January [new balance]

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Mon. 9

I don't think that the term "new balance" is all about shoes yet my life also. I and my bf is undergoing a period when we completely (?) hide our relationship. It's not wholly "completely" because yesterday we grasped our hands strolling around the school buying cakes and beverages and earrings. As a result, I believe whoever saw those scenes can easily be suspicious about our "friendship". That's why I am kinda ignore the stuff and let this news be. Of course I'll strongly deny if I can and in the event of its guaranteed efficiency, but rumors are spread with the pace of sound, you know =)) If one knows and wants to share this shocking and astounding news with other people, I can't keep him at bay.

This accounts for why I choose the term "new balance". I must keep my stuff in privacy as well as I can while maintaining my studies, my projects and so on. It's freaking grueling and challenging, esp when my parents know the truth... I'm gonna bury myself in somewhere but now my quilt.

(it's a long time since the last time my diary is worth reading as my literature today is surprisingly great)

So, I love keeping it a secret though I know sooner or later, everything will be unveiled. But please, no matter what happens, so long as I can continue my studies properly and accomplish high results, I accept all rumors and stuff. please don't deteriorate my studies :((


Thu. 12

On these days, my group of friend's main topic is love stories. My bestie has fallen in love (I guess so without a doubt) with a boy in our school. Another bestie of mine, unsurprisingly and as normal, has said that she had some feelings for someone that we cannot even remember. (because there are plenty of boys around her acting as male friends)

I, however, am witnessing some certainty yet uncertainty from my friends. My classmates, to be exact, are rumoring that I'm dating with my current bf. Or in other words, my bf and me are a couple. Of course I told my friends to bleach and deny every rumors by simply replying to them "idk"! Obviously, everyone in my class will get a notice about this story sooner or later, but I want to minimize that scenario as well as their criticizing sayings.

Whatever happens, I'm striving to study and review, you know, even a little bit. I've seen nothing but an absolutely ordinary pace of studying among me and my classmates. It seems that we are not caring about our vital upcoming exam... Perhaps there is no momentum =))

That is a brief update from me. Genuinely, nothing really special has happened so I think I'd better stop here. Btw, I've just received a certificate from the CG Department of Education for accomplishing third prize last October! It has contributed greatly to my huge collection of degrees that I've been accumulating since I studied my first grade.


Sun. 15

i've just finished spent time watching facebook, youtube,... after having lunch, therefore, I had better to write something on this in order to "warm up" before dealing with a bunch of deadline and English stuff.

Today, I talked and shared kinda freely with my classmates at my specialized English class. Not only did we share our love stories but also we brought up many interests about games, films, manga, ... Surprisingly, they know, and even be fond of, a great number of comic books that the boys in my class are reading. I left out, obviously, but I listened to their sayings and thoughts about them and deduce that they are amazing in their own way! Each person of us features one personal marked hobby, however, we still strive to get on well with each other, which is rather marvelous.

Today, I believe that my bike-riding skills are at a new level as I rode it along the road confidently and smoothly, much better than the times before when I even stupidly touched an unknown vehicle. Now that my senses on the streets are better, I am dreaming of a day when I ride my motorbike on the roads! I do bear in mind that it's crazily hazardous, I still want to experience.

The Tet atmosphere is around the corner, as well as lots of work and tests are coming. Hope that my performance tomorrow is great and heavenly! Please just some hours more!

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