Chapter 8

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The black hair male gave a light sigh seeing the young black hair girl laying on the ground no longer moving, she had hardly put up a fight with him so why had she been so much trouble for the others? This young girl held all the power within her to make the world such a better place yet she chose to run? Was it fear? Could she have been hiding something more within her small frame body?

Taking in a deep breath to fill his lungs with his body moving towards the girl although that was quickly cut short when the ground in front of him was shot, "If I were you I would kindly back off....that is unless you want to be filled with holes." A young female voice called out and drawing his eyes to the right showed Trish standing there having a satisfied grin on her lips. "Are you here to rescue the girl?" He asked in low tone not caring about the woman but merely wanting to get his job done, Trish tossed a quick glare at the man and held her hand up allowing sparks of lighting to appear.

The two seem to share in a staring match with a lone leaf floating between the two and once it landed on the ground, they took off at one another throwing a load of punches and kicks to one another with the casual bullets flying threw the air. Angel's unconscious body laid face down into the concrete unaware of what was happening around her, though inside her mind was a different story and soon to be a fight for her life.

Darkness was all that Angel could see when opening her eyes than slowly pushing her self up, a cold shiver ran threw her body and let a whimper slip threw her quivering lips. "Where am I?" She thought moving to stand on her feet as she started to walk around hoping to find some way out of where she was, hugging her self when another shiver ran threw her body only to stop hearing what sounded like someone laughing. "Is someone there?" She called out leaving to wonder if that was the right thing to do at the moment since she was alone, looking back over her shoulder hearing the laugh again than looked forward allowing a gasp to fall from her mouth.

In a short amount of time it seemed a mirror appeared and Angel stood there looking at her self yet it felt as something was off about it, reaching up giving a small wave as she watched her self in the mirror do the same and reached up with her other hand making a funny face at the mirror copy. "Its...just me.....a....a..." Angel muttered dropping her arms casting a sad smile though forcing the tears back and reached up laying a hand flat onto the surface, "I am just as everyone thinks....a....a monster...." She thought biting her lip pulling her hand back just as a laugh came from right in front of her and quickly threw her eyes up allowed her to see her self in the mirror laughing.

"A monster huh?" It spoke having hair covering its eyes and reached up banging its hands onto the surface from the other side, "Is that the best you can come up with little girl?" It asked throwing its head up thus moving the hair to show its red eyes shining brightly but not in the way many would think. This glow was filled with malice and hate that Angel took a step back, "I...I...what...are you.....what is this place?" Angel stuttered out feeling the fear grip her heart and let a small scream out as a gust of wind blew knocking her onto her back. "I am you.....the true you..." It spoke with a grin as the left side of its body started to change and Angel stared in shock as she watched the half of her start to change, the skin slowly started to become a light grey color and what looked like a badly torn black skin wing started to appear from her back.

"I am just as you said....a monster!! A monster that you can no longer lock away like some bad dream!" It yelled at Angel who closed her eyes and placed her hands over her ears to try to block the other her out, "Why are you doing this?! I just....I just wanted to...." Angel cried out feeling tears falling from her eyes as her mind reeled in everything that was happening at the moment. "I....No! I am not a monster! I am just a....a..." Angel tried yell back at her self but stopped feeling lost and biting her lip when she knew that just moments ago she had just done just that, called her self a monster and unaware the biggest monster she was fighting right now was her self.

Out in the real world one could see Trish jumping around avoiding what seem to be blades of wind flying past her head, a few nearly hitting her head though she managed to dodged those sadly a few of the others had left some nice deep cuts on her body. "You are a worthy opponent but this is where it all comes to an end." The man spoke in a low voice a smirk dancing on his face, moving to raise a hand up as if he was building up a huge wind attack that was stopped when a gust of wind came from somewhere else. Turning their heads allowed both to see some kind of black light coming from Angel's body who at that moment was pushing her self up, "Angel get out of here and find....." Trish started to call out though stopped upon seeing Angel's face and for a minute it felt as if her own blood ran cold.

Angel stood up her red eyes glowing and half of her skin seem to be turning a light grey color, a sicking crack came when a black torn bat looking wing shot out from her back or around her right shoulder blade. "What is she?" The black hair male muttered slowly moving to face Angel who stole a glance at him than disappeared in a flash, lighting crackled across the sky as a roll of thunder followed suit. Angel appeared behind the black hair male thus hitting squarely in the middle of his back and sent him flying threw the air, giving a evil grin quickly jumping up into the air while following the male making sure to hit him again.

"Its as if she is playing a game of pinball with his body." Trish whispered watching Angel move with amazing speed, the black hair male landed or maybe more like crashed into the ground leaving a dent in it. Coughing up blood as he tried to push him self up though was stopped when Angel kneed him in the stomach, "Angel stop! That is enough!" Trish called out moving towards the two sadly stopping from Angel sending her a cold hated glare. ". . .This....demon.....wants to am just playing..." Angel muttered out only to laugh at the end, slowly moving her head to look straight into light brown eyes of the male.

