking into the church and down the hallways, Angel knew she was still different from others as her red eyes would give it away since there wasn't a whole lot of people who had them thus she kept her hood up while inside the church.

Stepping into the room that looked more like an office only then did she pull her hood down and gave her head a small shake freeing up her hair, "You know you don't have to hide your self like that." Ray said closing the door before walking to a desk in the room opening a drawer and pulled out a small brown box. "I know but after the last time when I scared that poor nun when I muttered boo kinda got me into trouble with the head priest here." Angel chuckled rubbing the back of her head and walked over looking at the box tilting her head, "So this is it?" She asked looking up at Ray only for him to nodd and to looking back at the box. Reaching out with her small hands pulling the lid off and looking inside to see necklace with a jewel shining brightly, "Whoa it looks so pretty." Angel muttered studying the jewel which kinda looked like a white feather inside of a red stone heart and gently pulling it from the box holding it up to the light.

"Its called the heart of an angel though I am not really sure why it is called that but never the less, she said she knew you liked shiny things so she sent it here to you." Ray said while Angel was already putting the necklace on and gave a small shiver from the cold metal chain touching her warm neck, it stood out clear against her black color hoodie and she gave a small smile to him. "You know you should smile more like that, you look very pretty." Ray spoke in a soft tone earning him self a small glare from the young girl named Angel, "You know I only smile for a few people and your one of them, being my friend and all. Since the days of my sister leaving to go study at that school and my mother all of a sudden was too much to take in." Angel whispered as lighting struck outside of the office window filling the room with bright light allowing her red eyes to stand out like that of a demon.

"You can't keep blaming your self for that and also your sister will be back soon so there is no need to worry about her, also you know that your fath-" Ray said only to cut him self off as Angel punched the desk turning her head away from him, "That man is not my father! He has done nothing for me to call him that, all he is but a waste of human life!" She yelled leaving her body shaking lightly before slowly turning facing the young man in front of her and raise a hand to her chest while her thumb pointed to her self. "I am Angel Hunter! I was born of Lilly Hunter and sister to Kira Hunter! I refuse to be anything else and I will not let anyone or anything stand in my way life!" Angel yelled with a few tears filling her eyes before she made a mad dash to the door to throw it open with enough force that it dented the wall, "Angel wait!" Ray called out but by then it was already too late seeing as she was gone and more then likely on her way out of the church as well.

"That girl....if only she knew the real truth...then and maybe only then would she understand that her life is in more danger then she knows." Ray thought folding his hands together as if to pray to god above while watching the young girl run down the street, "I swear I will make him pay...that man who calls him self my name maybe Angel but there is more to me then just my name!" Angel thought as she ran down the side walk trying not to bump into the few people who were out on the streets. Being thankful for the rain pelting her in the face helped hid the fact of tears were running down her face, running til her legs gave out on her and looking up to see the clouds parted a little to allow a few rays of sun light to peek threw which one seem to be shining down on her.

My name is Angel Hunter and I was second born of both Keith and Lilly Hunter, I have a big sister who is named Kira Hunter and when I was ten years old she left to go train at some school though I was not allowed to know what kind. My mother passed away shortly there after and I knew that her death was not some kind of accidental death, I vowed to find the truth no matter what it took and in the end that vow may very well cost me my life...

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