Chapter 18

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Tossing and turning in her bed, Angel groaned as she pushed her self up rubbing her tired eyes. "Why can't I sleep?" She thought moving as she placed her feet on the wet floor. "The floor is wet? Did a pipe start leaking water?" She thought patting at the floor with her hand but gasped when she pulled her hand back, it was covered in blood, "What is going on?!" She thought pushing her self up and running out of her room.

Feeling fear rush her body when met with the outside world or at least what it appeared to be, bodies laid everywhere and feeling her heart sink to the pit of her stomach when she saw both Dante and her sister. They were badly wounded and standing in front of them was her self yet not her self, her red eyes shone unnaturally and the black wings on her back gave an eerie breeze. "What is happening?!" She thought moving her body to take a step but found they were stuck in the ground its self, she was sinking into the blood cover ground and no way to pull her self out.

"You thought you could stop me...." The other version of her self spoke then it slowly raised its hand, " don't...." She thought seeing her own gun appear in its hand. Struggling as hard as she could only to feel it swallow her more, "Goodbye you fools." It spoke, pulling the trigger, watching in horror as both the bodies fall to the ground lifeless. Angel stared in shock and could feel tears running down her face, fear clawed at her back, putting her hands on the ground to try and free her self. Sadly it didn't work for once her hands touched, they were quickly swallowed as well, how did things get like this? Was this really who she was gonna to become?

" can't end like this!" Angel thought trying to struggle against the ground, glancing up to see the other version of her self looking at her, it slowly licked the blood off the barrel of the gun. "You can't stop me, I will get out and when I do....everyone you know...." It spoke grinning like a maniac, struggling more though it seemed no matter what she did, the ground kept swallowing her. Looking up at her self pointing its gun right at her, closing her eyes when a loud bang rang threw her ears. Darkness took over and it felt so cold to her, would this be really how the world would end? Is this what that man Kuro wanted?

Gasping as she opened her eyes and pushed her self up, she was back in her bed and in her room. Was it all just a dream? It had felt so real, checking her self over to make sure everything was okay. Taking a deep breath before pushing her self up from her bed and grabbed a change of clothes, heading to the shower as the hot water steamed up the room. Standing under the stream of water as she closed her eye's only to have images flash threw from her dream, "Damn it Angel! It was just a dream! Get a hold of your self!" She thought hugging her self and taking a deep breath.

Finishing the shower before stepping out and pulling on her under garments, she just finished buttoning her jeans when the door opened. "" Dante muttered staring at Angel who was staring back, time seem to stand still when Angel yelped quickly grabbing a shampoo bottle and threw it. "You pervert!" She yelled grabbing her shirt to cover her self, the bottle flew threw the air, hitting Dante square in the forehead.

"Ow! What the hell?!" Dante growled rubbing his forehead turning to face Angel yet his eyes were closed, "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?!" Angel growled pulling her shirt on quickly then pushing her self pass him. "But did you have to throw something at me?" He asked causing Angel to stop, looking over her shoulder. "Would you like it better if I shot at you instead?" She asked slowly smiling and gave a small giggle when no reply came but the sound of a door closing rather quickly.

Reaching into her pocket pulling out the red heart shape necklace, it had been some time since she last wore it, but for some reason she had grabbed it from resting upon her dresser. Carefully slipping it on feeling the remains of the awful dream fade from her mind, Angel had planned on never letting the dream come true by whatever means.

Jogging down the stairs smiling more when the hell hound came bouncing up to her, "Hmm guess I should give you a name huh?" Angel asked the hound who gave her a bark in response. "How about Bingo?" She asked only to laugh when the hound snorted and almost seem to glare at her, "Um....oh how about Styx?" She asked tilting her head. The hound shook his head leaving Angel to hang her head in defeat, "Fine then your name is now.....KI!" Angel shouted while pointing at the hound who seem to look confuse before flapping its wings.

Angel smiled reaching out petting the hound on the head softly, "So now it has a name?" Dante asked walking up, "Yup! Say wha-" Angel started to ask yet stopped when Dante glared towards the front doors and quickly stepped in front of her. Mere seconds pass when doors burst open sending debri everywhere, "Ahhh so there you are!" A loud voice bellowed making Angel cover her ears. Looking up allowed her to see a huge flying grey color demon, though up on top of it was a guy who had green hair and his eyes appeared to be black.

"I take it you're not here to sell something." Dante growled out taking a step forward, "Hehe you got that right pretty boy!" The guy yelled tapping the winged beast who growled lowly before beating its wings. Dust was sent flying along with light weighted items from the destroyed building, Angel closed her eyes only to feel a pair of arms wrap around her. Opening an eye to see the face of the guy who had been standing on top of the winged demon, "What the hell?!" She screamed when he jumped pulling her along with him. "Where do you think you're going?" Dante asked grabbing onto Angel's leg, "Ahh so sorry but my Master does really need her, so ttfn!" The man said cheery while kicking Dante in the chin. Angel gasped then trying to break free yet the hold seem to tighten.

