Facing the Bakugan Hunter/ Chief Leonidas

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Dia woke up the next morning from all the brawling from yesterday. She must have rolled out Leonidas fifty times! Her arms may have gotten used to throwing Diamond bakucores, but her arms were still sore from all the throwing. Worse is that her uncle needed her to go on some errands for him.

There goes her plans for sleeping in and staying home. Since he was one to never take no for an answer. He also claimed that it would be a great way to explore more of the area. Dia had no other choice but to go. At least she could get a break from the constant brawling.

Who knows? There could be an Art Supplies Store in the area. She was low on supplies, and she was planning on making surprise gifts to her new friends!


She owes it all to meeting Leonidas! He may be rude and brawl crazy, though deep down Dia knows he really cares about her. She just needs him to open up to her more. That and to get Leo to be more friendler to others.

Thankifully it seemed that the other bakugans seem to be a good influence on Leonidas. He wasn't demanding brawls as often. He was even starting to be nice to her! Well...his version of nice at least. A start.

"So you been working on those pictures for a while now? I see that brawls are your main inspiration. You really have captured my soul in this" He smiles at how detailed Dia was with his drawings.

He had to admit, Dia was pretty darn good at drawing. She managed to capture the esssence of the brawl in her pictures. Hydorous fierous spirit clashing against Pegatrix graceful movements. Trox and Drago clashing with Twisting Inferno and Sonic Uproar! Vibrant and powerful expressions of colors and the depth of her details of the ones she drew made them come to life. Her lastest one that she's been working on, her brawl against Lightning. How Leonidas and Howlkor clashed. The Darkrus Cerberus whose Prismic Howl countered Leonidas Prismic Hurricane. Both collide into each other which made them create a rainbow gemstone explosion.

She just needed more colored pencils for these drawing. Then one more day of working on them till they were ready to be completed.

Took them about three hours to complete the errands. Mainly since Leonidas kept wondering off to scout out new locations to brawl. Guess he has a long way to go before he stop having brawling on his brain.

He could get a hobby like how she has her drawing and art hobbies. That could be her plans other than completing her gifts.

"Well, well, well. Lookie who we have here. If it isn't little miss "Demonic Brawler"" There was a voice behind them. A strange rough voice.

A muscular man with a missing tooth was behind them. He had a blue mohawk and wore shades. Why he wore a cloak was unclear. Was he cold or trying to be cool?

One thing is a guarantee fact! Cloaks are stealth work! NOTHING ELSE! Dia hated how people used cloaks! Wanna be cool?! WEAR A CAPE OR MAKE YOUR OWN UNIQUE STYLE!! Those "MEN" all wore cloaks! Ever since, she hated them!!!

"Excuse me, did you get lost from the old folks home?" Dia felt bad for the obviously lost oldvman before them.

"OLD MAN?! I am Strata the Bakugan Hunter! I am here to take that bakugan of yours!!" He was definitely going to give this girl a PAINFUL lesson.


"Sir, do you need me to call you an ambulance? You clearly haven't taken your medicine" She got out her phone to dial the emergency forces.

Leonidas roared with laughter! Whether Dia was truly mocking this man, or she honestly thought he was an elderly man was making him laugh like he hadn't in years.

"ARE YOU BLIND?! DEAF?! YOU ARE BEING ROBBED HERE!" Strata yelled. Unable to contain his anger.

He raised the drome and brawled out Krakelios. HE WILL CRUSH THIS GIRL! TAKE HER BAKUGAN! AND FINALLY SHOW HER WHO HE WAS!!!

"Oh man....I shouldn't brawl the elder...." Dia was a strong believer of respecting the elderly folk.

She always volunteers at the old folks home every sunday. Giving them aid as aid. Chatting to the fols who were alone and missed their relatives. Played solitaire with them and chess. She always won like she was the "Mistress of the Games". However, just being able to help them brought a sense of warm and fulfillment.

"Girl....I think this is an expection in this case" Leo insisted. No eanting to be taken.

