Chapter 7

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Everyone says that when nightmares are made its from the darkest place on the earth and that once you've seen it, it will haunt you from the back of your mind or at least thats what Angel has always been told. Having walked into the place that Dante called his shop looked more like....well in this point being, Angel's worst nightmare! She would rather be doing some kind of math homework or even fighting a demon then being in this place, scattered around the big open room was nothing but pizza boxes and empty dishes with mostly being spoons sticking out of them. "Holy cow! I swear that pizza box just moved on its own!" Angel yelped jumping away and felt something behind her though upon a quick look allowed her to see it was just a pool table, drifting her eyes around the room allowed her to see there was a desk with a high back chair and Dante already sitting in it with his nose in a magazine.

"That was quick..." Angel muttered seeing he had already hung up his trench coat with his guns on a near by coat hanger and oddly enough his guitar case leaned up against the wall near by, tearing her eyes away and went back to looking over the rest of the big room. Seeing a couch that looked safe enough for her to set her stuff on and felt her jaw slack some when she saw what appeared to be huge tall towers of magazines, the more she looked the more she could start to feel her own skin crawl from everything around her and gave a small whimper when she stepped on a near by pizza box. "How do you live like this?" She asked relieving her self of the trench coat she wore and laid it ontop of the couch, "I just do and besides my cleaning lady left for college about four or five months ago." Dante spoke in a non caring voice only stealing a small glance at Angel then back to the magazine in his hands.

"Even so a place shouldn't look like this?!" Angel growled out feeling a fire burn inside of her as Dante just shrugged his shoulders and that pretty much sent Angel over the edge, "Alright thats it! As long as I am here this place is not staying like this!" She growled once again digging into her duffel bag pulling out a hair tie which she slipped between her teeth for a minute. "Do what you want. . .I am going out for a minute. . . don't leave here got it?" Dante asked slipping on his trench coat and headed for the door, Angel only nodded as she had finished pulling her hair up into a ponytail and was tapping her chin appearing to be in thought at the moment. Giving a sigh as Dante walked out the door and felt the cool morning breeze blowing before a young blonde hair woman was walking up to his shop, "Well I would never thought you would be up this early." She spoke pulling the black shades she wore down so her light blue eyes could be seen. "Its not by choice, pretty sure if I go back in right now then I may have something thrown at me." He said giving a small chuckle while the blonde hair woman tilted her head at him, "Got your self in some more trouble I take it?" She asked crossing her arms making the black crop jacket she wore shuffle a bit.

"Have you ever heard of The Angel Hunter?" Dante asked stuffing his hands into his pockets as he walked past her a ways but could still see the front of the shop with ease, "Hmm I heard there was a group of scientist trying to make one but other than that, they failed each time and with that it was never heard of again." She spoke shifting one of her black high heeled boots as she turned to follow after Dante who now leaned on his parked car. "Any idea as to what this Angel Hunter is?" He asked tapping his foot slowly as if any louder would break the area around them, "The Angel Hunter was suppose to be a weapon meant for killing anything and everything, from demons, humans, and even angels, where is all this going Dante?" The woman asked leaning more onto her right foot as her black leather pants hugged right at her hips and her face carried the look of being down right annoyed. "You remember that call from the church asking for my help in getting a young child to her sister safely?" Dante asked looking at the woman who slowly nodded her head with the wind blowing their hair around as if it was merely dancing, "She is in there and her father told her before she left that she was The Angel Hunter." He said in a dark tone and the woman looked from him to the shop front than back at him.

"Do you think she is lying?" She asked allowing her arms to unfold and slowly remove her sunglasses, "I have a feeling she isn't and she was being hunted by a demon last night at the train station." He said now crossing his arms but it didn't last long when a high pitch scream came from inside the shop that was followed by a very loud sounding thud. Both Dante and the woman looked at each other then raced their way to the shop doors, as the front doors were thrown open clouds of dust could be seen and the both of them slowly entered the shop being ready for anything. "" Angel muttered weakly from under a pile of magazines thus only her hand could be seen by the two of them, "Hey kid!" Dante called out quickly dashing over starting to pull the magazines off of her and the blonde hair woman calmly stared at the both of them.

"Holy crap I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes." Angel coughed out once she was free from the pile and Dante sighed turning looking up at the blonde hair woman with a small grin, "Trish this is Angel." He spoke standing up making the woman name Trish do a double take at him before looking to Angel who was still sitting on the floor. "Nice to meet you, we'll have to go shopping sometime and let me show all the good places around here." Trish said letting a small smile graced her lips and held her hand out to Angel who blinked before taking notice, "That would be really helpful thank you." Angel spoke reaching out with her own hand which took a hold of Trish's and they gave a quick shake. "Oh great......let me guess I am going to be paying for all these shopping trips?" Dante asked in an annoyed tone and both girls looked at him then back each other giving a small chuckle.

