June [my 15th summer #3]

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Mon. 26

I returned from the sea yesterday and I have plenty of things to say to you, though I'm kinda idle, genuinely.

On last Thursday, we had a normal day, with the exception that my cousin stayed with us that day, and we had great time with each other. He didn't do anything absurd and annoying, hence I like him so much! He even helped me as well as my mom with our lunch and dinner, what a resourceful boy he is! In the evening, we had our dinner early so that we could turn up on time for the coach. There were 11 people in total, that meant we reserved 11 beds on a exclusive, premium coach. However, the coaches' owner informed my mom (the team leader) that they had some troubles with the premium coach, therefore, they transited us from the luxurious coach to an ordinary one. We got on the coach, it was my very first time travel in a bed-included coach, and the first time I had ever gone to the station. I was pretty excited and amused, albeit that the emission smell was terrible near the coaches. Anyway, I got on the coach and decided to sleep because I didn't pay any money for 4G system, which was rather expensive for an impoverished person like me :(( I tried to sleep, but the nearby kids were quite noisy, they went on talking for some hours, so I only slept soundly around 11pm, I guess. The coach stopped once in TH province in order for the coaches' company to do some duties (they didn't only deliver us but also goods, and the TH station was the destination of the goods). I woke up at that time, but continued to sleep as I had taken some pills before (they assisted me to sleep and prevented me from nausea).

We arrived at the beach at 4am, it was pitch dark outside. We headed for the hotel and asked for a room there, we would pay half of the money for the room, the hotel manager agreed and we had a place for sleeping! Nevertheless, I, along with my mom, my aunt, my uncle, we went down to the beach to savor the sunrise, and it was amazing! It was my very first time enjoying the dusk at the beach, so I was thrilled and on cloud nine! We took some great pictures then, and we had breakfast at 6am, I guess =)) our first breakfast was not diverse but good: noodles with seafood, bread, soup,... I chose seafood noodles and it tasted great! Then everyone slept for some hours, except for me, my little brother and my dad. I played all the time, my dad still worked remotely, maybe he was busy with his considerable amount of work. In the afternoon, we rested in our own rooms (now each family had their own rooms), then we went to the beach to play when it was 4pm. In the evening, we chose a restaurant nearby according to the introduction of a local driver. The restaurant was incredibly crowded, we were packed like sardines. The food was slowly delivered, but their tastes were undeniably brilliant. Then we went to a club that borders the beach, in which the music was loudly played by a DJ. It was exciting and eventful! We ordered some beverages and unwound with the breeze from the gentle sea. It was one of the greatest days in the summer!

The next two days proceeded with some same routines: play in the sea in the early morning and late afternoon, had a buffet breakfast every mornings, had lovely lunches and dinners together, took lots of photos, but we also had some other activities, like going to a nearby pagoda. We climbed total 405 steps to get to a pagoda. The mountain there was assumed to have a big footprint, we went up to see it but the woman there said that the footprint is high up to the mountain, deep in the forest, so no one had ever really seen it. Moreover, the land was controlled and owned by the government, so we the ordinary people couldn't access it. We had no choice but to go down, back to the beach. We also went to a fishing village, bought some specialities. They called it "the fishing village" but actually there were only 3 houses that sold seafood, fish sauce and things like that =)) therefore, the smell was well better than the village in HH beach that we visited some years ago. The HH fishing village was deeply, unforgettably odorous with thousands of houses that made fish sauce, sold shrimps,... oh I cannot forget it =)) We also visited a famous house that made a well-known speciality of this area, a kind of candy, let's call it KCD. I came across a handsome boy there =)) and I eyed up him several times, actually, but you know there are some people that we can only see but cannot (and should not) establish a deep relationship with. And I think he was that sort of people. But anyway, the candies were really delicious and you should try it! I tried to persuade my mom to go to some other places because we still had excessive spare time, but due to the fact that my family went with other families, we could not make it.

On the last day, we had some cool experience with 2 types of means of transportation, a small coach and a large, premium coach. A small one showed us clearly and realistically this province. We had a closer look to the people's lives, houses, the famously harsh weather conditions of this region, some types of trees could grow owing to the unbearable weather,... it inspired me, truly. I realized that my country, after all, is always lovely, and I must do something to preserve the traditions, but at the same time, improve the living qualities of life across the country. I must do something to help the tourism industry, to make my nation globally known. Though my impacts can be small, but I must do something, to change the harsh life that I witnessed. It gave me bravery and energy to continue my own path that I chose. (and the premium coach was like a spacecraft, I swear. It was truly marvelous to be there, everything looked like a sci-fi movie! Love it so much)

My trip ended with some noodles bowls at home. They recharged my family energy and put a halt to the holiday.

thank you all, for everything. though it wasn't flawless, but it was truly magnificent and memorable.

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