Like he had been for two years now.

Dia understood why they had to. She make this as quick and painless as possible. Then call the authorities to help this poor delusional man back to his retirement home.

He was much too old to be playing dress up! Maybe he was stucm in a mental fantasy that encourage his brain to believe that this behavior was alright. No wonder he believed he was still young.

Dia brawled out Leonidas who towered over Krakelios.He looked ready to make takoyaki  out of the octopus bakugan.

"I'LL TEACH FOR MAKING FUN OF ME, GIRL!" He hurled an Aquos bakucore straight towards Krakelios. "Aquos Splash!"

"Reflective Coating" Leo used ittle to no effort in repelling the attack back at Krakelios.

Now Krakelios is at 150g.

"Please calm down! Your blood pressure is getting too high!" Dia was generally worried.

Whether he was trying to rob her or not, this was still an elderly person. Any stressful actions could result in a broken hip, broken back, or worse....A HEART ATTACK.

Leonidas roared with laughter once more. This was making him smile more than ever. He had no idea that his partner was this funny. Now if only he knew how to record this.

"I AM NOT AN ELDER! I AM THIRTY FIVE! THAT DOES IT!! I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU A LESSON IN PAIN! TAKE YOUR BAKUGAN! THEN SHOW YOU WHY MAKING FUN OF ME IS THE WORSE MISTAKE IMAGINABLE!!!" Strata grabbed two bakucores before hurling them at Krakelios. "Wash that girl away! Aquos Tidal Wave!"

Dia blinked and wonder if she should be feared to spare his feelings or just end this brawl.

"Evade! Then use Diamond Spiral!" She commanded.

Leonidas flew up to not get wash away from the water. Not that a mere splash could stop him. Then he used Diamond Spiral to finish this brawl up nicely. Then he when back to Dia in his bakuball form

"NO! I AM STILL TAKING YOUR BAKUGAN!!"Strata rushed towards Dia. He will steal by force!

Though before he could grab her or Leo. The police officers apprehended him.

"What the?!" Strata was so lost on why the cops were here

"Thank goodness! Officers this old man tried to attack. Please take him back to his home facility. I think he hasn't been taking his medicine" Finally Dia could rest assure that the authories would help this poor elder.

The officers couldn't help but snort before thet took Strata away.

Strata was beyond angry. Bested by a girl who doesn't even know him. Just you wait, girl....JUST YOU WAIT! STRATA THE BAKUGAN HUNTER WILL HAVE HIS REVENGE!!!!
The police officers were kind enough to give Dia a ride back home. The two officers thanked her for the assisting the arrest of a wanted criminal. Dia was only thankful that old man be in good hands. Now she could have the rest of the day to work on the drawings for her friends. Till dinner was ready that is.

"I suppose I'll be alone for a bit" Leonidas flew to the couch in the living room. He might as well watch the television that he saw Dia and Jaster watch at times.

He used his foot to hit the power button, the screen illuminated as it came to life. He browse through hundreds of chsnnels as many did not interest him in the slightest. Wrestling was a human attempt of brawling. A mockery of brawling. Leave this to the professionals, humans!!! The so called "Dramas" were all the same story despite the changes. Just sad stories competing with one another to see who was the better tear jerker. News as informative as it was, it was depressing how much pain and suffering there was in the world. No wonder children Dia's age never watched this. The anime was okay but a bit too cute for his tastes. How Dia like shows like this  was beyond Leonidas logic.

How can kids watch these colorful and strange cartoon like shows?! At least the plots were nice for a lazy afternoon. Not that stupid yellow teddy bear one. Fans of that one must really have strange tastes.


Can't a Bakugan find a show that could actually entertain him?! This is why brawling is killing TV nowadays.

"Oh it's you. Here I thought that Dia was watching her show" Jasper came in the room to see what all the noise was about.

