January [cease, rewind and start]

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I believe this title is rather spotless for this chapter.

I have never felt as bored as I am now.

Tet holiday has ended with some people yet not me =)) My school somehow put off the starting-school day. When almost every schools and firms and establishments in the whole country have launched their new lunar year, my school faculty decided to do this next week! I totally can comprehend the reason, nonetheless, I am basically fed up with all the leisure things I did this holiday.


Some days before the New Year Eve.

I went back to my hometown, greeted people, cleaned the house, did some homework, observed my grandpa and cousin wrapped traditional cakes, decorated the trees, and ate a lot!! But just that. My big family is enormous enough to divide all the work for all the people, and therefore, I didn't have to labor manually much.

I started leisure things. I brought "Norwegian Wood" - a world-class novel - to my hometown and I literally "ate" it! I finished it after some days, kinda rapidly. Of course there are a bunch of things to discuss and talk about this renowned novel, how it stuck me, how it changed the way I see "adulthood" and "juveniles", how I feel about reading famous stories,etc. However, I have to say that the mere thing that I read a novel that's only for people who are 18 and above is not a really brilliant idea; I the joy of feeling it couldn't last long, after all.


New Year Eve and some first days of lunar new year.

I cleaned, took a shower, watched a bunch of youtube and facebook stuff, learnt a bit, took photos, went to relatives' houses and as usual, ate. All the things that I did could be put into a not-so-long sentence =))

I was watching "the-end-of-the-year gathering" (an immensely well-known program that's only broadcast in the evening of the lunar new year eve for 20 years) while texting with my bf. About our love story, I can say that it's kinda normal and ordinary as many other love stories, though it undeniably means a lot to me, especially this holiday when I'm dead bored.

We (I and my family members) ate nuts, sweets, drank tea and coffee, wholly unwound some precious last time of 2022. My dad made up his mind and lit some firework an hour before midnight =)) they were pretty great. Needless to say, I would prefer the small firework that I posted on some social media platforms to the huge, costly firework that have 3 colors. All of these stuff costed an arm and a leg, and next year I have to convince and be opposed to the notion of following "2022 firework" footsteps. It's crazily expensive and extravagant, I kid you not! I won't let my dad purchase it again :((

In the fullness of time, new year pulled in! We cheered, gave and received lucky money, drank and ate, listened to the annual letter of the president, watched firework from afar, then headed to bed. I did some English questions to start my year with this lovely language, and fortunately, my really first answer was correct! (of course, I chose to do the easy part but I got it correct idc).

Next morning, we went to pagodas and shrines as usual. We took photos, met our relatives. Then we visited our relatives' houses, met lots of people. The thing that I wanna lay stress on is all the things are similar to some years ago, however, I have grown up and am still growing up, I am growing out of all natural jubilation that I used to have whenever Tet arrives. It's a sad and despondent fact indeed, I can't help but accepting it. For the time being, I understand my mom's answer some years ago "I am not fond of Tet, it's strenuous and lavish". Yes, one day I will find it strenuous and lavish, too. Now I'm at the transition point of it, so I feel bored, and I'm not interested in Tet as I used to be.

In the afternoon, we went to the flowery field. My cousin dressed up, as a result, she was relatively prettier than me in some aspects. However the photos were, I edited some videos that evening, and hit the sack. I must confess that I regret having watched Facebook videos. They were obviously damaging and not entertaining and terrifying :((

The second day, my dad, in conjunction with me, took my grandma to the hospital. She got some problems with her foot's bones and had her foot cast. The hospital was old and I was amazed when I saw it... a true experience.

The third day, I and my family went back to Hanoi. We cooked lunch but then departed to my grandma's house. That afternoon I spent time surfing the internet, so mundane! But the fourth and the fifth day (yesterday) was a bit better. We went to our relatives' houses around the city, enjoyed the trip that only occurs once in a year. My parents had a row =)) but I think today they've been normal back. There are ups and downs, you know.

Today I stay at home, watched toy story 4, practiced speaking english, read a book, played, trimmed off and reshaped my eyebrows, cooked, ate. A tedious and not so productive day more. I know I really should treasure these moments before all deadlines and homework and tension come, but yeah, I admit that having something too much is never a great thing to experience.

Anyway, from the moment my mom suggested that we should go out to somewhere tomorrow, and when I write these lines, I've felt much better. I believe that I have recognized something important and I'm, perhaps, willing to knuckle down to my track, get down to earth.

This holiday has brought me substantial feelings, changes, thoughts, love, even boredom, all of them are worth trying and experiencing. Having gone through this holiday, I can say that maybe next year I will feel really distinctive, esp when this year I have my bf and I am fighting for my future. I can joyously look back on this holiday and ponder that I've grown up! No matter how this holiday is, it's truly an experience that I had better note down and be compared, rethought, rewound, recapitulated, pondered, contemplated,...

Now I get it.

Thank you for everything, for this long holiday and beyond.

Sat. 28

I'm currently writing these lines in my iPhone note without the Internet. The fact that I'm staying at my hometown, embracing the warmth from the quilt amidst a bleak cold night has prevented me from seeking for a wifi signal from my neighbor. That's why, 21:24, Saturday, I'm here typing some words as I don't really know any easy peasy stuff to do.

So today my mom took me to a well-known lake in my city, strolled a bit, ate ice cream (it was delicious yet freezing), then headed to an old diner to had lunch. It was so good and memorable. I have no idea when I will come to that friendly and nostalgic place again :((
Today I basically overate, yes you are not wrong. I ate lots of stuff and I think that I really should cease. If not I'll be fattened :((

I was motivated greatly today by my bf's mom. Actually by the video he sent me today. He filmed a conversation between him and his mom talking about his future bride. His mom said that she only loved girls who are tall, at least as pretty as her, intelligent, potential, resourceful,... and must care and love her son and the kids. I genuinely agree and understand her requirements as her family is affluent and her son (my bf) is going to take over the whole enormous company. Though it encouraged me to strive for a bright future (marry a wealthy man), it also reminds me of many other terrific girls out there. That's why now I really have to develop myself both mentally and physically and care about my body, my appearance and my skills. I know I am not adept at communicating, expressing and pampering people and I am not as talented as others; therefore I must be the one who can control the whole firm, make money as well as care the best for my family and myself. It's a whole long way indeed =)) but I will try. Why not when I am already clever and gorgeous and versatile?

Well this chapter is incredibly longer than normal

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