"Sorry D but I got my own money for now so I won't need to borrow from you." Angel said standing up dusting her self off and let a small squeak out when a hand settled on her head, "What did you just call me?" Dante asked in a low tone and Angel could feel a cold sweat dripping down her back as he seemed close to her again. Trish stood by watching the two bickering seeing that even if it was small, that maybe just maybe Dante was already having a soft spot for this young woman in front of him. "But if this does come to what I heard then the ending for these won't be a happy one..." She thought thus keeping her thoughts to her self not wanting to ruin the happy moment, even if its only for now it was better than none at all.

"Stop calling me kid all the time and I won't call you D then!" Angel yelled at him gritting her teeth and her hands bawled into small fists, "Maybe stop acting like a spoiled bratty kid then and I won't!!" Dante yelled back with a smirk thinking he had won the battle but all that changed when a loud smack rang across the shop. Trish stared with her mouth hanging open but quickly closed it when Angel ran past her and out the front door, "Angel wait!" She called out but it was already too late by then when the door slammed closed. Dante stayed where he was though his eyes trailed to the doors as if second guessing him self, "Wasn't that little much? Even for you and aren't you supposed to be keeping her safe?" Trish asked in a low tone and seem to be wearing a small glare on her face as she turned jogging out the front door calling for the young girl she met just minutes ago.

Staying where he was only slowly moving his hand up to touch his now sightly red cheek, sure he had been slapped by many woman before but this was different and he couldn't figure out why. Cursing at him self pushing all thoughts aside as he grabbed his guns and guitar case before heading out of the shop, "Looks like a storm is coming.....great..." He muttered looking up at the sky seeing a few dark grey looking clouds and sighed walking off.

Mean while with Angel who just had stopped next to a tree to catch her breath with her lungs burning for the need for air, steadily looking around allowed her to see she was in a park and seem to be the only one around at the moment. Not quite sure if it was just her nerves or maybe the small hairs standing up on the back of her neck but something was telling her she wasn't alone, glancing around confirmed her suspicions when her red eyes caught sight of a young male with black long hair stood not to far from her. His very light brown color eyes never left her red ones which sent a chill down her back and slowly Angel moved to stand up right then started to take a step forward, sadly she was cut short as a gust of wind blew and seem to even cut the ground in front of her, "I wouldn't move if I were you." A deep voice spoke making her glare at the man now who has his finger-less gloved hand raised up.

"Let me guess......I should just come quietly and not put up a fight hmm?" Angel asked smirking trying to mask the fact she was pretty scared but if she showed any fear to this man than it was game over right? "Yes that would be easy and nice of you though I have a feeling you won't now will you?" He asked lowering his hand thus making his tan color trench coat move, looking this man over allowed her to see he wore all black and that it was also leather. "Hmm if I would have to guess he can move very easy even with wearing that outfit on, does he have power over wind?" Angel thought biting the inside of her cheek wishing she still had the trench coat on right now, taking another look drew her eyes to a small round dark blue jewel on the man's belt buckle that seem to glow. "This is gonna hurt but I need to test something." She thought moving her feet a bit then took off rushing right at the man which seem to catch him off guard, moving his right hand up stopping right near Angel's stomach and a strong gust of wind burst from his hand with the jewel glowing bright, crashing into the ground with a loud thud and holding her stomach feeling like she had been punched hard enough to knock every last breath of air from her.

Coughing pushing her self up as a trickle of blood left the corner of her mouth and feeling new cuts all over her body made her feel weak, "I would really hate to have to hurt you anymore if I can avoid it so please just give up now." The man spoke putting his arm back down and Angel coughed staring at the man with a smirk making him raise one of eyebrows. "Make a note of this and also tell all your stupid demon buddies.....I never give up!" Angel called out at him before raising one of her hands up to kindly give him the middle finger til a gust of wind blew at her allowing her world to turn dark at that moment.

In other part of the world a young woman with long fiery red hair and bright emerald green eyes could be seen walking down a long hallway, letting a sigh leave her rosy red lips when the strap on her messenger bag broke thus falling to the ground and spilling its contents. "Well great and I really liked this bag too." She muttered leaning down allowing the long black skirt to flare out around her, gathering her items only to stop when her small framed fingers came across a small picture of two girls in it smiling while hugging one another. "I wonder how my young sister is doing. . . . " She thought looking at the picture and gasped when a small tune started to play, quickly taking note it was merely her cell phone going off and pulled it out to place it next to her ear. "Hello this is Kira The Demon Hunter of the Night, how many I help you?" She spoke into the phone while standing up to walk again, "Kira its me Ray! Its starting to happen, you have to get to your sister! I got her to a safe place but you have to get on the first train there!" Ray's voice yelled over the phone with the sounds of gun shots going off.

"Ray whats going on? Is Angel okay?" Kira yelled back into the phone feeling her heart leap up into her throat feeling her body starting to shake, "I made sure that your sister is safe and that she in the city of. . . " Ray's voice started to speak but then everything went deadly quiet as a deep low voice came over the phone line. "I will have your sister and soon this world will be mine." It spoke then the line went dead making Kira pull her own phone away from her head and sent her sprinting down the hallway while hoping against all odds that her sister was safe at this very moment.

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