When the two first met when Dia introduced them, Jasper could not believe what his niece brought into their home. How he rudely speaks to her was really making him wonder how he viewed her. Then after seeing how he brought her happiness and her smile back. Jasper could see that Leonidas wasn't so bad.

Saw the dragon bakugan as a teenager that just got out of juvenile detention. He just needed a little guidance and someone to care for him.

No one fit the bill other than his darling niece, Diana Crystal Jenkins. Plus it was a win win. Jasper saw the way that Styles boy looked at her. He and Leonidas were highly protective of her.

"UGH!! HOW CAN ANYONE STAND THIS BOREDOM WITHOUT BRAWLING?!" Leonidas demanded, fumming how bored he was feeling.

Jasper couldn't help but chuckle at that. Hard to believe it but he was the exact same way as a teen. Though one thing happened to help him through it.

"Wanna help me cook dinner?" He offered his hand. Offering a welcoming smile to the dragon.

"Hmm....Why not? Mind as well. Any more of this boredom and I will rage!" Leonidas when to Jasper shoulder.

Had to be better than what showing on this television. Now he doesn't habe to destroy the thing with Prismic Hurricane. MULTIPLE TIMES!

The two enter the kitchen were the ingredients were all prepared. Jasper handle the stove as Leonidas chopped the spinach. Tonight dinner would be a grill salmon steak with a side of steamed spinach and drizzled in a light pesto sauce. For dessert would be clear mango jello with cut up pieces of pears. For the beverage was a fizzy pop soda that had a strong yet sweet favor.

"This is ....very ENTERTAINING! Who knew that cooking was this good!" Leonidas could sharpen his fighting skills and make a delicious meal.

"If you like, we have a few cook books you might like. Viewtude also has many recipe videos too. Cooking is a hobby and a form of art too. Not to mention that it is good to maintain health too. Many of the meals I prepare for Dia help make her strong and help keep up her energy too" Jasper put the chopped up spinach in the steamer

"I...I..would like that" Leonidas looked away, a small smile could be seen on his face.

Leonidas did not want to admit it. HE WOULD RATHER BE TORTURED AND BEATEN BEFORE EVER LETTING THIS TO LIFE. Leonidas wanted to make meals for Dia to not only keep her healthy, but to also as a form of thank you. He was not fully ready to trust her. Humans hurt him for two years left him with trust issues. Though this girl risked her life to get him out of that accursed place.

Till he could truly trust her. These meals of his would be his appreciation for all she did for him.

Plus a cooking Bakugan who was amazing at brawling. That would make for a video idea. He could even make the Awesome Ones meals too.


All to make that young girl happy.

After dinner, Leonidas stayed up all night and memorized hundreds if not thousands of recipes. He mastered making every single breakfast dish. Bring forth a banquet for royalty.

Looks like he found his other passion other than brawling. One he enjoyed greatly. Soon he show that he was more than the "Demonic Bakugan".

Meanwhile a man was looking at Dia drawing in her bedroom. The binoculars shown him a clear view of her. Judging from her drawings, it was clear to him that she was a skilled brawler and knew the Awesome Ones.

"Such a powerful pair. Two fine additions to my ranks. With them, I can finally claim bakugan with my B- mites" The man smirked.

He was so focused on how he planned to capture them that he failed to notice the green haired girl passing by.  After getting out of earshot from the man. She made a call.

"Sir....We may have someone trying to interfere with LE0 progress. Shall I handle him?" She asked the voice.

The voice did not answer right away. After a good while, the voice answered her.

"Yes. Though take "Drogo" with you" The voice replied. Seeming pleased with this order.

Monark agreed then hung up the line. Smiling to herself.

At long last. Her partner would finally come to play! Look out brawlers for this man is quite a danger. Those who have brawled against him are said to lose the match and their bakugan are never seen again.

Oh what fun the two shall have! Maybe she could convince him to listen to an idea that she has been cooking in her head for a while now.


Her heart simply fluttered at the thought. She then when back to base. She could not wait for her and "Drogo" to finally be put into action again.

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