Hanging out with Idols/ All Faction Attacks?!

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The day finally arrived for Dia to hang out with the Awesome Ones. Her heart was pounding with so much excitement that she could hardly sleep. At the moment, she was picking out the perfect outfit before leaving the house.

Which really started to make Leonidas to lose his patience. WHY DO GIRLS TAKE FOREVER PICKING OUT A SINGLE OUTFIT?! Seriously! Wasting all this time when he could be brawling against TRUE opponents. He swears if she is not ready in the next five minutes, then he would drag her out by force.

"I'm ready" Dia called out from the next room over. Thankifully Leo was willing to wait in the room next to her bedroom.

"FINALLY!" The dragon bakugan grumbled as he waited by the doorway.

Dia came out in a grey short shelved shirt which had diamond hearts on the front, on the back was a design of wings. Ones you expect to see on the holy beings of heaven possessing. She wore long white pants with a black belt. She thought it was best to wear her new grey and white smeakers with the diamond designs on the back. She wore a special necklace given to her by someone dear. Originally a two piece necklace Two halves given to Dis and the one who gifted her the uniquely made necklace. Dia had the right half where the silver white dragon held a broken half of a crystal heart. The left half with the black silver dragon held the other half of the crystal heart. The owner of the left half of the necklaces holds a very special place in Dia's heart. The necklace also held a secret unknowns to Dia.

The secret? Well the word "secret" has it's meaning for a reason. Hush now.

"Let's get going! We got a bus to catch!" Dia ran downstairs.

Never before had she felt tjis happy. Finally she could smile. Not a false smile like she had been doing the forst few months with her uncle. No, a geniune happy smile with eyes lit up in pure glee.

Her uncle watched her go. He couldn't help but smile himself. He had been longing for the day that he see a smile on her face. Her eyes were now truly full of life again.

Not how they had been before. NEVER AGAIN! He did not want his dear niece to ever have the eyes that made his stomach churn ever again. The promise that Jasper and "He" made.

To never have Dia put through what she had gone through for nine years.

Dia and Leonidas just barely caught the bus. Having to run like crazy to get there in time. Leonidas complaining that if Dia had gotten ready earlier then this would not have happened.

Dia thinks he was made that he hasn't had his brawls yet. Hopefully it wouldn't be too opposing to the Awesome Ones to requests a few brawls.

It was not out of line right?! Was she too under dressed? Should she have gone formal? Should she have prepared snacks?!

After worrying about it for the entire bus ride, the two made their way to Studio D. The place where the Awesome Ones hung out and recorded the videos that they were most famous for. She was a single step away from the door.

Her palms grew sweaty as she struggled to reach for the doorknob. A wave of nervousness washed over her.

"Well, Open it" Leonidas looked at his partner eyes and looked annoyed.

All this girl had to do was turn a doorknob! How difficult is that?! He KNOWS she is capable of this much at least.

"Umm...What if they aren't hom-" The door opened before them which made Dia freeze mid sentence.

It had been Shun to open the door.

"Hello Dia, thank you for coming" He invited her in.

Dia's face lit up again. Shun Kazami is welcoming her at Studio D.....SHE WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO BE IN STUDIO D. Someone pinch her right now!!

"Girl get in already!" Leonidas growled at her. Already inside with Shun.

"S-sorry!" She apologized before following the two in.

Hydorous looked at Leonidas. "You don't call Dia by her name? You should respect your partner you know. They help us in brawls and take good care of us" He tried to help Leonidas to see that his brawler was more than simply a girl.

"Tch, till she earns that right, "Girl" is the only title she gets. Mind your business Aquos Kitten" Leonidas seemed to find his next opponent.

"Leo! Hydorous, Shun, I am so sorry for him. He hasn't been here long. Forget what just hapoened. Look how about we just try to have a good time" Dia tried to soothe the tension in the air before it escalated.

Shun agreed. They had invited Dia over to learn more about her and Leonidas. Not to start a fight.

Leo and Hydorous shared an angry glance towards each other. One that seemed like they wanted to settle in a brawl.

Soon the others picked up on this as they came to greet Dia. Both Bakugan never leaving each other line of sight.

"This will not be settled with words alone" Trox said as he watched the two.

"The only thing that will settle this will be a brawl" Drago agrees. He couldn't help but feel that Leonidas was unlike him or the other bakugan.

"It would help us see how Leonidas is in a brawl" Lia pointed out. "It would also make a really nice video too!" She got her camera ready.

The others couldn't help but agree. Shun and Dia had not expected to brawl today. Both just wanted a calm afternoon to get to know one another.

Then again, anything around Bakugan will lead to a brawl. That was a known fact nowadays.

Dia sighed. Just what did Leo just get her into?! Couldn't he just have been good till she asked to brawl? JUST WHY?!

It would seem that the next Awesome One that Dia would face would be Shun Kazami.

YES! FIRST WYNTON AND NOW SHUN! BEST DAY!!! Though she wished that this brawl started on a better note though. Hopefully Shun would forgive her for Leo rude behavior.

The drome rose up. As both brawled out their bakugan. A battle of the Aquos Lion verus the Diamond Demonic Dragon. This would truly be a brawl full of surprises.

Nearby the girl haired women recorded. She had strict orders to monitor LE0 progress. All for her "Partner" so he could face these so called "Awesome Ones.

May the brawl begin!
The brawl between Hydorous and Leonidas roared on, water raging against the strange "Diamond" Faction he fought. The battle really pushed the two Bakugans strength. Mever had a brawl given Leo's muscles such a good workout. So far, the Aquos lion was even more of a challenge than Trox. Perhaps it was about time to demonstrate what modifications those scientists did.

