June [my 15th summer #2]

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Mon. 19

a really not good day. It had been pretty brilliant at first, I got up early as usual, went out walking with my mom, returned to eat breakfast, then got ready and set off for my bestie's house. Then we waited for the whole crew to turn up, and we took 2 cars to go to a mall nearby. We went through many shops and a bookstore, then I, along with 1 of my friend, went to the restroom. It was out of the world, you know, perfectly designed and cleaned, hence, I was engrossed in taking photos, as well as talking with my friend. And I forgot my wallet, it just totally slipped out of my mind! It was not until a hour later, I think, that I realized the saddest truth ever in this month. I rushed back to the toilet to found my wallet, to be more specific, my money stolen. It was a female restroom and someone was so greedy! I was frustrated, I hit the roof and aired my grievences in front of the whole restaurant. I did not care about what they think but I just lost a great deal of money.  I couldn't help but face the music and learn my lessons: do not bring so much cash with you, always care about your money and belongings, never trust anyone except myself and my beloved, and never overly care about taking photos. It's really risky!

Ever since then, I've been in a not good mood. I do not want to do anything, especially when I received a mail from a project that I previously applied for. They turned me down and now I do not have anything to do! The summer is still long but I have not had any official thing to do yet :(( I know I must avail this time to invest and learn IELTS, but I cannot learn IELTS for the whole day, 24 hours with IELTS, preposterous! I try to look for more projects to do and apply, however, at the time being, I am waiting for 2 projects to respond to my applications, and around 2 projects more to apply once they open the recruitment.

Today is really a not good day, but I guess I have learned a bit more, grown up a bit more, and most importantly, it reminds me that this harsh life has begun, and now it's time to prepare for it!

another thing that has got me down: I offered my products to an acquaintance and he replied he did not have any intention to buy compliment books. I was eager to make up for all my losses and I failed, I'm alright, indeed alright :((

this life is hard, guys, much much harder than i think as i have tried a bit of it...


Thu. 22

Yesterday, my cousin came in our house because he wanted to go to the swimming pool with my brother and he would join our trip to the beach this weekend. So yeh, we played, cooked a considerable amount of food, ate all of them, watched again some of good old songs, then slept soundly in a fully air conditioned room.

Today, our activities were mostly watching YouTube and studying (only I studied, my little bro studied a bit). I guess everyone is eagerly looking forward to the vacation.

yo quiero unas vacaciones divertidas !

This evening, we'll be setting off for the beach and according to plan, we'll eventually arrive at our destination next dusk. See you there, Sun!

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