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If you like my work, pls follow me...


I woke up feeling disoriented. Why am i feeling headache first in the morning. I raised my hand to smoothed the pain.

I opened my eyes with a slow motion adjusting to the light in the room.

My gaze first fall on the ceiling. I never knew my room's ceiling would be this interesting.

It's a butterfly in a black colour. If you see for the few minutes, you will realise there are flame of orange black shade making it look like butterfly is burning with the ashes covering all around.

I felt a jolt in my heart immediately. Realisation hit me hard when i found that its definitely not my room.

When i tried to wake up i could not due to the hand on my waist.

I was horrified at the fact that someone is lying beside me. I pulled off the duvet covering me and saw the whitish arms around me.

I dared to look at the person. The person is sleeping on his stomach with his face on the other side.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes and i looked down at my attire only to see me in a freaking shirt. Man's Shirt!!! 

Did he? Did he took advantage of me. A sob escaped my mouth and i put the hand on my mouth to muffle it. I felt i will die any second.

No Vedu, think wisely. First you need to escape from this unknown place.

I immediately pulled back myself from his grip making sure not to wake up the man in the process.

I looked around for my belongings and most importantly my dress which i found on the nearby couch. 

I hurriedly changed into my dress and  ran to the door. When i reached to the door, i dared to take a look on the man's face who most probably took advantage of my unconcious state last night.

Colour drained out of my face when i saw the person. How could he do this to me? Tears once again rolled out of my eyes.

I immediately walked out of the house and security guard looked me with his sceptical eyes. I felt extremely humiliated at the way he was looking me.

But i ignored him and walked on the empty road.


Once I sat in the taxi which i found near his house. I closed my eyes to calm myself taking a break from all the awful event happened in my life in last 12 hours.

But a worry came across my mind when i thought about Pa and Ma. How will I explain my absence to them for the whole night. When they will question me where was I, what i will tell?

My chain of thoughts interrupted with the ringing of my phone. 

"Hello..." I picked up the call...

"Finally you picked up..." i kept the phone away from my ears as Elena's loud voice shakes me...

"Hey El..." i said calmly though i wanted to ask her many questions.

"Oh god V, there is no time for your casual greetings!!! Tell me why did you left the party without meeting me..." She said confirming me that she has no idea what happened last night.

"I...i" i tried to come up with something but she again interrupted me...

"You know I was so worried about you and searching you during the party like a mad woman and you didn't even care to pick up my call" she complaint...

Only if you know El...

"I am sorry El" i just apologized...

"You don't need to apologize girl. I was just worried that if something happened which made you leave eruptly" she said with a concern.

And i felt grateful to have a good friend in such a short span of time.

"I am fine El..." I just closing my eyes.

But am i actually? That monster took advantage last night and i don't even remember a single second of it...

What has actually happened last night?

"V??? Are you there?" Elena's voice brought me back...

"Yeah El, my phone was on vibration mode. Thats why i didn't checked your calls. Sorry again for bothering you" i lied as i cannot tell her anything unless i know what happened actually...

"Thats okay. I was too worried until Jack told me that you left with your father. Anyways, take care. Will meet you soon. Byee" she said and hung up the call.

Jack!!! This rings the bell in my head...

Last night...

Party is going on with full mood. Elena is enjoying with her friends. Not that i am complaining. Ofcourse, i am not the only one she has to attend. There're many guests.

But i am feeling alone. And i don't have a  company to enjoy. When i told her i am leaving, she didn't let me go and requested me to stay for sometime.

I didn't wanted to deny her on her special day, that's why agreed...

After a while, i felt someone beside me. I looked around only to see Jack (Elena's brother) giving me sinister smile.

"Hey girl, would you like to have a dance with me?" He asked me...

"Umm, i am sorry but I'll pass..." i denied his offer politely...

"Oh come on, its not something big i am asking from you..." He comments...

"I don't want to... please" i denied again but this man is a leech...

"Okay. No problem!!! So, tell me are you working somewhere or still studying?" He again started...

Why he is so interested? Where am i struck, god!!! I sighed...

"I am working..." I keep it short not wanting to give any further information about me...

"So, where do you work?" He asked again...

"Parker Corporations" i said looking towards him...

His eyes flashed something for a second but it went back to normal.

"Ohh, big shot!!! Nice...very nice!!!" He said thinking something...

