December [festivities]

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Tue. 13

Recently my school has organized a market for students and the faculty to exchange the bargains and goods in order to raise funds for needy kids in the area. I myself has half donated a book which is small in value yet huge in gratitude. By the way my nail has a ride yesterday it's kind of beautiful but a little bit costly. I think I would use it for my end of the year photo album this Christmas, this New Year holiday, whenever I can wear my nails.

A sad story is that my dad has suffered from an illness and he's currently in a hospital. Thanks to the health insurance that he has from his company, we can receive a good treatment at a good hospital (if I don't claim that is a luxury one). Hope that he'll get over soon, as the costs for the bed he's currently lying on is crazily high and my mom has to be a hectic caregiver for the whole family.


Thu. 15

Omg the aforementioned market is so amazing! They tapper off all of the commodities incredibly! A high-end, branded top which was initially valued at 999 (hidden currency), now it's valued only at 100. My bestie paid one-tenth of the normal price for it, for a brand new yet second-hand top. I also purchased 12 notebooks with only 40, and a Tupperware bottle with only 30, which is crazily cheap. A cheapskate like me unquestionably fancy shopping at this market. I swear everything here is tremendously inexpensive!

There's an English competition in my school! This is held by a well-known English institution,  and initially, I thought that my role had been singing and just singing. However, it veered unexpectedly. I turned out to be an MC, simultaneously a plot writer! My buddy is a boy, fortunately he seems to be cooperative. Though we only have 2 weeks preparing for this contest and taking solemn school tests altogether, I believe that I can wrap the tasks up. I also brought the fashion topic up this lunch, and my group of friends talked noisily about what to wear on the first-round day. Perhaps a skirt, in conjunction with socks, new shoes, a ghi-le and a shirt =))


Sat. 17

I got to know about North Korea today :d it might sound kinda weird and ordinary, but this is what truly happened. I first had a relatively good impression on North Korea after watching a video of a tourist going there. Nonetheless, it turned out that the part on my screen is just the most beautiful, peaceful and civilized part of the whole nation. After further investigations, I cottoned on the fact that this country is dreadful indeed. Everyone has to follow strict rules, obey the authorities like robots, respect the Kim's family,... They can be imprisoned if they dare to throw the newspapers into the bin :o I am so lucky that I wasn't born as a person of that nation.

By the way, I'm savoring a pleasant (?) day at my grandparents' house. My parents are not around whatsoever, hence, they send us to this huge 4-story house. Though I forgot so many stationery at my study corner, I still find this experience worth it. Enjoy the lull amid the dark night in the middle of a cosmopolitan city and witness the time goes by gradually...


Sun. 18

I had lunch at my relatives' house today, which was great fun and cozy as everyone gathered around the dining table under a yellow light. We ate a special dish: scrambled rice vermicelli. Perhaps it is the last time of this year that I go to my aunt's house.

And everything went normally today, I prepared my homework and papers and such things to get ready for the next week test. Btw, these days I've been sleeping with my mom and little brother in order that we don't need to fold too many extortionate blankets, quilts and mosquitoes protection stuff.

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