They were full of fear thus weakly raising his arm to try and blast the female on top off of him away, sadly it was knocked away with ease then Angel reached down pulling the blue jewel off his belt and held it up. "No please......don't....." The male choked out reaching for the jewel, Angel looked at the male giving a sadistic smile as her body seem to change more when she crushed the jewel in her bare hand. The wind blew threw the area casting an icy chill down anyone's spine than Angel slowly stood up watching the man's chest give a final heave before becoming still, the life drained from his eyes and slowly moving away giving a hollow laugh. "Awww he broke......oh well." Angel muttered stepping away from the body and turned looking around, Trish watched as the young girl in front of her seem to be looking her self over.

"So who are you?" Trish called out slowly moving the hand that held the gun behind her not wanting to have to shoot her, though if were to come down to it then she would waste no time doing so. "Its me Angel.....don't you like the improvement?" Angel asked steadily facing Trish allowing a grin to lay on her lips and with a split second Angel grabbed her head, "What is going on?" Trish thought watching with a worried face and trying to think of what she should do next. Back inside the darkness the real Angel pushed her self up turning to run away from the mirror though stopping to face the mirror, "Awww gonna run away little girl?" The demon self of her asked smirking and chuckled lowly allowing its fangs to be seen.

Angel felt her self shake wondering what she could do but gasp when a flash of red seem to cross her view, turning looking at mirror self carefully looking it over stopping when her red eyes seem to spot something behind the mirror form. "What is that?" She thought biting her lip slowly moved to face the mirror and shivered when she met its eyes. Outside of her body Angel slowly stood up glaring at the sound of boots clicking on the ground met her ears, "Its you.....should have known you would come along." She hissed out that seem to turn into a low growl and Trish turned her head seeing Dante walking up to where they were. "Dante you have to be careful, she isn't acting like her self!" Trish called out making Angel jump at her but was quickly save with a bullet shooting by just grazing Angel's cheek.

"Your fight is with me...." Dante spoke in a cold tone allowing Angel to stare at him from the corner of her eyes, time stood still once again and Angel twitched her hands showing her nails becoming like claws. "Lets dance pretty boy." She said calmly and in a split second rushed at him slashing her claws at him. Dante merely side stepped to dodge the strikes thus getting behind her at one point and gave a swift kick to her ass, "Why you!!" Angel growled stumbling forward though turned kicking his feet out from under him. " do got some moves there kid." He spoke having a grin on his lips as he caught him self doing a handstand into a back-flip, Angel blinked and quickly grabbed her head again steadily taking a step back.

Back deep in her mind Angel looked passed her demon self in the mirror and felt some stress leave when saw Dante there, running up to the mirror slamming her hands down onto the glass causing her demon self to jump back in shock. "What is with you?" Her demon self asked looking behind its self then back to the front glaring, "It seems that part of my self can't seem this just an illusion?" She thought biting her lip feeling her hope starting to slip away. Closing her eyes wanting to be out from where she was and back in his arms, quickly gasping shooting her eyes open wondering why she has just thought that.

Dante stood watching Angel holding her head as if she was fighting with her self and he sighed feeling a pang of hurt hit his heart, why and how had this young girl make him feel like this? This was just another job so why had it matter? Was he starting for this girl? Shaking his head to push the thoughts away to ponder over them at another time, slowly walking towards Angel who looked up or maybe more like glared still, "Hey.....kid....."He started but stopped shaking his head a little, "....Angel....I am sorry...." He muttered lowly but it was still loud enough for her to hear it clearly. Angel stared at him then tried repeatedly to hit him in the face but was only tall enough to whack his chest over and over.

Inside her self Angel jumped allowing a gasp to slip threw her lips upon hearing a voice and shifting her eyes to stare past her self in the mirror, was this right? Had he just said he was....sorry? Facing her demon self feeling like a new power was flowing threw her unaware the necklace around her neck started to glow, "Let me out!" Angel yelled gripping her hands into tight fist and pounded them on the glass. Closing her eyes as she kept pounding over and over thus still unaware of her necklace growing brighter, "Even if I go away I will never truly be gone! I am darkness in you and a part of you that will never go away!" Her demon self yelled stepping back covering its face.

"That may be true....but even so, I won't ever give up to you again!" Angel yelled pulling a fist back and punched the mirror as hard as she could, feeling the glass break under her thus now feeling her self falling. Recalling the words she had spoke wondering how would she kept that as a promise and not go back on it, sighing closing her eyes allowing it to drift to the back of her mind for the time being.

Watching Angel hit him over and over trying to think of the next of the move he could take when she stopped, "Angel?" He gently called out and moved swiftly catching her now limped body. "Angel?!" He called out again reaching up gently moving her head to get a look of her face. A groan leaving her lips with slowly opening her eyes looking up to met his blue silverish eyes, "....hey..." She muttered weakly fighting a small smile and reached up lightly touching his cheek. "I am....sorry too..." She muttered sighing softly and wincing when let her arm drop back to her body, "Take it easy." Dante chuckled carefully moving to stand holding her in his arms, "I swear you are nothing but trouble and now its gonna be double." Trish spoke with a smirk playing on her lips as she turned slipping her sunglasses on and gave a wave while walking off. "Well shall we?" Dante asked looking down at Angel who seem to be asleep now in his arms, sighing thinking how weird this might look while walking back but all thoughts disappeared, feeling his cheeks turn warm as Angel cuddled into his chest and softly gripping onto his shirt as a way of making sure he was still there.

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