August [light up hope]

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Mon. 7

A transaction has lightened up my day. Some days ago, I sent a "confession" (it was a advertisement actually) to a secondary school fan page. They approved of my advertisement and posted it on Facebook. Then today, I saw it, so I browsed through the comment section to found out that some students asked me for my documents! I was over the moon and messaged them instantaneously. Only one of them has replied me so far, and this boy (boy? im not sure) is pretty active and amiable. He seemed to have longed for CNN documents, hence he asked me right away about it. Now we are waiting for delivery man and hopefully everything will be fine!


Thu. 10

Yesterday I went to my grandma's house and it was not a productive day whatsoever :(( In the evening was a bit better but overall, I feel guilty for not having made it a fruitful day.

This morning, I had some issues with my mom, genuinely it was my fault, and she just complained and discussed things with me. However, idk why I ended up crying during breakfast, I tried not to make it public or noticeable, but my parents knew it all. Suddenly did I realize that I will cry if I'm irritated, or I feel incompetent. Yesterday I took a personality test, and it turned out quite correct: I feel unpleasant instructing incompetent people, I may often look down on them due to their inferiority, and therefore, I also hate being criticized (most of the time). I am a kind of people who always want to be the best, be the winner about practical things (especially things that I'm confident about). For instance, I felt incompetent about my cooking skills (the issue between me and my mom), so I cried. I twice got lower English scores than other classmates, I cried. So I just discovered a bit about myself, and I can tell you, finding out "who you truly are" is an interestingly lifelong process.

Yes, I cry when I feel incompetent, frustrated, and receive unfair treatments

by the way, the very first transaction of my life failed publicly =)) now I'm waiting for new deals and new students, hope I will succeed in selling documents and books, especially virtual documents. I entrusted my bestie with a honorable mission: keep my money, anyway, she's so trustworthy and amiable, hence I think there will be no problem about that.

oh, I just wanna enumerate all the things I've done this morning to keep myself motivated (because this morning is rather productive)!

1. English: my daily routine with k12 and one IELTS Listening test, I'm doing one small exercise too!

2. Mathematics: I did 2 tests on k12 (I got 9/10 for both, still need to improve and practice)

3. Teach: I taught my little brother, checked his work, acquainted him with k12 website

4. Other tiny things: well, just some Instagram and projects' stuff

Sat. 12

I'm here again to note down my dairy! Genuinely, I want to make sure that today is a productive day, so I will jot down things that I have done this morning: I woke up late, washed clothes, aired them, washed my hair, haven't swept the floors yet, did mathematic exercises, learnt English as usual on k12, wrote a script for my class's performance, cooked food, relaxed, that's all. Not so much, but enough to be considered "productive"!

Yesterday, we made plans about selling moon cakes, but some unfortunate things happened (my uncle informed us that even if we buy a considerable number of cakes, we won't get any discount). Therefore, adults are weighing up the pros and cons, and the ball is in their court now, the only thing that I can do is to wait...

I want to sell cakes!

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