06 | Falsified Life Story

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[ julia michaels (ft.5SOS) - lie to me]

"Let's get to know each other better!" Yaya beams, the box of scrabble placed nicely in front of her as she clasps her hand together. "So, to make this fun, let's play a board game together."

Supra sweats from head-to-toe. "I- uh, okay."

Does he know how? No. He'll just observe what Yaya does in the first place, following right after. He has too much pride and dignity to let that fall off his skyscraper. Death crosses his arms, placing a stoic expression on his face.

When inwardly, he was panicking just like any other new parent caring for their baby at 3 in the morning.

"I'll do you a favor and start first!" In a whiff, Yaya had managed to set out the entire plank on the table, unbeknownst to Supra's trembling figure.

He sweats more as she says, "Let's have some rules to establish first. No lengthy words, no curse words too! It should be related somewhat to our personality or what we like, personally."

Supra nods, stiffly, as if he was a robot.

He obviously didn't hear a single word she said.

She picks up a letter of hers and starts to arrange it to form the word, COOKIES on the blocks, perfecting them into a line. "Alright! I have a hobby of baking and cookies are my favorite treats. Hey- I'll bring you some one day!"

Cookies? Death was further thrown into a dilemma, his head spinning with endless thoughts. Frostfire was right afterall- he should come out of his comfort zone and start socializing more. Cookies? What are those?

"Uhm," He coughs, wiping the droplet from his brow swiftly, "Thanks, I guess. Anyway, is it my turn?"

"Yep!" She chirps, sipping on her iced tea.

Praise be the advocate of darkness, Supra squeezes his eyes shut, muttering a slang of prayers underneath his breath. Why, out of every play that exists, must we do this one, difficult game?!

Using his finger with blinded faith, he chooses the letter D. Hell no, he thinks, blinking at the letter. What am I supposed to do with this? Should I throw it at so- no, Yaya formed a word.

"Hey, earth to.. wait, do you not know how to play scrabble?" Yaya's brown hazel orbs widened in realization, and Supra's face starts to burn from utter embarassment.

At his silent demeanor, she raises both hands.

"Oh my goodness, I-I'm super sorry!" She rushes, grabbing the game box to clean everything up, "W-We can play something else instead."

Before she could, their hands made contact.

Heat rushes up onto her cheeks at the sudden interaction, and she gulps at the cold touch. There was no kind of human warmth.

"D-Don't be." Death stammers, his entire body freezing up. "And no, I do know. I'm just having a hard time thinking of a word." He lies again, whilst mentally cursing at himself. "It's alright."

DEATH. He spells.

"Gah." He shouts in fear, and shock as his hand impulsively spells it- unlike the word DONUT in his head. Supra grimaces at the done damage.

"Oh." Yaya's gaze turned soft with sympathy.

"Yeah um," Death inwardly screams. He seriously wanted to shriek, maybe teleport the hell out of there. How is he supposed to explain the monstrosity?

"Well," He swallows the fear, "I-I'm adopted."

"I'm sorry to hear that.."

"It's alright." Supra coughs, awkwardly, unknown to the girl that he's currently battling his inner will to scream, GOODBYE, NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN. "My mother died giving birth to me. My father put me in the adoption centre."

Great, I'm falsifying my life story again.

Glacier once told him, You lie too much.

I do, Supra couldn't agree more.

Yaya pursed her lips into a thin line, expression unreadable. Underneath the dim lights of the cafe, the grim reaper couldn't predict things.

"Looks like we're on the same boat then."

"Huh?" Death looks up, blinking twice.

He looks at Yaya's extended arm, directed at him. "Thank you for trusting me with a secret like that," She ducks her head, staring at her lap. "When I was 5, I got adopted by foster parents too."

Supra couldn't manage to say a thing, "Ah.."

"My brother and I- we come from two different families. I've never had a sibling before, in my former, abusive household. Which is why he means so much to me."

He bites his lower lip as she continues, "So when my brother got kidnapped, I went home to find my parents crying. My mom is barren- she's old, 45, unable to bear any more children."

"I'm.." This time, it was his turn. "Sorry to hear that."

Yaya breaks into a broken smile. In her eyes, one could see the immense strength she held- "There's nothing to be sorry about when fate makes things go that way. At least there's hope."

Silence sat between them, between spirit and human, parentless and adopted child, the boy and girl. Two different worlds, yet coming to a conclusion. Some sort of understanding.

"Hope, huh?" Death smiles as well. "That's nice."

"I suppose." Yaya wraps her fingers, delicately around her coffee cup, the hot chocolate long gone cold with their conversation. "My father once said.."

He leans forward, interest piqued.

"When there's rain, there's the sun after." She takes a sip, and puts it down slowly, "Translates to there's hope after challenges. That's how I see it."

Humans, he thinks, Are not so bad, after all.

He grasps Yaya's hand in his gloved ones, shaking it once firmly- and mutters something underneath his breath. "...name." He trails off.

"Sorry- did you say something?"

"Supra." His brown eyes pierce into hers. "That's my name."

It's only right to tell her as an act of apology, his mind tells him, and so does his heart. "And sure, let's be friends- just like you've said. Sorry for hiding."

Her lips curled up into a beaming smile.

I've just made up a fake, life story based off hers.

no, there's no romance. its just the start of their
friendship! yaya's super oblivious btw ahhask
super struggling to fight against writer's block
but 3-4 more chapters aaaaa

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