Chapter 2

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Sighing as Angel walked down the sidewalk while pulling her rain soaked hoodie close to her small frame body, she didn't know why she got so fired up about the man claiming to be her father and as of why he never seem to be around when she was growing up. "He never even showed up for mother's funeral." She thought clicking her tongue in annoyance before jogging up to a bus stop, pulling her small black phone out to take a look at the time and jumped when a car horn sounded from behind her. Placing a hand on her chest in hopes it would calm her rapid beating heart and casting her eyes to the side would earn a growl from her throat, "Great its him." She thought as a man waved at her from a near by green color car.

Sighing again for seem to be the seventh time today or maybe it was only her forth time, whatever the number she pulled her hoodie close while slipping her phone back into her back pocket. "Hey there Angel...if you would like I could give you a lift home." The man spoke when Angel was close enough allowing his hazel color eyes to stare into her red ones, "Tsk and why should I...father?" She seem to spat out at him and he sighed letting one hand go of the steering wheel to run it threw his black hair. "If you don't want too its fine." He spoke in a low soft tone and tilted his head to look back up at her and looked around noticing she was gone, leaning out of the car window to look up and down the street to try and spot her before he ended up jumping hitting his head on the roof of the car. Turning rubbing his head seeing the passenger door open and Angel herself climbing in, "I just want to get home and change out of my wet clothes." She muttered in a low tone as she buckled her self in then placed her ear buds in her ears.

At this point the man who was her father knew once those were in there was no point in talking anymore, rolling the car window up causing his white polo shirt to shift from the movements and placed both hands on the steering wheel pulling off into the flow of traffic. The man would steal glaces at his young daughter wondering where did he go wrong, he couldn't help it when he would have to leave for long periods of time and it was meant to help kept her safe. He had failed with the love of his life and his other child had left to train as a means of coming back to help kept the family safe but it seem time was running out for that, pulling up to the house barely having enough time to put the car in park and turn it off before Angel was already out jogging up to the front door. Getting him self out of the car and up to the porch though stopping to cast his eyes over his shoulder looking around, it did seem their time together as father and daughter would be coming to a close very soon as he walked into the house closing the door with a thud.

Angel had already gone to her room to grab a change of clothes then stole the bathroom having drawn a very hot shower, "He acts like such a push over...why doesn't he just up or something?" She thought tossing her wet clothes to the side and stepping into the hot stream of water earning her self a small hiss when it touched her skin. Standing there getting lost in her thoughts thus earned her self a jump and almost slipping in the shower, "What?!" She growled out peeking out from behind the shower curtain at the knocking at the door. "When your done....I would like to talk...please?" The voice of her father called out and Angel glared daggers at the door wanting to tell him off but she let out a sigh when her eyes landed on the necklace laying on the bathroom sink, "Fine just....give me twenty minutes." She called out ducking back under the waterfall of hot water and continued to warm her self up along with getting clean while she was at it. Why had she agreed to talk to him? Was he gonna try and play daddy now?

Stepping out wrapping a towel around her self so she could drape one over her head to soak up the water running down her soft peach color skin, pulling on a pair of dark blue soft cotton pants then a black tank top as she tossed one towel into a laundry hamper. Walking out while allowing the towel on her head to drop onto her shoulders slowly looking around to pick up the sounds of dishes clinking together, "Guess he is in the kitchen." She muttered sticking her hands into the pockets of her pants as she walked towards the sounds and blinked when she saw her father sitting at the table holding a glass in his hands. "So what did you want?" Angel asked walking in not looking at him when she took a seat across from him resting an elbow on the small frame table, "Angel please this is really important and I know you really don't like me but please hear me out." He spoke with his grip tightening on the glass and Angel made a small annoyed sound to show she was listening to him still. "I know your upset at me but what I am about to tell you will clear so many things." He said with a crack of lighting striking right outside the house when Angel finally casted her eyes to the man called her father, sightly widening her eyes when the shadow danced on the wall behind her father seem to be bigger then most shadows.

"What is going on?" She asked feeling her nerves going on edge from the feeling of the room growing cold, "Angel I am your father but...I am not like most which in turn means your not as well." Her father spoke letting go of the cup he was holding and stood up away from the table making Angel prepare her self even though it wouldn't do any good. "What are you talki-" Angel started to ask but stop short when the man in front of her took a deep breath showing his body growing in size and his skin changed color of a white skin to black, wings appeared on his back and his eyes changed from being hazel mixed of greenish brown to bright red like her own. Yelping jumping back or maybe more like stumbling to the floor feeling fear swell in her chest, "Angel its alright....please don't be afraid...I'm not gonna hurt you." It spoke causing Angel to push her self back thus hitting the wall behind her. "What are you?! What is going on?!" She yelped out feeling tears brimming to the edge of her vision and it reached a hand towards...well more like a huge clawed hand now, quickly closing her eyes fearing this was the end for her and she was going to be dead any second only to gasp when it laid its self ontop of her head.

"Angel I am sorry for not telling you before but both your mother and I...we did this to protect you, the day you were born was the happiest day for us but at the same time we knew you would be hunted for the rest of your life." The thing in front of her spoke as she slowly open her eyes casting them up into the eyes of whatever was in front of her, "What are you talking about? Why am I being hunted? I am just a girl with nothing special about me!" She choked out with tears clearly running down her face as her body shook lightly. "That is just it, you see I am a demon and your mother was a angel. We were put together as a means to create the greatest tool of all, sadly when your sister was born she held too much of your mother so she was unuseable to them. But then you came along baring the equal amount of us both, Angel you were born to become The Angel Hunter." He spoke pulling his hand back allowing what he said to sink in and Angel softly whimpered staring at the floor infront of her self, "I am sorry for not telling you sooner...we just....wanted you..." He spoke looking away hearing the wind blowing wildly outside of the house.

Everything was quiet for few minutes but then the house seem to start shaking around them, "They are here...shit! Angel listen! I want you to go throw what you can into a bag and be ready in five minutes...Now Go!" Her father yelled pulling her from where ever she had spaced to and earning a small nod as she jumped running from the room. "Oh Lilly I hope she will be strong enough to handle what is coming for her." The father spoke into the empty air and turned walking from the room as if knowing he would not be leaving here alive, if anything this would be his finally stand as if to make amends for what was happening and to try to save his family.

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