"Sorry little girl, Master wants you and I plan to follow threw." The man said making Angel growl lowly, "I am not a little girl!" Angel growled looking over her shoulder at him. The man gasp when her red eyes seem to flash a bright red, leaving him no time to think and brought her head back into his face at full force. Thus forcing him to let go, "Damn it!" He growled starting to give chase yet his path was cut off by a huge sword stabbing the ground in front of him.

"Geez took you long enough!" Angel yelled putting her hands on her hips, "Is that the kind of thanks I get for coming to save you?" Dante asked walking up as his hand rubbed his slightly red chin. "What....but how?! That kick should have broken your spine!" The man yelled glaring at the two, "Excuse me but I just got free my self!" Angel yelled glaring at Dante who seemed to be scratching the back of his head. The man started becoming ticked off as the other two seem to be more busy fighting one another, "Don't Ignore Me!" The man screamed causing the two to stop and stare.

Huge amounts of power seem to flow from the man, "Oh great now look what you've done, the poor baby is throwing a fit." Angel grumbled reaching behind her back pulling her gun out. "You go high and I go low?" Dante asked grabbing onto the hilt of his sword. "Sounds like a plan to me." Angel said, smirking aiming her gun, taking a few shots at the man-like demon only for the bullets knocked away.

Dante ran forward taking a swing which was blocked and the demon roared pushing Dante back, Angel ran forward taking the chance to use Dante's back like a springboard. Firing some shots which once again were knocked away, "Damn it!" She growled landing though quickly jumping back when the demon jumped at her, the demon's claws struck the ground in front of her. This continued on til finally the demon raised one of his arms hitting Dante, sending the demon hunter into a near by wall, leaving a crater behind him.

"Dante!" Angel yelled making her way towards him and watching as a trail of blood run down his face, "Ha ha ha seems the so called son of Sparda is a joke." The demon laughed out. Angel growled standing turning face the demon who watched as her eye's flashed again, "What are you gonna do little girl?" The demon asked only to be left gasping when she disappeared from sight and reappeared next to him. Not muttering a sound, Angel quickly punched the demon thus sending him flying, giving a sick grin and rushed at him giving a stomp on the floor. It would have been his head had he not moved in time, what was happening?!

One minute ago this girl seem like a little weakling but now she fought with a huge amount of power, "Awwww you moved." Angel mumbled out slowly straightening up her body and raised one of her hands. Moving her fingers cause the bones to crack, minutes ticked by showing a stand still between the two. A small red light shone from around Angel's neck and the spike in power appeared to disappear, "What is going on?" The man thought blinking as Angel let a sigh slip threw her rosey pink lips.

"Stupid demon, told it that I wasn't letting it take over anymore." Angel groaned rubbing her neck, anger rose in the man who stood rushing at her. Slowly grinning as she jumped putting her foot on his head thus pushing off, "Hey now, whats with the rush?" She asked in a joking tone. The man glared at her though it seem his eyes held a thirst for her blood, "Why.....why would my Master want a thing like you is beyond me!" He yelled making Angel blink and steadily narrow her red eyes at him.

"What are you talking about?" She asked moving her hands up in front of her, the man growled running at her again aiming punch after punch, "Shit!" Angel thought trying to avoid them all.

One punch skinned right by her cheek leaving a small cut and moving her body to grab the front of his shirt, using all her might to pull and slam him into the broken floor, "I want answers!" Angel growled out having seem to pull her gun out and point it at the man's face after throwing him.

"She was the only one I ever loved......yet she was taken away....." The man spoke making Angel blink seeing tears form in the corner of his solid black eyes, "What are you talking about?" She asked lowering her gun a little. "My sweet snake....was sent after you and yet, she was killed. He told me if I brought you back then I would have her again, my Master wants what lies inside of you." The man spoke staring at nothing, opening her mouth to ask what the man meant. Her mind was sent reeling back to when she first met Dante, this man must be talking about the snake lady who attacked her on the train.

If that was the case then the next question was, what was inside of her that this Master wanted? Was it some kind of power? Her demon side? Or could it be her Angel side that she had yet to met ...."What is this power that your Master wants?" Angel growled out though quickly pulled back as a huge fireball struck where the man laid, "Nooo!" She thought biting her lip looking back.

"Angel hold the power to kill.....demons....humans.....and angels." The voice of the man seem to float over the flames of the fire, "Which side will you choose......will you save us all.......or us all..." The last of his voice called out and the fire seem to die as well.

Sinking to her knees with her gun slipping to the floor leaving a loud clatter in the silence, "But.....I....what...." Angel muttered gripping her hands into tight fist's slowly raising them. "Just what or who the hell am I?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs slamming her fist's onto the ground. Tears ran down her face and hitting the dust covered floor, how much more could she take? What side was she truthfully fighting for?

The most important question remained......who was Angel Hunter really?

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