Chapter 6

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FINALLY it's Friday. The day of my first sleepover!

I jump out of bed, checking my bag to see if I have everything, which I do, and get dressed into something pink. These girls seem to be more on the girly side so I might as well try to blend in a little. Plus, my outfit doubles as pajamas. I then put some pink wedge type shoes on and started doing my hair. After that, I went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal. Realizing that I was the only one up, and that it was 5:30, I walked over the the living room, taking out my phone and going on Crunchyroll, plopping myself on the couch, deciding to continue watching episode three of Angel Beats.

An hour later, people started walking up and making themselves breakfast. I paused the episode I was on and went up to Greg's room to go wake him up. I have to do this sometimes when he's to lazy to do it himself.
I enter his room, finding him still asleep, and walk over to him and shake his arm slightly to wake him up. This usually works. It did, to. He started to make grunting noises, so I told him to get up and make himself some breakfast. I exited his room, checking the time, which read 7:30.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived at school, Greg quickly walking over to Rowley. Sometimes I don't think he has any friends besides him. Well, and me, but that doesn't technically count I don't think.
  I made my way to my friends who were talking about tonight's sleepover. I'm suppose to head over to Holly's house at five, giving me two hours to triple check my overnight bag.


School was a bore today, only because I'm so excited for tonight. When I got home, I went straight up to my room and checked me bag, then walked around the room looking for anything extra I may need. I decided to bring some manga and an anime magazine, as a way to introduce them to my world. I picked the first book of Madoka Magica and Fairytail. I actually finished Fairytail during the summer. It was really good, and I wish it wasn't over.

When it was finally time, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, finding mum in the kitchen and told her that it was time to go. She followed me out to the car, I climbing in the front this time around.

When we got to Holly's house, I said my goodbyes and was told to be good, and exited the car and walked up to the house, knocking on the door. After about a few seconds, Holly answered, smiling and letting me in. We went into her bedroom where the others were going their nails and seemed to be looking at magazines as well. They all greeted me as I set my bag down and got out the magazine I brought. Holly asked if I wanted to do my nails, so I told her that I've never actually had any nail polish before, therefore I didn't know how to put it on correctly. I mean, I know it goes on your nails, but I know that I'd just mess it up. Two of the others gasped, and before I knew it I was getting a full on manicure by them.
When they finished, it was almost six, but my nails looked amazing, a pretty pastel pink color to them.

As the night continued, they all showed me many teen magazines and I showed them my anime one. I don't think they understood what it was, so then I showed them my manga. I also told them about Kissanime and Crunchyroll, but I don't think that they're ever going to got to the site or get the app. But, I do enjoy showing people anime, as it will either freak them out or they'll enjoy it. I can't tell if there freaked out or not, but at least I didn't ruin the sleepover or anything.

About an hour later, a pillow fight started and let me tell you, it was fun. Everyone was playfully attacking each other, a few feathers flying around. I don't think I've ever had this much fun, well, ever. I mean, these are my first friends who I don't live with. It's awesome.

At about nine, we went into the living room to watch a movie. It was a great setup, too. There was the couch, but it was pulled back so we could sit on the floor, which had a blanket spread out onto it. Holly's mum also brought out some big bowls of popcorn, along with cans of soda. I sat on the floor next to Holly, who I decided was my main friends out of the group. The others were browsing Netflix and eventually came to the agreement of Ratio Rebel. I've never seen it, but I'm pretty sure it's a Disney movie, or at least from the Disney channel.

Once that ended, I got everyone to agree to watch the first Human Centipede. They don't know what they're in for. (Que maniacal laughter)

By the end of that movie (I'm surprised we watched all of it), they weren't as weirded out as I thought they would be. Maybe they liked it. When I asked if they wanted to watch the second one, they sleepily said no. How are they tired? It's only midnight. I thought we were doing an all-nighter, are we not? Well, it looks like Holly is, because she doesn't even look remotely tired. Then, she took me by surprise by asking me if we could was some anime. I of course answered with yes, going through Netflix until I found Madoka Magica.

At around six in the morning, we managed to watch every episode and both movies of Madoka Magica, plus we were able to watch the sunrise. The others past our hours ago, either on the floor or the couch. I was pretty surprised Holly stayed up so long, considering how much of a girly girl she was. I'm not saying that girly girls can't stay of late, I'm just saying it doesn't seem like she's the type of person who would. But she did watch hours of anime with me, so maybe she's not as girly as I thought.


After all of us had breakfast (chocolate chip pancakes with marshmallow cream and strawberries), mum came to pick me up. I gathered up my things, got Holly's number and left for home, waving goodbye.

Okay, so this may sound weird, but I think the only reason the other girls hang out with me is because of Holly and that they think I'm really pretty. But I think that Holly actually thinks I'm a cool person, I mean she did enjoy Madoka Magica, and cried along with me (I will cry everytime I watch and/or read it) at the sad parts, which means she understands it like I do (we watched it dubbed because it was Netflix).

Anyway, when I got home, I ran into the house looking for Greg, only to have mum tell me that he spent the night at Rowley's. I sighed, deciding that I'd tell home everything when he got back. But right now, I need to sleep. Oh who am I kidding, I'm not going to sleep, I'm going to watch more anime.
I walked into my room, sunk down into my beanbag in the corner and started watching Plastic Memories.


I'm so sorry that I don't update this a lot, it's just that I have major writers block when it comes to this story. I am going to try hard to update this as much as possible, though. Ttyl!

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