08 | Troubling Truth

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THE DIRTY BATHROOM. [saturday nights - khalid]

"Supra- where were you yesterday?"

The said reaper halts to a stop, his entire body shuddering from the impact of a glare boring into his back. With all the courage he has left, he turns around to face two, furious orbs staring at him.

"Good morning, Glacier." He greets his friend, dipping his head slightly as a customary act. "Did you wake up without another dose of tea again?"

"Don't joke around." The other boy glowers.

Oh lawd. The latter death bringer awkwardly scratches the nape of his neck, He's awfully serious today. Was there a required assembly yesterday?

"Um.." Supra tries to rack his head for an excuse to bid him away from anything bad that might happen from the frustrated reaper. "I had some difficulties with one of my targets. That's all."

"That wasn't a reason to miss Freaky Friday."

So that was why he's so pissed about it. As much as the reaper wanted to roll his eyes at the mentioned event, he didn't have the heart to.

Freaky Friday is a self-proclaimed party, held every Friday in their office that Frostfire named after Glacier's sugar rush mess. He had somehow managed to get high on chocolate and started twerking to the tune of Little Stars.

Obviously, everyone had that on camera. The reaper was so embarassed he had to dial off-duty for a few weeks to surpress the feeling.

He got used to the name afterwards, though.

Anyone is apparently welcomed into the gathering.

Him included- as he's one of the chaotic trio. As much as he disliked the idea of blasting, trap music and Frostfire grinding seductively on the table, he did somehow had a little fun in those weekly parties.

"Sorry." Supra apologizes, smiling lopsidedly. "You know how much I hate Freaky Friday. Let me guess, you guys invited DJ Gopal over?"

Glacier grumpily answers, "Who else?"

Other than his associated reapers, the bunch knew a few other supernaturals, affliated with real life occupancies. They had Gopal as their late night jukebox player, Fang as their gaming officer.

"Nice to know that you all had fun." He stuffs his free hand into the pocket of his coat, chewing on a mint candy, "What did you come here for?"

"Did you come in contact with a human?"

Death nearly chokes on his treat, "W-What?"

"You heard me." Glacier's lips deepened the frown, wrinkle-like lines appearing on his forehead. "The system glitched last night, somehow."

Oh no. Supra thought, breaking into a sweat.

"I traced the IP address back to your account." The teen in front of him steps to the right, blocking all possibilities of the latter escaping. "What exactly were you doing yesterday, Supra?"

"Yeah!" All of a sudden, Frostfire appears behind the older reaper, who jumps in surprise. "You're acting so weird nowadays.. is everything okay?"

Glacier bonks the childish reaper on the head. "You scared me, you cucumber!" He scolds him and sighs, "What a bother. But he's right."

They both turn to Supra, who blinks back at them.

"I'm fine." The said guy, "Don't worry about me."

"It's not you we're worried about, idiot!" Frostfire fumes, standing forward and flicks Death on his temple. "It's the person you touched!"

"H-Huh?" At the impact of such a small, act of aggression to reality, Supra shakes his head. "What?"

"He's out of his head, isn't he?"

"Yeah. Definitely. I think he got possessed."

Death deadpans, "I can hear you, you know."

Glacier pushes the boy aside, trudging into the room like he owns the place and swiftly takes a seat by the end of the bed. "Sit down. Let's talk."

Frostfire fearfully chews on his nails, "Oh no. He's superrrrrrrrr serious, Supra. You're doomed."

"Yeah." The said boy answers, a droplet trickling down the side of his face and onto the floor. But his cover's been blown by two of his closest friends. There's nothing to do but tell them the entire truth. "Okay. Sure. Let's talk."

"Are.. they serious?"

Left alone in the hall, the agonized reaper followed in, his shoulders slumping against his will.


"Shut up, it's 12 at midnight!"

This was quickly followed by a pained moan. "Kids these days," Glacier's orbs rolled themselves, clockwise. Supra lightly chuckles at the ramble, "Human and supernaturals are no different in nature. But when either both meets up, that's where the trouble starts."

No different in nature, huh? He smiles.

"Ah, Supra's smiling again!" Frostfire wags his index finger at the reaper's face, who forcefully turns his idiotic grin into a big frown, "Don't lie to us.. oh no, don't tell us- did yo-"

"Yes." He answers, crossing his arms. "Unfortunately."

"T-The Supra fell in love?!" The blue-eyed boy shrieks.

"What?" Death's eyes snapped open, and he grabs the teasing reaper by the collar, anger blazing in his brown orbs, turning almost red. "NO! That's not what I meant, you assuming rat!"

"What's with you guys and rats?!"

Glacier snorts, "Your ass is smelly like the sewers."

"H-How do you know that?! T-This is abuse!" Teasingly, the black-haired guy shields his body by covering his chest and private part, "A-Are you eye-raping me, Glacier?!"


"You pervert!"

"YOU-?!" This time, it was the wisest of them three to slam Frostfire onto the wall, and starts to beat the human-bodied reaper up. The sounds of screaming filled the room, and Supra could only shake his head in dismay. His two friends really are spawns of the devils.

As he watches them, a thought pops into their head. "Hey guys.." He starts, getting the attention of both figures, halting them in their physical fight, "About that touch thing."

"Gah, you see- Frostfire distracted me from it." Glacier slaps the said boy on the back of the head once more, karate-chopping him into unconsciousness. Frostfire's body slammed onto the ground, and he dusts both hands. "Anyway, about that.."

Supra's brow quivers, "Is he going to be okay?"

"Don't interrupt me." Glacier glares, his head turning a full 180 degrees, cracking his neck. Death gulps, nodding to let the fellow reaper continue, "The system only glitches when one of us makes a mistake. Whether it be coming in physical contact or others.."

"The system?" This was unfamiliar to him.

"Of course we're following human advances, you fried salted fish."

"Fried.. salted fish?"

"Just how clueless can you be, Supra? That's off-topic. Anyway. This usually doesn't affect the reaper himself, and seeing from the fact that you look alright, it means that nothing bad would happen to you. However," His eyes narrowed, "The human you touched.."

Death licks his lips, nervous. "That was on accident."

"How did that happen? You never take your gloves off. Even after a century of working with you, I've never seen your bare human body before. Unlike that kid," Glacier thumbs at Frostfire's knocked out figure, "Who goes around parading naked like it's the summer 60's."

"She was the one who touched me first." He admits, adverting his gaze somewhere else in the room so he wouldn't feel the rushing embarrassment. Previously, he told them about Yaya and how they met in the elevator, along with the scrabble game.

"How? Humans shouldn't be able to touch reapers."

Supra swallows the bile down his throat.

I'm so gullible. So so so stupid.

Glacier's eyes widened, "Supra.. don't tell me.."

"I spared her life." Death swats the boy's extended hand, further sinking into his velvet couch with a hand on his arm, almost guiltily. "Again, Glacier. I did it again."

The truth sinks into the space around them heavily.

All they could think of was the word. TROUBLE.

ending's super near AHAHHA-----
yeah, sorry for not including the other characters
that much, but at least they're mentioned here.

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