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This chapter is dedicated to my favourite person on Wattpad AnkitaGhosh205
Though i am elder among us, but she is the one who always message me and tell me if i am wrong anywhere. Thank you girl for everything 😘😘😘



"Hello Aunt" i greet Ms. Rose standing at her door.

I thought i can try to help her. In that way my weekends will be occupied and i will meet some wonderful people.

"Hi darling, how are you doing?" Aunt asked me giving a tight hug to me.

"I am good aunt. How are you?" I asked her with a smile.

There are very few people with whom you feel instant connection and this lady is one of them for me.

"This old woman is as cool as you can see" she said with a cool attitude...

"Who is old here? I don't see anyone old" i asked playfully...

"Girl..." She said shyly...

"Oh my god, you're blushing like a new bride, aunt..." I said but instantly her expressions changed from shy to somewhat painful.

"Aunt, are you fine?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let get back to work. I have to tell you lot of things about the trust" she said.

I nod my head and didn't pressurized her to tell me about earlier.

"And this is the list of students who applied for the scholarship. What you have to check is who needs it most and allocate the funds. Along with this you will have to do all the paperwork." She explained while i nod my head.

"Will you be able to that much of work honey?" She asked me...

"Ofcourse aunt, i will try..." I confirms.

"Thats cool and you will have Elena with you for your help" she said...

"Elena? Who is she, aunt?" I asked her...

"That's me, girl" a sweet chirpy voice said.

I turned around to see a sweet girl with golden hairs...

"Elena, how are you doing my child?" Aunt asked her...

"Superb Rosy..." She said pulling her cheeks.

"Vedika, this is Elena, my friend's daughter and this is Vedika, she is helping me out with the trust work these days" Aunt introduced her.

We exchange the pleasantries.

Soon we get into talk and i got to know that she is quite rich and currently helping her dad in his business.

She is quite extrovert and never let you bore in her company.

"Hey Vedika, will you accompany me to the boutique today? I have to buy a dress" she asked me suddenly.

"" I stammered, don't know whether to say yes or not.

"Don't be hesitant. It will take only 1 hour or so. Please say yes, I am in dire need of someone's company and don't worry I drop you to your home afterwards" she said making me think.

Well, its only shopping I can go. Right...

"Yes honey, you should join her..." Aunt rose also insist...

"Okay" i affirmed...

Soon we left from Aunt Rose home.

"So, tell me something about you?" She asked me while driving.

"Umm...i shifted here around 1 month back... currently working in Parker's Corporation as an architect..." I told her...

" bagged a very nice job in renowned company... But have you met Alvaro Parker yet?" She asked me suddenly making me remember our last encounter two days back.

I rubbed my wrist which is still lightly red due to his hulk like grip earlier... My skin is very sensitive, even if someone touch me with a little pressure, it leaves marks for days and that man forced all his power to hold me.

Jallad 😠

What he thinks of himself? I want to resign to be honest but due to the clause in my employment contract, i cannot breach it without paying hefty amount. Or unless Mr. CEO himself approves my resignation without any charges.

And i am not gonna ask him for it.

For now, i have no option but to bear him.

"Back to earth V" Elena snapped me out of my thoughts...

"V?" I asked...

"Yeah, isn't it cute? I will call you V from now onwards..." She said...

"Okay Ele" i grinned ear to ear...

" tell me, have you crossed path with Alvaro Parker or not?" She asked again...

Only if you know, Ele...

"Do you know him?" I asked her instead...

"No...but as i also belong to well known families i have seen him many times in the parties but never interacted him" she explained...

"Are you not happy with your life Ele?" I asked her...

"In today's world, noone is happy with their life V... and i am no different...born in a richie rich family have their own flaws...i am an illegitimate child of my father. More precisely noone likes me in my family. I am like a burden to them..." She said with emotionless face.

I don't know how to react because i was blessed with the best family. Though they are not with me but atleast i never face hatred in anyone's eyes for me.

"What about your mom, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked her.

"You can ask anything from me V. Because for the first time i have met someone who is not with me because of my loaded cards" she said while i am amused.

"These types of people exist?" I asked her...

"O girl, you're soo naive...i would say only these types of people exist in this world." She said...

"Ohh" i murmured... I guess i am too far from the real world.

"Back to your question, my mom is no more. She was suffering from cancer when i was 5. One day she brought me to my father who was not ready to accept me. But my mother threaten him to expose him infront of media. To save his reputation, he gave me his name." She explained while i feel she is holding lot in her heart.

"After a year, my mom passed away and i was adopted by my father. And his wife and son, both are bitch...they hate me to the core..." She said and i feel sad for her.

"How did you meet Aunt Rose then?" I asked her...

"I just knew she was a good friend of my mom. And one day i visited her and she being a sweet gem gave me love which i always deprived off..." She said and i nod...

"Now leave this boring story of mine and tell me Interesting updates" she said...

"What Interesting updates?" I asked her...

