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My eyes are heavy and dry, it feels like someone glued them together.

I opened my eyes and winced from a pain in my neck. I then remembered what happened before, I groaned and looked around, I was in a basement. The same one from before.

I looked down and saw I was I tied to a chair, the ropes were a strange black mist. My blood ran cold as the oh so familiar laugh. My head snapped up and saw Dark leaning on the wall, half in the shadows.

"If your going to kill me, might as well do it now." I muttered looking at the ground.

A hand suddenly grabbed my chin and forced me to look up in to the eyes of Dark.

"But where's the fun in that, hm? It'd be no fun to kill you straight away."

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked nervously, this seemed to amuse Dark.

"Yes." He said with no expression.

I nodded and his other hand came up and I flinched. Dark chuckled and stroked my cheek with his other hand.

"Such a pretty girl, it'll be a shame to let you go." He suddenly stood up and walked back to his spot on the wall. I let go of the breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

Dark just stood there, not moving, watching me. He had no expression on his greyish face. I looked away feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"What are you looking at" I mumbled already knowing the answer, I just wanted to get rid of the tense silence consuming the small room.

"You." I swallowed nervously.

"I'm surprised you haven't started screaming for help yet. Like everyone else." Dark exclaimed looking directly into my eyes. Weird.

"Well there's obviously no point in that, you don't seem stupid enough to have not done something to prevent anyone hearing." I said not breaking eye contact.

"You're a clever girl, darlin" Dark smirked at me. But his smirk disappeared and a creepy smile appeared.

He slowly walked over to me and knelt down so he eye-to-eye with me. His voice came out dark and raspy.

"You could scream all you like and no one, will, ever, hear you. Oh there's so many torture methods I could use on you, I don't know where to start.."

My eyes widened in fear. 'He's going to torture me!? What the fuck!' I shook my head desperately.

Dark laughed and walked over to a wooden box in the corner of the room and opened it. There was sounds of metal scraping across metal which made me cringe and watch fearfully.

He turned back to me with an evil grin and I almost screamed at what he had in his hands. A large carving knife.

"You see, this happens to be my favourite knife, you also happen to be my favourite victim so far. Consider yourself lucky I'm not using one of my more... Not so sanitary knives."

I whimpered slightly as he came to a stop in front of me. He grinned at my reaction which slightly annoyed me.

Dark clicked his fingers and I was suddenly hanging from the roof again. I huffed in frustration and looked at Dark, who was now eye level with me.

He brought the knife up to my shirt and sliced it through, ripping the shirt in half. Dark pulled it off and then ripped my jeans off, literally.

I was shaking in fear and was highly embarrassed, I was now in just my underwear in front of Dark. This just seem to enlighten him.

He sent me a grin and suddenly slashed my right leg with the knife, I screamed in pain and felt tears well up in my eyes. 'No, I will not cry in front of him.'

The knife came down, again, and again...and again. He seemed satisfied with it so far and walked around to my back.

He made a long, deep cut from my shoulder blades to just above my underwear. I screamed and struggled in pain. The tears were rushing down my face now, not caring if he saw me crying.

I was beginning to feel lightheaded and dizzy from the blood loss, I was shaking and sore all over.

Dark suddenly dropped the knife onto the concrete floor and grabbed onto my waist, unfortunately there was a cut where he grabbed. I cried out in pain.

"Yes, scream in pain. That's what I like to hear, struggling and writhing in fear." Dark whispered menacingly into my ear pressing hard on the cuts.

That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

(Do ya like it? I hope so. I made this one longer :D I'm gonna start doing a word count for every chapter now.)

Word count: 819

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