Chapter 17

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A few weeks had passed since that fateful night of Angel and Dante sharing a blissful kiss and right now Angel was sitting in a library with Lady not too far, Lady had stopped by Devil May Cry for a job for Dante who groaned more then anything. So Angel offered to help out and now she was looking threw a book to see if it held anything on who she was, sighing turning the page letting her mind drift back to the scene of her and Dante kissing.

Feeling her cheeks become like a blazing fire thus clapping her hand upon her them, "You alright there?" Lady's voice softly called over making Angel nod fiercely and pulled the book close to her face. "I've got to get a grip on my self, I mean its not like we're boyfriend and girlfriend....pretty sure my sister would kill me on that one." Angel thought bitterly allowing a sigh to escape her lips, focusing back onto the book allowed her red eyes to drift over the words written.

Time seem to drag on as Angel groaned when the library finally closed its doors, "Alright now from what I have heard is something keeps getting in and making a mess." Lady said carefully checking her gun over making Angel pull hers out. This time Angel was not gonna be caught unarmed or anything, both women stood making their way around. Hours had passed when a low thumping could be heard, "You hear that?" Angel mouthed to Lady who slowly nodded.

Following the sound to a set of double doors and Angel reached her shaky hand out, counting to three in her mind and ripped the door open pointing her gun at nothing. "Could have swore I heard it come from here." Angel muttered lowering her gun but then in the split second a black shadow darted out between her legs, "Shit! Lady its heading your way!" Angel hollered giving chase, jumping over a table and taking with aim her gun once again. Lady had done the same thus taking a few shots yet the shadow merely jumped dodging the bullets, Angel growled as the shadow ducked behind a bookcase.

"This thing is fast, best to be careful trying to round it up. Angel you stay here and I'll go around." Lady spoke reloading her gun and dashing to the other end of the bookcase, slowly making their way to the ends and guns held high. "Go!" Lady yelled making Angel round the corner she was near, both women glanced as their guns were aimed at one another. "Where di-" Angel thought moving her eyes around her, peeking as she creeped among the books. "Huh...Lady behind you!" Angel shouted pointing on top of the bookcase behind her, "Damnit!" Lady yelped jumping when the whole case came plummeting down at her.

Books flew everywhere making Angel jump back to avoid being hit by some of them, what was with this shadow? It acted as if it was merely playing with the pair of women, no matter how they tried to corner it or anything. Carefully placing her gun back into its hostler, Angel slipped her trench coat off. Lady pushed a few books off her face and tried to pull her self free, stopping when she heard low growling in front of her. The shadow was sitting a few feet from her on the floor, steadily Angel made her way forward and at the last second thrusted her coat over it.

The growling grew louder as the coat rustled, it tried to pull in every way it could to find any means it could to get free. "You're not getting free!" Angel retorted hugging her coat tighter and a loud yelp could be heard, both Angel and Lady looked at one another as the bundle slowly stopped moving. Lady pulled her self free while Angel carefully moved her coat, a little head popped up showing a pair of ears and a wet nose.

"A dog?!" Both girls gasped looking to one another again, moving her coat more showed a dog that seemed to look like a corgi. Yet it was sporting a pair of bat looking wings and its fur was all black, a pair of red eyes as well. "Its kinda cute." Angel said smiling as it proceeded to lick her face, "I guess this was what was causing all the trouble, maybe Dante will know more about it." Lady said looking over her shoulder at the mess. Smiling weakly knowing they should clean up and Lady waved her hand, "You go on ahead and I'll meet you there." Lady said smiling causing Angel to nod her head.

Angel felt bad for leaving Lady to do all the cleaning but when Angel had tried to stay, she got the scariest look from Lady and that was her cue to go! Sighing once she made it to the shop and being thankful nothing happened this time, looking down at the sleeping hound in her arms drew a smile to her lips. "Hey....I am back!" Angel called out upon opening the door and saw Dante sitting in his chair munching on a slice of pizza, "Welcome back......what do you have?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Well we found out what was causing the trouble at the library but we weren't sure what to do with it." Angel said gently sitting the now awake pup, "So you choose to bring the hell hound here?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her.

"Hell hound?" Angel asked or it was more of a mutter, the doors to the shop opened and Lady came walking in, "So I was right in it being a hell hound?" Lady asked crossing her arms. "Why is it in my shop though?" Dante asked glaring at the two women. "Well it needs some place to stay right?" Lady said smiling causing Dante's face to fall and Angel tried to hide her giggles, "Any way thanks for the help Angel and I'll text ya later!" Lady said smiling still though it seemed more like a smirk. Bidding farewell to the demon hunters and hoping on her motorcycle to sped off into the night, "" Angel asked looking at her feet not wanting to meet the eyes of a ticked off Dante.

" can stay but I'm not taking care of it." He said though his voice sounded much closer then before, glancing up feeling her cheeks heat up when she noticed how close he was too her. "Right....I'll make take car-'' Angel stuttered but felt her self get cut off when he placed his hand on her cheek, "But don't forget...I come first..." Dante whispered in a husky voice, his lips near her own. Both stared at one other slowly closing their eyes, their lips just barely brushing one another when the hell hound popped up between the two holding a slice of pizza in its mouth.

"Hey you shit head! Thats mine!" Dante yelled chasing after the hell-hound and Angel blinked before holding her sides laughing, "Give it back!" Dante yelled as the hound jumped into Angels arms chomping down the rest of the slice it had stolen. "How many slices did that bottomless pit eat?!?!" Dante growled staring at the now empty pizza box and Angel smiled walking up placing a kiss to Dante's cheek carefully slipping him a couple bills, "Here order your self some more." She spoke in a soft voice putting the hound down and had turned to head off to her room.

Yet something grabbed her wrist and spun her around, "Hey what is yo-" She started but stopped as something covered her lips, blinking as she saw Dante holding her wrist and his lips planted firmly on hers. Feeling her cheeks heat up and gently pressed her own back to his, enjoying the moment between them unaware how long they could enjoy this peaceful time or when trouble would rear its ugly head.

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