"About Alvaro Parker, the most eligible bachelor of our country. Not to forget,  the meanest, arrogant and rude person of this earth" she said and i cannot agree more...

But she forgot to add Jallad aka Devil in her beautiful adjectives used for him.

"How do you know that much about him when you don't know him?" I asked her. 

"Jealous, are we, V?" She asked narrowing her eyes at me...

"Joke of the day...haha...its called curiousity Ele not jealous" i confirmed...

"Well i don't say all these things but this is what magazines says..." She said... I nod my head

Soon we reached the mall. She took me to a lavish and extraordinary showroom where I don't think i will enter ever...

"Hey Elena, how are you?" A woman elegantly walked to us...

"I am good Mia. This is my friend, Vedika...Show me your collection of this month." El told Mia...

Mia looked me up and down, then greet me with a fake smile.

We walked into the store. They showed us many dresses.

"Which one will suit me, V?" El asked my opinion...

"All are pretty. Choose the one you like the most" i said not knowing actually what is her taste...

"You are not helping me V. I need the perfect dress for my birthday party" She said...

"Umm, birthday?" I asked her as she didn't mentioned it yet...

"Yes and you're coming which is on coming Saturday..." She said...

"Bu—but how can i?" I asked her as we just met...

"You have to...i won't hear a no from you..." She asked with a pout...

"Okay fine..." I said...

" help me with the dress..." She said...

"Try these two...i really like them the most" i said showing the dresses...

She went into the trial room and i looked around the dresses...

One dress caught my attention. I liked it... But it was too costly for my liking...

"How is it?" Ele asked me.

"Beautiful. Try next one" i suggest and she again went into trial room.

I checked the fabric of the dress. Its too soft...

"It's out of your budget" Someone said.

I turned and saw Mia with a smirked face.

"Excuse me?" I asked astonished as how can someone comment like this...

"I said you won't be able to buy this. This is out of your range" she comments...

"Is this how you show your bitchiness to your customers?" I couldn't help but asked her shocking me as well as her too...


"Any problem?" Elena asked coming out...

"No darling, just showing my designs to your friend..." Mia said and walked out...

"Is everything ok V?" Ele asked me...

"Yes...and you're looking pretty. I think you should buy this one" i said...

"I am buying tell me which one you will purchase? Did you liked anyone among these?" She asked me...

"No...i have enough dresses... I don't want to buy any more." I refused her as this showroom is not under my budget.

"No, you have to buy something..." She insisted...

"Next time...promise" i said...

Soon we went out of the showroom not before Mia glaring me for no reason.

"I am famished. Lets eat something first..." She dragged me to the food court.

We took our seat after ordering for burger and coke.

Good thing that she is like me, not diet concious. Its not like that we eat much, rather eat freely enjoying our moment.

"I will send you the address and other details for the party" she said munching the food...

"Okay. But i cannot promise you as i have to ask from my parents..." i said...

"Woah girl, you're really a small baby... Who ask for permission?" she asked amusingly...

I just shrug my shoulders.

"Okay sorry, don't be a baby. Its just i never asked anyone to go out or you can say nobody bothered about my whereabouts" she said...

She is saying all this very coolly. I cannot imagine myself in her place.

"Is your father never ask about you?" I asked her...

"It's not like that he doesn't care. I mean he always gave me his money, even told me to join his company so that i can be a business woman. But what i always craved for love not money" she said with a sign...

"Don't worry, you will find someone soon who will love you to the core" i said with a smile...

"I don— Ohh fuckkk" she said suddenly making me frown...

"What happened?" I asked her when she hide her face with the menu...

"What is he doing here?" She said...

"Who?" I asked looking around...

"Let exchange our seats..." She said standing up still hiding her face.

We exchanged our seats...

"Will you tell me?" I asked her...

"Can you see the black shirt guy sitting at the last table" she asked me...

"The one who is chewing and licking girls lips" i said with disgust.

Don't they have a decency? Nobody is interested in their PDA...

"Yeah that asshole...." She confirmed...

"What about him?" I asked her still eyeing him...

"I slapped him 3 days back..." She said sheepishly...

"What?" I said in loud voice...

"Girl keep your voice low..." She hushed me...

"Sorry" i mouthed...

"But why did you slapped him?" I asked her...

"He asked me to hook up" she said casually...

"What does it mean exactly?" I asked her...

She coughed hard on my question...

"Are you okay?" I asked her when she sipped the water...

"I am but in which era you're living?" She asked me while i feel embarrassed to ask her that.

"Forget that i asked..." I said...

"No V, you have to tell me— you seriously don't know?" She asked again.

I denied by shaking my head fidgeting my fingers...

"You're soo naive...Its means s*x" she explained while my eyes widened...

I looked at that man again.

Disgusting man!!!

And this time he also raised his head and our eyes met for a second. And that man winks me.

Asshole, bloody bastard man... Oh god, what has happened to my mind... I don't use slang words...

I averted my eyes and looked at Ele who was noticing my changing expression.

"What happened?" She asked...

