August [turn the page]

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Mon. 21

Today I went to school for the second time and met my brand-new head teacher, my fellows and much more! I set off early (at 15 to 8), and arrived at the campus at 7:15 am. It took me 30 minutes, quite a long time :(( anyway, I went to the parking lot for students and settled my motorbike there, then I along with my dad went to the official building to see which class would I study at. And guess what, I study at Eng1 class! hooray! On the spot, I met my friend and her dad. We bade her dad goodbye and then headed to our classroom on the fourth floor... The sunshine was incredibly gorgeous, I took a photo of it casting light on my face =))

The classroom was dirty but new. The exterior of the buildings was old, but the interior was newly-painted and modernized with new boards, new desks and chairs, new air conditioners,... I mean, it was not beyond the pale. The WC was fine, too, with separated smaller rooms. I believe that we are all adolescents, and we will not make them foul.

Then we went to the cafeteria several hundreds of meters away =)) It was old, but it did function and yeah I'll talk about it later (for the next 3 years so don't worry). We passed by the dormitories which were kinda old too omg. Then we went to the auditorium so as to hear the history of our school, the introduction of the faculty, and much more. Then we went to each of our classroom officially, sat down, finished some paperwork with our head teacher, greeted each other, then took a photo. Well actually it was due to the fact that there is one journalistic club in my school, and their job is to take photos and post on our school's website, so that's why they went to each and every class and produced such surprising yet lovely things ><

I made a new friend, so three of us went to the club fair organized at the playground and visited each booth. I played lots of games and received plenty of candies, postcards, cards, one adorable knife used for cutting papers, some stickers, and some photos. This club fair eventually was criticized by collaborators (clubs in my school with the exception of the host club), but I think it was fine for me, because I enjoyed myself there, met lots of people and ate and drank. Hopefully, the next club fair will be better for both parties.


Wed. 23

I just realized that I passed the specialized entrance exam without studying Destination C1&C2. That book is like a must for everyone wishing to learn specialized English. And I just learnt 1 tiny part of a unit of the book, and I passed =)) Other people they purchased lots of books (trios, reading articles, 30/4,...), I have not bought anything except for 1 really basic book. After months, I still consider my journey as unimaginably mind-boggling...

anyway, today is an perfectly ordinary day with the exception of our dinner at my grandma's house. We ate oysters, dozens of oysters, and they were undeniably tasty ><

it's raining outside, hope tomorrow will be fine so that i can ride my motorbike to school safely.


Sat. 26

A lot has happened. Happiness, yes. Sadness, yes. Disappointment, yes. But things still come and go, and gradually do I realize that I need to appreciate more, rather than chasing trendy people.

As I couldn't manage to become a monitor, I realize that nothing is impeccable, and in this life there are many types of people that we should stay away from.

As I was down in the dumps, it dawned on me that I never should take everything for granted, and I had better look on the bright side. Recently I've been working with my teachers at my English center as well as my fellows and seniors. They are really helpful, lovely, supportive, responsive, and all of us, we are an integrity. Though some people, I don't know them well enough to gauge, I am convinced that they are all amazingly friendly and truthful. Somehow this center always attracts great students, and somehow I am lucky enough to meet them. We've shared many memories, though simple, rustic yet priceless. We've smiled, laughed, even cried, infuriated... but those times are all unforgettable treasures. We've teamed up, complained, had a heavy silence... but they are all temporary and ephemeral. The only thing that eternally lives in my head is great times we have together, grow together, and experience together. This center, I can tell you, has become my second home since an undefined time. And nothing can change this second home.

I do not take this center, my teachers, my friends for granted. They are one of the most wonderful blessings in my life. Thank the universe for having arranged this fate. It's truly a kind of ineffable destiny. Whatever happen, I'll never forget my teacher and my friends here.

and this is also the reason why i must look on the bright side. because my life is full of pretty things that are often overlooked.

