February [conquest]

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Mon. 13

Perhaps you'd ask me "why conquest?" I just wanna reply that, I want to conquer my life and go on the right track.

Yesterday, I was sick. Yes, high temperature, it was awfully horrendous. I took pills, but the effects only last for 5-6 hours, then it briskly wear off. As a result, my mom wouldn't be comfortable if I went to school without medicine, and as I told my parents yesterday (that the whole bunch of students in front of me suffered from high temperature), she wants to take me to the hospital.

So I went to a general clinic situated roughly 8 kilometers away from home. The clinic was crazily expensive and privileged, however, the money worth it! The service was far better than normal hospitals, I was even able to eat something in the clinic's tiny restaurant, and the doctors were really hospitable. I ate cakes, drank milk while waiting for the laboratory's testing results. Just 10 minutes after being taken some stuff in my nose, I was diagnosed to have suffered from A disease.

On Sunday, when I found out that I was sick, I told my parents that perhaps I was infected with my classmates because 5 people sitting in front of me every single day when I come to class had been absent from class due to sickness. And guess what, I was correct! My desk mate also told me that he went to the hospital and checked and tested his health, and he suffered from A disease. Then came a conclusion that 99% in my class is spreading this kind of disease.

At first, I thought that this problem is not so serious and its symptoms are exactly similar to ordinary illness. Nonetheless, my mom debunked this notion and said that this disease is worse than normal illness,etc. I just hope that I will pull through this as soon as possible since I have lots of things to learn at school, I heartily don't want to miss any lesson!

Thu. 16

I have lots of things to tell you guys! I received a gift from my bf, which was insanely expensive for a secondary student. He gave me a cupcake, a bar of chocolate, 3 pens (they are adorable!), and money! I can't help (and don't know how to make up for his spendings) but try my best to help him to surpass other classmates in terms of academic achievements and make him content whenever he goes to class. Of course I must be better than him a lot so I can assist him, but I will see this chance as the first rehearsal: in the future, I will have to nurture my kids and when they reach this kind of steadfastly teenage age, I will know how to deal with them, encourage, sympathize with them.

Another stuff. I'm up to my eyes in school work. Not homework or assignments, school work. My school is going to welcome some big fish (inspectors) coming to my institution so as to evaluate the activities and other sectors. Accordingly, everyone is hurriedly preparing their paperwork, notes,... And I am on behalf of my class writing all the important notes ! From the very beginning of this school year ... I swear we are already died of heaps of homework, and now I shoulder one more burden :( though I know it helps me get ready for upcoming stress, I never expected it to be this early.

Sat. 18

Today some stuff happened to my bf and it was in relation to me, hence, I feel a bit awkward and moody. Genuinely, my fault was rather great, but his bad was far more offending and worse, therefore I don't know who should solace whom.

I am currently staying in my grandmas house for a short day, I think I'll just do my homework and chill, unwind a strange week coming to an end.

My work never ends, idk, today I planned to finish the paperwork yet dismissed it as all of them was transferred to the faculty of the school, and I would be really despondent and guilty if they criticize and rebuke my class (and my head teacher). Saying this, I'm a bit preoccupied:((

And somehow time is flying! Only 3 months more will I have to attend the final test of the whole 4 years. Worry intensifies :((

Whatever happens, I should not worry too much because I believe in faith, in subliminal and in myself. I'll definitely pull through.

Sun. 19

I have dinner alone and I can tell you that it was one of the best meals I've ever had. Why? Because I was watching tv while eating and the tv showed national news! I know that many young people these days don't watch tv frequently, they watch everything on the Internet, on their phones, laptops,... and traditional TVs have been left out in plethora of houses. However, with me, I still love catching on with the news on a daily basis with TV, with the news program which is thought to be suitable for old people. I don't really care, and I enjoy all moments I can turn the TV on and see how my country is doing, how everyone works, vital matters, newly imposed rules, traffic, tourism,... I love all of them :33

I cherish all these feelings while eating my dinner, and I hope traditional broadcasts will uphold all of the best qualities in the future!

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