"He is disgusting. He just wink me..." I said with an anger...

"Well these types of boys just want to get into girl's hole..." She said while my jaw dropped with the way she talks...

Too blunt!!!

"Hey beautiful" someone said breaking our convo...

I raised my head only to see that man with a smirk, now standing at our table. I looked at Ele who was also shocked by his sudden arrival.

And he too averted his gaze to check Elena...

"You?" He asked with a shocked face...

"Yes me. Why are you here?" She asked him with full attitude without any fear...

"Last time i checked it was not your dad's property" he barked at her...

"I know your kind of boys. And dare you if you flirt with my friend?" she said rolling her eyes...

"I am a man not a boy. I can very well show you" he said with a smirk.

I think this smirk is permanently plastered on his face...

I thought but suddenly they both turned their faces at me... One with anger and another with amusement.

"What?" I asked with little fear...

"You said it aloud V" Ele said and i gulped hard looking at the man's angry face... Then he again went back to his usual self... i mean smirked face...

"Bene, non sei anche una cattiva opzione" he said while I looked at him trying to understand what he said...

{Well, you're also not a bad option}

"Do you really want to taste the medicine again" Ele said and stood up from her seat.

I looked at him with anger because he definitely commented something inappropriate...

"Lets go V" she said and i nodded...

"I hope we will never meet again otherwise your face will remain permanently like this as V said earlier" she threaten him...

This girl is totally awesome...

"Will meet you soon barbie..." He said precisely to El...

And why do i feel we will meet again.

"That dickhead totally spoilt our mood. Lets go, it's getting late" she said...

She dropped me at home and i slept without eating as i was already full.

A week passed by blur and that devil didn't showed his face. And i got to know that he visits this company not frequently as he handles other business too.

Well good for me as i will have minimum interaction with him...

It is Friday night and i am having famous head massage by non other Ma.

"Ma, your hands are magical. It feels like all the burden from my head gone in a second" i complimented her...

"Say this to your Pa. He never likes my massage but will definitely have it every week..." She said with a pout...

"He just teases you ma..." I said.

"Is someone complaining about me?" Pa asked entering the living room.

I am sitting on floor while ma on the sofa.

"Yes, i am doing it with my daughter. Any problem?" She asked him in anger.

I giggled... They both are talking like a new couple.

"This is not fair Pa. How can you tease my sweet ma like this..." I said...

"Woah, you both woman are attacking a single man in the house. I will have to stay safe. Don't know when you both will attack me with your claws" he said dramatically...

We trio laughed hard...

"Vedu, is she a nice girl? I am just asking you as i am worried that you will be alone in a party full of strangers..." Ma asked with a concern.

"Yes ma, Elena is a good and i will come in an hour or so. She said she will drop me home. You don't worry" i said as she is taking unnecessary tension...

"Let her enjoy her life, Kirti. And Rose told me Elena is a nice girl. I will drop you Vedu but sorry i will not be able to pick you up as i have an important meeting which i cannot miss" Pa said...

"Don't worry Pa...Elena said she will drop me..." I told him.

"Hmm but in case of my problem. I am just a call away. No meeting is important than you my child" he said while i gave him a big smile...

"I know Pa" i said...

Next Day at Party...

Pa dropped me at the address sent by Elena but not before telling me to call him.

Its a mansion.

I thought earlier it would be some hotel..

I entered the hall and felt self concious of my outfit. Though ma said i am looking pretty but don't know if my dress stands well with these riches...

"Vedika..." Elena came running and engulfed me in a hug...

"Wish you a very happy birthday. May God bless with everything you want" I wished her...

"Thank you and someone is looking hot today" she commented...

"Thank you," I said shyly...

"Come inside. I will introduce you to my friends" she said and dragged me inside...

And the party is not at all like I assumed...

I assumed it to be like friends dancing and totally drunk. But here the environment is looking more like a business party.

Even I noticed a few old people too...

Elena introduced me to her few friends and they are formal with me. I even don't like them much.

Half an hour passed like that...After the cake cutting, I went to Elena as I thought to leave. I am not liking here much.

"El, happy birthday once again. This is for you from my side" I said forwarding the watch as a gift I purchased for her...

"You don't have to buy this. You came, this is the best gift for me" she said...

"I insist please," I said and she took it finally...

"Elena, will you not introduce me to your friend," One man said interrupting us...

"Yeah, whatever...Vedika, he is Jack my stepbrother and she is Vedika, my friend" Elena introduced us...

But I didn't like the way he is gazing me...

"Hello beautiful lady," He said taking my hand and kissing my palm.

I flinched and pulled back my hand...

"Now if excuse us, we would like to join our friend," El said dragging me with her.

But I can feel him watching me...

"Stay away from him. He is bad news" Ele alerts me...

And if she, being his sister is saying this. Then I have to be careful about it.

I know you guys missed our devil. He is coming in the next chapter 😉

How was the Chapter?

My first ever interview has been published, read it if you have not yet. Link is on my message wall❤️

Love you,

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