"Yeah..." I said feeling uncomfortable with his presence.

"I have an offer for you..." He said sipping his drink...

"Umm...what kind of offer?" I asked with a frown on my face.

"Be my secretary..." He offered and i looked at him like he has grown two horns on his heads...

Me, an architect will work as a secretary? I am not demeaning that job. But you should be suitable for the job. Right?

"What?" I asked him...

"I will pay you double to your current pay. So, tell me are you ready to be mine? I mean my secretary?" He asked with a grin...

Does he thinks me as that stupid who will be lurked with his money?

"Thank you so much for your generous offer but I am not interested. Thank you once again" i said and walked passing him.

His expression were priceless as if he was not expecting my denial...haha...stupid monkey!!!

I walked passing the corridor reached to a balcony. I need fresh air before coming back...

I gazed at the stars shining in the dark night.

It is said that your loved ones are looking upon you from heaven in the form of stars.

Is it true? Mumma, papa, bhai? Are you guys watching your Vedu from heaven? Why did you left me alone here? But i am happy atleast you guys are together there, looking for eachother. Unlike me sadly...

"Mam..." One voice interrupted my thoughts...

I turned around to see a waiter...

"Yes?" I asked him...

He forwarded the tray with drinks...

"No, thank you" i denied...

"Please have it mam. Elena ma'am send it for you" he said...

"Umm...okay" i finally picked one glass and he went away...

I sipped was orange juice!!!


"Ma'am, we're here" driver's voice brought me back...

I should not had that juice last night...

I sighed and walked out of the taxi.

Be ready Vedu, its time to face the wrath of Pa and Ma.

I rang the doorbell and after a minute ma opened the door...

I smiled at her but she didn't reciprocate...

"Umm...Ma??" I called her as she started walking back...

"Vedu, Anant is waiting for you and let me warn you, he is not in good mood" she said and i gulped my saliva down.

I followed her and we reached the living room where Pa was reading the newspaper while sipping his tea.

I just sat down adjacent to Ma on couch but when he didn't said anything. I started talking...

"Pa???" I called him.

He finally placed the newspaper down.

"How was your night stay with your friend?" He plainly asked without any emotions...

" was good" i lied keeping my head down due to shame.

"What made you stay at unknown place without any prior plans?" He asked me in calm voice but i can say he is controlling his anger.

"I...i am sorry Pa" i apologized with a tear rolling out of my eyes...

Ma patted my hands...

"Why are you apologising? Did you do anything wrong?" He asked me...

"I...i was out for whole night without taking your permission. I am sorry Pa" i suddenly started crying and ma pulled me in her arms...

I sobbed thinking about whatever happened last night and without any mistake of mine, i put them down.

"Anant, why did you do this? See she is crying because of you" Ma scold him and i cried more listening to her...

"I didn't meant this....Vedu, listen my child..." Pa said pulling me in his arms.

"Beta (child), i didn't meant to scare you or scolding you. But i was worried for you. You just messaged me about your night stay. I was disappointed with you. I don't want you to feel caged here, that's why i didn't reacted last night. May be your friend is good but still you're new to this place and don't know how mean this world can be..." He said patting my head...

I cried as they are feeling responsible for me...and i...i...i sobbed for sometime in his arms...

"Now, stop crying otherwise i will have to buy a special bucket for your tears..." He joked making me laugh amdist my tears.

I cannot be more grateful to god for giving me these lovely guardian.

"No more crying. I have made your favourite maggi. Go and freshen up. I will make tea for you..." Ma said wiping her tears...

I went to my room and lie down for a minute...

Why did Pa said i messaged him when i didn't?

I checked my phone only to see a message send by me to him...

Don't worry about me, i am staying at my friend's home for girl's night. Will be back in the morning...

Who sent this message? Was it Jack or...???

I know what i need to do but first let me have a breakfast with my lovely family...

Later, in the evening i was lying down on my bed wide awake gazing at the ceiling. I didn't visited Ms. Rose today as i was not in a mood to go out specially after last night...
Suddenly my eyes started hallucinating the ceiling i saw in the morning. It was somewhat scary... And i sat on bed immediately.

Last night cont...

After sipping the juice, i walked back to the hall for leaving the party.

I suddenly feel like my head is roaming all around. I feel dizzy and i hold the pillar at the entrance of the hall.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked me by holding my arm. I flinched back from him and gave a look only to find a blurry image...

