Chapter 5

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Of course, right in the middle of a great dream, I wake up. To rain. And it was really quiet too. Well, this is annoying. I groaned and turned on my side to grab my phone, and when I pressed the home button I saw that the time was 4:13. Why. Oh well, I usually wake up early anyway. I think I've already established this, but whatever.

So, I did what I always do when I wake up early and watch anime. 'Corpse Party', to be exact. I just started it, and it's really good, but it scares me.

I just finished the first episode when there was a knock on my door. I allowed the person to come in, and saw that it was Greg. I sat up in my bed, putting my phone down.

"Hey Greg, did you need something?" I asked while yawning.

"Uh, no, I just can't sleep."

"Same. Wanna watch some anime?"

"Uh, I'm good."

I shrugged, putting my headphones back on and started the next episode as Greg continued to stand their awkwardly, but then deciding to sit in one of my beanbag chairs, picking up one of my Pusheen plushness off the ground and tossing it in the air.

A few hours later, Greg and I got ready for school, me barley making an effort for today and Greg attempting to look nice. When we got to school, we walked up to the front steps to meet Rowley, who was wildly waving at us, making the two of us cringe, and slowly made our way to him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Holly and those other girls start to approach me. I nudged Greg with my shoulder, getting his attention, and motioned to the girls. I looked at Rowley and him, shrugged, and started walking over to the group.
  As I got to them, the bell rang, so Holly, the other girls (I really need to know their names) and I walked to class, Holly and I breaking away from them and going to first period. I made my way to my seat, Patty Ferrell glaring at me, which confused me, because I thought she was okay with me, but I guess not.

After what felt like an eternity, it was, once again, finally lunch. It feels like it's always lunch, but that's just me I guess.

I walked over to my new group of friends, once again leaving Greg and Rowley alone. One thing I've learned about these girls are that they are super girly. They won't stop talking about that sleepover. I am really excited about it as well, but there must be another topic for them to talk about. So, I decided to go the weaboo route.

"Um, have any of you ever watched any anime?"

"It that those cartoons you were telling us about yesterday?" One of the girls asked me, making me cringe.

"Uh, yes. And it's what I'm wearing now. And it's not cartoons, technically."

I explained to them what exactly anime is and convinced them to watch some during the sleepover.

When the school day was over, I had gotten so many comments on my outfit that kids were asking me what cartoon the characters were from. I gave up trying to tell people that it's not a cartoon, it's anime, so I just said Pokémon.

I found Greg and Rowley (it seems they never leave each other's side) and approach them. We parted ways with Rowley and spotted mum's car and got in.

When we got home, Greg and I didn't have very much homework so I decided to go out. When I finished my homework I went into Greg's room to see if he was done with his, he was, and asked him if he wanted to take a walk. He said he was going over to Rowley's to play video games. I sighed, exiting his rooms and making my way out of the house. Mum and dad weren't home, so I decided to just leave and come back before they do. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I've done this a thousand times back in London and I was never caught.

I started walking down the street and somehow made it to a little gas station where I noticed my older brother Rodrick's car parked. I went inside the little store and saw him in one of the isles.

"Hello Rodrick," I said while walking up to him. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?"

"How did you get here."

"I walked."


I stood there awkwardly for a second until a thought popped into my head.

"Um, do you want to do something together?"

"Not really."

"Uh, we could prank someone, or we could hang out at the mall, or-" he cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth.

"Fine. If it makes you stop talking."

I smiled, Rodrick paying for his stuff and the both of us walking out to his van, me getting in the passenger seat.

You see, I don't really know Rodrick that well and we never hang out. And I'm trying to be friends with my whole family. My parents liked me from the beginning, I won Manny over by buying him a cookie, and I'm pretty sure That Greg is trying to get popular from telling people I'm his twin, but we're still friends. Then there's Rodrick. He's pretty distant and is either in his room or out in the town.

Rodrick drove us to the mall and asked me were I wanted to go once we got in. I asked if he wanted to go to Hot Topic, but he had a confused look in his face.

"You do know what Hot Topic is, right?"

"Is that like a really girly store?"

"No. I just thought you of all people would know. Well, come on." I grabbed his hand and made my way to the store, passing some people around Rodrick's age who were laughing a little under their breath.

When we got to the store, I looked up at Rodrick who had a shocked expression on his face. I smiled, happy to introduce more people to this wonderful store. As we got deeper inside of it, Rodrick and I split ways.

About and hour later we met at the counter. I noticed that Rodrick had a ton of rubber band bracelets and a red flannel. I was getting a TØP necklace.

Once we left the store, Rodrick accidentally ran into a blonde girl about his age. She looked annoyed until she saw me. Her face softened, telling Rodrick how cute I was. When I noticed Rodrick blushing slightly I had a feeling that he liked her. So, I smiled, grabbing onto my brothers arm, trying to act as innocent as I could.

Long story short, Rodrick got her number. I'm pretty sure I've now won him over as well at that girl who I think Rodrick said was Heather.

When we got home, it was almost six o'clock, that mean our parents would be home soon. We hurried into the house, talking about how cool Hot Topic is until we heard our parents park I front of the house, causing us to part ways to stash out stuff in out rooms.

When I got to my room I closed the door and took my new necklace out of the little bag and set both things on my desk. I then kicked off my shoes and flopped onto my bed, taking out my phone.

After dinner, I made Greg watch some anime with me until we had to go to bed. He was relieved, obviously not liking anime at all. It kind of sucks because I don't have anyone to talk to about this. No one to share my thoughts about any of it, because literally no one in my school has ever heard of it. I shrug it off, deciding to finally go to bed. I usually go on my phone before going to bed, which usually is around one in the morning.

I set my phone down on my side table, curling myself into a little ball, still excited about Friday.

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