August [k12!]

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Thu. 17

All of a sudden, I realized that I haven't written anything here for such a long time. Remember I got a discount from an educational website (the website which I used on a daily basis when I was preparing for my specialized exam)? I told my mom about that, and she agreed to pay 90 to purchase a huge course for me as well as my brother. Genuinely, the actual cost was 590, but with the code, I got 500 reduction. So we only had to pay 90 for a year-long course, which covers form Cambridge Starter to IELTS preparation. I really hope that I can take full advantage of this.

Ever since my mom purchased the course, me and my brother has engaged proactively in this studying thing. We learn Mathematics and English, we do quizzes, we take around 3 tests per day. I always attempt to tell my brother to learn, as well as remind myself of the money that my mom paid for us. Our academic year is approaching near, and if we don't hurry up, if we don't eagerly prepare for challenges, we may lose. I put faith in my little brother, I hope he'll be better than me, hence I try my best to help him academically. In the whole, it's great to see me and my brother making progress!

I'm dealing with rather lots of work from clubs, projects,... I'm trying to juggle them and practice efficient time management on the grounds that when I start studying at school, I'll be far busier... It's gonna be harsh at first, but I believe that I'll be fine.

Next Monday I'm supposed to go to my school, and next month I'll organize my club's booth at my old campus, and maybe we'll have plenty of things to discuss then! Yes, it's gonna be extremely hefty yet fascinating.

Now that I've jotted down these lines, I can feel a tiny uncertainty in my head. Uncertain of the future. But everything will turn out fine, as long as I apply myself to amazing things every single day.

Sat. 19
I went to my hometown today. It's not a productive but a safe, secured day with my family and relatives. I did learn, read newspaper, watched videos, cared about my projects, played games. I ate a lot. rarely is there a time when I just neglect everything and satisfy my stomach. Fortunately, I haven't felt stomach-churning. Hope that tomorrow will be a great, joy-laden, productive day. Cheers.

Sun. 20

Today I learnt one more aspect of "teamwork" : accept distinctive opinions and ideas. I attended a meeting with LEC, and we had many things needed clarifying. I got upset after 20 minutes or so, but as it was totally virtual, I just turned off my microphone and did other tasks. I did listen to them discussing, but I can tell you, I am not satisfied with this team. Though each person has her own strengths, this team needs to improve a lot. Anyway, I no longer study at that school, so this campaign is largely up to them. Other members have to set up stuff, bring equipment, and learn many more things (esp the president, i wanna air my grievances that i even can do better than her)

Hopefully after this club fair, I don't have to deal with her tardiness and incompetence. Though I still have things to learn from fellows, I really wanna learn from seniors more. Simmer down.

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