What has happened to me? Why am i unable to see anything properly...

"Let me help you miss" he said clutching my arms...

I wanted to run away from this unknown shady man but as if my mind was working but body was paralyzed to do anything...

"Leave me..." I said when i found cold air on my arms...

I feel i am somewhere in open area...

I have blurry image of the looks like a parking lot...

I wiggled in his arms...but his grip tighten around me more...

"Stop struggling bitch!!! Save your energy because you will need it throughout the night..." He said making my skin jumped with unknown fear...

What does he mean? Is he going to r*pe me???

Tears started pouring out of my eyes but i am unable to make a move on my own...

Next thing i knew i was pushing on something. It feels like a leather beneath me...Its the backseat of the car...

Oh my god, help me what is happening???

"Come soon Buddy, bird is in my hand. I am unable to control myself...i want to f*ck her pu**y rough and hard..." He said making me numb and shocked...

"Yeah yeah, first she will be yours to taste..." He said making me clear the things...

They are going to rape me... Mumma, pappa save me please... take me with you before these monsters shatter my soul...
Who is he with whom he is talking???

"It will take him a while to come but i can taste you...he does not need to know, right" he said coming above me...

I can smell alcohol in his awful breath...i would like to kill before he touch me...

I feel his hands on my knee and i cursed myself for wearing dress today...

I pushed him with much difficulty and in return felt a sting on my face...

"Bitch, i am being easy on you and you're showing me your attitude...just wait and watch..." He said and dipped his head on my neck...

"Le...leave me please..." I pleaded him and almost lost consciousness due to exhaustion and struggle...

I opened my eyes only to see a blurred image standing at the opposite door of the car and i felt the burden pulled up from my body...

And i lost my consciousness again...

I don't remember what happened after that? How come i reached his house...his bed...oh god, he took my advantage last night. He is the one whom that man was talking over the phone. I should have known about his character before hand... He was very shady from the very start...

Thinking about last night made me cry again and i slept on the bed stuffing my head into the pillow...

Next Day at Office....

I never thought i will be visiting his cabin again at such a shorter period of time...But its inevitable...

"Can i meet Mr. Parker please?" I asked Mr. David, his PA...

"I doubt Ms. Mehta, if i can help you in this or not" he said in his thick American accent.

"It's really very important. Please Mr. Brown?" I request him again.

"Ok, let me ask for you once" he said picking up the extension...

"Mr. Parker, Ms Mehta is desirous to meet you..." He said over the phone...

O hello, I am not at all desirous to meet him...i wanted to scream at his face. I sighed at his choice of words. 

I looked at Mr. David who was listening keenly to him but at a point he turned his neck at me sharply. And I doubt if he got a sprain in his neck by the speed of his turning.

"You can go in" Mr. David informed me. I nodded and thanked him. 

I prayed to god before entering Devil's den.

I entered without knocking this time. Hell with the formality. I know after this day, it won't be needed anymore.

I kept the envelope which i was holding in front of him.

He raised his eyes from the file he was reading and i shudder in front of him.

Gone was the confident Vedika. I got nervous with the intensity of his eyes...

He raised his right eyebrow in a questioning manner.

But I was too adamant to answer him. He started grinning looking at me.

"What is it?" He asked me finally picking up the letter from the table.

He started reading the content and his grinned face was replaced with anger...

"What is this?" He asked finally looking at my eyes with anger.

Don't loose your confidence Vedu, its a matter of 5 minutes only.

"It's what you're seeing Mr. Parker. My Resignation Letter. And i will be very grateful if you discharge me from my services without any charges on me." I said politely...

"What made you think that I will  approve this? Can you give me a single reason for this resignation?" He said making me angry...

"You're very well aware about the reason." I said crossing my arms.

He stood up from his chair and walked upto me. I took a step back voluntarily seeing him coming closer.

"Is it? Enlighten me too... As far as i remember, there is no reason for your backing out from your responsibility" he asked with a smirk standing two steps distance from me.

"Are you really asking me this? Really?" I asked him with shocked and angry face.

How dare he to talk to me this casually?

How was the Chapter?

I know devil's part was too small but can't help in it. Story will go on with its own flow.

This beautiful cover made by zscreationsx
Thank you so much dear❤️❤️❤️i totally loved it😍😍😍

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