Desire or a sin (2)

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"Sweetheart relax" he told.

"How can I veer? And yeah don't tell me the lie again that you was unaware of the truth "
Bani said.

"You are saying like I was his ex girlfriend. I am his friend. I won't know it if he hasn't told
me. I am not guilty. Believe me" Veer said.

"I don't know what to do. I can't blame vikram for his condition. But he could have told me
before. What if I haven't insisted him today.he wouldn't tell me the truth today also." Bani
said wiping her tears.

"Why did he tell you today. I mean something happened? " Veer asked.

"We had a fight. So he had to tell me the truth." Bani said pulling herself away from
Veer's hold .

"I know it is difficult for you to accept but you should. You have only one life. You should be
happy in your life. Vikram and you should talk about it. " Veer said.

"I too think so" Bani agreed and got up. "I have to be strong"

"My sweetheart is too strong na. I know. Come. Let's go home" Veer said supporting her by
holding her shoulder.

"Come with me. I need someone to support him. If I get angry I will vent out my frustration
on vikram so you should be there."bani said.

Veer nodded. Bani left in her car first followed by veer on his bike.
Veer thought about their lives. It has been only six months since veer had known bani.
They got to know about each other during the marriage functions of vikram and bani.

From the fist day itself they became friends. After bani moved in with vikram , veer
became her neighbour.
Veer and his family lived in the adjacent house. Veer was the
only son of singhaania's. Whenever bani and vikram had fights(it's very rare to have a fight) veer was there to support
them,mend them.
But today he can't do anything. He can't give them a solution. The decision should be their's.

Veer parked his bike and went inside vikram's house. Vikram was sitting on the sofa with
his head hung low.  Veer went to him and put his hand on vikram's shoulder. Vikram lifted
his head and gave veer  a faint smile.

Bani came there after sometime. Veer waited for them to start a talk. But both of them
were silent.

"Talk" Veer whispered in vikram's ear.

"I don't know how to start" vikram whispered back.

"Tell her a sorry at least " Veer whispered.

"If you guys are done let's come to the point. Vikram what do you think? " Bani asked.

"I know I hurt you "

"Yes you did. You did hurt me vikram. I didn't expect it. You know what I feel now. I feel
betrayed. Betrayed by my husband" Bani said huffing.

"I know. But I. ...I. ..didn't know how to present it. You know I care for you. .... you are a good
girl but I can't. ...can't love you bani ....I really like you. ..I really do" vikram said. "But I

know this relationship should end . Neither you nor me is happy in this marriage. Let's do
one thing. Let's hire an advocate" vikram said after a long breath.

"Do you have a lover?" Bani asked .

"You can guess it" vikram said.

"Come on say it. " Bani insisted.

"Yes I have . I have a lover."Vikram said after thinking for a while. Bani knew he was lying.

"Really? Here I don't have one. You have two two. " Veer said.

Bani and vikram glared him.

"Again a bad joke. I know. Let's continue. So you have decided to part ways?" Veer

"We can't be like this. She needs someone who love her...... not me. She won't get anything
from me other than grief. This is a namesake relationship. "Vikram said.

"What about the family? " Veer asked.

"I don't know yaar. How will I make them understand this? They are gonna make a fuss.
You know our society. It is not ready to accept this kind of relationship. They will not try to
see our happiness. They only need to follow the traditions. But there are people like me
who can't be like normal people. We are a bit different. Why can't everyone accept it?"
Vikram asked.

Veer and bani looked at each other.

"That is our society vikram. It does that. Don't worry. We will try to make your family
understand it. Let's try at least." Veer said.

"Veer is right vikram. Your family will understand. Let's hope so. Don't worry." Bani said.

"What about your family? " vikram asked.

"You know my mother is a doctor. She will understand it. " Bani assured.

"Why don't you just divorce saying about conflicts in your views or something like that?"Veer asked.

"Then there is no gain. My mother and family  will hitch me with someone else. I don't want
any girl to suffer like bani did" vikram said.

"That is right. So....I think we should wait till the divorce " Veer said.

"Why? We can inform family about it now " vikram opposed.

"If you do that they will try to stop you. A divorced person is a stain on the family. That is
what our society think. So if your relatives get to know about it they will try to stop you . It is
better to tell them after you get your divorce" Veer said.

Bani greed. They decided to take rest as it was late night. Veer went to his home .

Vikram and bani left to their room.

Bani couldn't sleep. All the past memories came into her mind.

The day of their marriage. ......

Bani sat on the middle of the bed waiting for her husband to come. Her cousins had given
her a lot of classes for that night. Her heart was beating fastly . She rubbed her heart region
to calm down it. But it was on a marathon.

Finally vikram arrived. He smiled at her. That smile killed her. His canine teeth was a bit
disordered but it had a beauty. Her husband is handsome she thought . He moved forward.

She could understand he was also nervous like her. She smiled and greeted him.

"No need of formalities. " Vikram said. "I tried my best to stop this wedding but I couldn't. My
father insisted to marry you and I couldn't deny his last wish."

"I know vikram. Even I was not ready. You know about me .I just started my career as a
professor. So I wanted to concentrate on it" she said.

"I know. Bani can i ask you one thing?" vikram asked.


"What I want to ask is..............."

To be continued.....

So guys... If u have any doubts regarding the plot, ask me... I know a few people are confused abt it.

How is the chapter????

With love

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