Time to show these children the powers he had in his arsenal. Prepare their feeble minds for ehat shall be viewed as a mind blowing discovery.

"GIRL,IT'S TIME!" Leonidas smirked. He was ready to show his powers to this LION.

TIME TO DECLAW THIS LION. Hope he doesn't mind soft foods because very soon he was going to be toothless!

Dia nodded as to everyone's confusion, she grabbed an Aquos bakucore. Then hurled it towards her Bakugan.

"Aquamarine Tidewave!" Dia called out happily.

Leonidas diamonds emitted a soft blue light before his wings released a surge of aquamarines aimed right at Hydorous. Before the blue lion could reacr, the gemstones liquidated into a massive tidewave. Hitting Hydorous dead on the mark.

"An Aquos attack?!" This really took Shun by surprise! Never before had he seen anything like this.

"How can he use an Aquos ability? I thought he was Diamond , so how could he use an Aquos move?" Wynton asked, looking straight at Dia for answers.

Not just another excuse to look at those golden eyes that were looking at a beautiful piece of art. NO SHE WAS NOT CUTE! WELL SHE WAS BUT NOT IN A CRUSH WAY!!

"Leonidas and I are full of surprises. Though I will say one thing. He can use attacks from all factions. Just as long as their are gemstones that match the factions" Dia explained.

Having to learn about this after Leonidas used a Ventus move to break her laptop. He claimed that the sound annoyed him.  Well that was when Dia found out he could use all factions attacks.

The laptop was sacrifice to learn this fact of knowledge.Rest in peace Model 45.....You shall be missed.

"ALL FACTIONS?! Dan repeated in disbelief before his face lit up. "I call brawling Dia next!"

Well that solves the question: Who would be Dia's next opponent?

Not going to lie, she had a strong suspicion that it would be Dan. Oh who was she kidding, Dan was as crazy about brawls as Leo. Two kindred spirits for brawling!

"Aquos Hurricane!" Hydorus called out as he attacked Leonidas straight on. "That is how an Aquos attack is done!" Leave the elements to their respected fields!

Leonidas was now at 400g, as Hydorous had 500g still.

"Leo!" Dia had to focus! She was in a brawl still. Her eyes happenef to spot a Pyrus bakucore.

Time to bring the heat!

She picked up the bakucore and hurled it at Leonidas. "Let's warm them up, Leo! Ruby Inferno!"

"Here's a warm welcome, kitty!" Leonidas diamonds shade fell to a dark red color before a fiery ruby spiral escaped his mouth.

"Pyrus too?!" Lia watched in amazement. Never missing a single second of footage.

This would be their greatest video yet! The ratings would be off the hook!! They may win a video button!! A VIDEO BUTTON AWARD!!!!

Now Hydorous was at 300g. He could still feel the burning on his size. Like he was burned from a forest fire. That fire had a name and title.

The Demonic Bakugan, Leonidas. One who could wield the factions elemental attacks with such ease. Just who is he and his faction?!

"Let's wrap this up, bud" Dia got a Darkrus Bakucore for the final move.

Lightning ears perked up in interest.

"Gladly. Hydorous, you put up a good fight but let's face it, I am in an entirely different league to you!" Leonidas recieved the bakucore and was ready to unleash his attack.

"Not so fast! Mysterious Mist!" Shun threw Hydorous a Bakucore. Giving them some cover till they could develop a stragety.

"Sorry but not happening! Amythest Nightmare!" His eyes glew a dark purple crystal color as it blasted through the mist.

Hydorous eyes soon matched the color before fear consumed him. He trashed around as images of his worse fears taunted him. Right till he was reduce to a bakuball.

Dia recalled Leonidas. "Amazing brawl, Shun. Again I apologize for Leo behavior. I want to thsnk Hydorous for sticking up for me, but Leo has a point. Till he is ready to say my name then he can call me girl. I want him to be able to truly trust me" That was another wish that she held close to her heart.

"It's alright. That was an brawl truly was incredible! All factions attacks....Leonidas sure is powerful. We will beat you though!" Shun couldn't wait for his chance for a rematch.

Rematch....first Wynton, now Shun. DREAMS COME TRUE! THEY LIKE HER! THEY REALLY LIKE HER!!

"I call brawling Dia next!" Dan rushed over to Dia, grabbing her hand.

"NO! I still need my rematch!" Wynton gtook Dab hand off of her. Glaring daggers at him for some reason

"Hey Ladies first! Pegatrix and I wanna brawl her too! We didn't get to see Leonidas Haos moves!" She wanted the full view on all of Leonidas abilities and moves.

Plus how cool would it be to brawl the bakugan who can use all faction attacks!

Even Lightning wanted to brawl Dia. He barked loudly to get her attention.

All this caused Dia to feel overwhelmed and faint again. THEY LIKE HER! THEY ACCEPT HER! SHE WAS IN NIRVANA HAPPY LAND NOW! BEST DAY EVER!!!

Meanwhile Monark looked over the footage. She would have to inform her "PARTNER", Marduk's personal shadow of this knowledge.

Unknowingly to both the AO and Monark,  there was a third party  watching them.

"A bakugan who can use all faction attacks and is one of a kind huh?" The figured smiled wickedly as his eyes were set on Leonidas. "That will surely give me a boat load of cash! I'm coming for you Demonic Bakugan!"

Seems like trouble was lurking nearby.

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