Desire or a sin (1)

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Bani looked at vikram before scooting closer to him. What is her mistake? She kept thinking the same thing. She haven't done any mistake. She can't tolerate this indifference anymore. She is a wife. She desires for love. Is that a sin? Isn't it a desire? Why her
husband doesn't love her? Why he doesn't make love to her? Why he doesn't even ask her about her whereabouts when she comes late. Does it mean that he doesn't love her,

Bani looked at vikram. He is busy in checking some files. He is a workaholic she thought
like that at first. But then she understood there might be some problem due to which he
shows this kind of behaviour to her. But she couldn't understand what it is.

She looked at the clock. 9:45 it showed.

"Vikram " she called softly.

"Hmm"he hummed.

"I want an answer" Bani said.

"Ask your question first anu " vikram said smiling. The smile she always loved.

"Do you hate me?" Bani asked and vikram stood still. He didn't bother to look her. He
knows she has the right to know it. Unfortunately she is his wife.

"Why are you asking like that? Did I ever say I hate you. right? " vikram asked.

"It has been six months since we got married. Our marriage happened in a special situation. I know. But now I think it is high time. " Bani Said.

His answer made her furious.
His mother called her today asking about their married life. She asked whether they are
planning for a baby or not. She even gave bani tips.

"I need an answer vikram. I am a human with emotions. Can you please tell me why are
you doing this to me?" Bani asked, forcefully making him look at her face.

"Anu please don't shout. " vikram said.

"I won't. ...I won't shout. I need my answer. Tell me what is my fault? Tell me what is my
mistake? Vikram I need an answer today" Bani said.

Vikram kept quiet. How can he say his wife that he can't love her even if he try. How can he
let her know about him.

"What do you want anu. I like you. ...I really like you. that enough? " vikram asked.

"No that is not enough " Bani said.

"Your mom wants a baby. ....what should I answer her? Should I say her that her son is a
workaholic. Should I? " Bani asked shaking him.

"Anu you are not in your sense now . Let's talk later. Let's have dinner and sleep now"
vikram said trying to ease the situation.

He likes her but he can't love her.

"Vikram. you love someone else?" Bani asked after sometime.

"What? " vikram asked.

"Then why are you not loving me? Am I not worthy. Please tell me .... I can't take it anymore. Please " Bani said.

"Anu. ...... let's talk later. " vikram said getting up from the bed.

Bani stopped him. Vikram helplessly looked at her . She doesn't deserve to be treated like
this. This is inhumanity . He knows. But.......

"Please vikram" Bani said. Tears threatening to fall at any moment. She opened her eyes
wide so that the tears won't fall. She won't cry for this man who doesn't care for her.

Bani kept on asking him . After a lot of pleadings vikram told her why he can't love her.

shook her completely. She didn't expect it . She expected him to have a girlfriend but
this....this was unexpected. ......

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bani asked.

"You know the situation in which we got married. " vikram said. His head hung low.

"I know. But after that there were so many chances for you to disclose the truth to me. Am I an object. I trusted you vikram. " Bani said and got up to leave.

"Anu don't leave now. Please " vikram pleaded.

"I won't leave you behind . I will come back. Don't worry. Don't stop me. I wish to be alone.
Have the dinner and take rest. " Bani said and stormed out.

Vikram heard the sound of her car. He immediately called his friend. Who is none other than
our veer .

Veer took phone and answered in a sleepy voice.

"Duffer what do you want now. ?" He asked.

"Anu got angry and she stormed out" vikram said worried.

Haha. .....haha. deserve it." Veer laughed out.

Vikram didn't say anything.

"Are you there vicky? What happened?" Veer asked worried. He expected vikram to
scold him. But he was silent.

"I will explain you later. Go and find her. She will listen to you " vikram said and hung the phone.

"I have a video conference at 4 in the morning. Vicky. ....hello. .....vicky. ....are you there?"
Veer too hung the phone realising vicky has cut it.

Veer opened the door and went out taking the key of his bike.

He has a craze for sports bikes.
He called bani but she denied to answer. He knows where she would be.

Veer drove in high speed. He was right. She was on her favourite place.
Bani looked up when she heard a sound.

"Hey " Veer said only to receive a deadly glare from bani.

"What did I do? Why are you looking at me like this, " Veer asked taking a seat beside her.

"He sent you? " she asked.

"No. I came on my own" Veer said and chuckled. Bani again looked at him with rage .

"It was a bad joke. He sent me. Of course. How else I would get to know my sweetheart had
gone out" Veer said.

"Don't call me sweetheart. You betrayed me. You know about vikram?" Bani asked.

"What are you saying sweetheart. How come I betray you. I am your friend. And what about
vikram? " Veer asked.

"Don't play with me. I am sure you know it. He is your friend" Bani said.

"If you wanna cry let out the tears." Veer said.

"Have you ever seen me crying? No. Right. I am strong. I am fine" Bani said.

"Okay. Okay. Tell me what happened? " Veer asked.

"Don't play with me veer. I know you are pretending to be unknown" Bani said.

"First of all tell me what is the matter?" Veer asked sternly.

"Vikram. ....don't you know that.....vikram is a gay" Bani said shocking veer.

"What,?sweetheart what are you saying?you are his wife. Who told you this ? Whoever it is .
You should not bother. Don't you know about your husband." Veer stopped and looked at

"Yes. I know my husband. He has never touched me. Can you believe if I say we never had
a proper hug. It was never intense. He hugged me in a friendly manner only. He....he
....himself ...told that....." Bani broke into tears . She was trying hard to control
it. But she couldn't.

Veer hugged her and caressed her hairs.

"Sweetheart ....relax" he told.

To be continued.......

Guys I know it is a bit different story. You can criticise me. Reviews are accepted
wholeheartedly. Please tell me should I stop???????????? Or continue?

With love

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