As I am blue and envious with the new monitor, I know that I must be appreciative of my friends. Quantity is over quality, we've heard this for thousands of times. So I've made up my mind that loyal, persevere relationships will manifest themselves. When they come, they come. I do not need to overly seek them. I attract them. (sounds a bit like LOA =)) anw, i believe that. Because I've gone through 4 years without many friends, and after all, there are 6 besties who are willing to help me. And there are only 1-2 people who are satisfactorily compatible with me. Having them is far better than having plenty loose relationships. So I've decided not to go and socialize, play games and pay money next Monday (all English classes have arranged a meeting for everyone next Monday). I'll still try to make friends with people working with me or having similar interests with me, but with other, not really necessary.

i believe in the "perfect school life" subliminal and everything will definitely turn out fine.

thank you everything and everyone. im grateful for what i have.

i love you my fam, my relatives, my friends and teachers and more more more. you guys are my life.


Sun. 27

i have a lot to say here, but first, lets talk about my new book: Mission: polar bear rescue. Genuinely, i think a person used it before me, but that's fine, at least i don't have to spend 90k to buy it. This, along with one artistic book, one new dictionary, is the gift from my teacher as a result of my successful entrance examination this year. I am grateful for that no matter what. So the book discusses the life of polar bear, some intriguing stories, plenty of photos, some activities that kids can do to protect this species. I haven't finished it yet, but I love it! Wonderfully, after reading passionately some pages, I came across 2 videos about the environment: one about the dreaded dwindling population of emperor penguins in the Arctic, and one about the event that Japan began to release water from Fukushima nuclear plant. I myself think the first issue is more urgent than the second, because we've lost estimated 10000 chicks in this year alone. About the release, I can tell you, we have long been interacting, contacting, inhaling, eating, consuming pollutants, harmful chemicals and such kinds of things. So if Japan does release, it'll not kill the hundreds of people at once. But the Hawaiian fire does. So we must do something to avert frightening wildfire instead of joining in demonstrations, printing papers, using excessive electricity,... please do something more useful.

this has also reminded me that im a nature lover, and i want to do something to tackle this unrelenting problem. This has also inspired me that I had better participate in, or found, a project that practically improves the environment around us. I remember now, thank you.

let's move onto the program today. i woke up early, and my family went to eat at a locally well-known diner. then we went to the public park so as to prepare for the program. We set up tables, chairs, played around. then we welcomed lots of students, divided them into teams, handed out colorful bandages, i went around to asked for their names, then we started the warmup. I, together with other fellows and seniors, played a crucial role (i guess) as we had to do and explain the rules to them. It was scorching hot and sunny but we gradually got used to that and eventually basked in the relenting heat of summer. we played a flashcard game, jump in jump out, relay, and a game with balloons. it was hot but fun, everyone was active, or at least me, i ran and walked all the time. before that, i also changed a lovely t-shirt which i borrowed from my friend in a fashion store nearby... a pretty novel experience. so i wore a t-shirt of my center, it was green, fit me like a glove, and the cloth was fine. I'd rate it 8 out of 10 points. then we proceeded to the performances of all classes. I was a part of the judge, and I'm glad I was. We enjoyed lots of amazing performances from talented students. The kids are cute, secondary students are tall and confident. My IELTS class were all coaches of smaller classes, and as they performed, we were extremely proud and over the moon. I was the dance coach of English 8, remember? Even though their performance was not impeccable, it was their hard work and we all should celebrate it! Congrats everyone!

Unfortunately, or luckily for some people, we ran out of time, so while we were having lunch (bread, sausages, watermelons, some other fruits, beverages), we watched other performances. And we didn't have to perform =)) well, i don't blame anyone for this, but we all have learnt our lesson. We should organize it earlier, and time management is key here after all.

Another great thing is drinks. Lots of different kinds with ice and cups. Another great thing is that I received presents (as i mentioned above) and certificates (as the idea i put forward) >< I've learnt, played, worked and assisted people today. Though a bit tired, I'm undeniably on cloud nine. Rarely is there any center which organize these kinds of extracurricular activities. So if there is a next time, I'll go =))

thank you everyone for your dedication and engagement! I truly appreciate it!

love this program so much, hope i'll be able to participate in next time!

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