Chapter 4

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A few months later, Monday

"Greg, come on! Mums waiting for us!"

So it's been a few months since I got here. I still have my accent, and I'm trying to teach it to Greg. Oh yeah, Greg and I have been getting more acquainted and now we're pretty close. I've met Rowley, he's pretty weird, but I do hang out with him when I'm with Greg. Oh, and I have my own room now too! It's really awesome, and I have more clothes! I have a lot of clothes from Japan, and I'm actually wearing some of it now, and my room is covered in random anime things. What can I say, I have a good life.

Anyway, it's the first day of school, and I'm super nervous. What if no one likes me? I know that I'm going to be the only one with a British accent, so what if they hate it? What if-

Oh no. Oh god no. Greg. Why. Greg is dressed up. In a suit. What is wrong with him?

"Greg, what are you wearing."

"A suit, obviously. Since you dress like that-he points at my outfit- why can't I dress up too?"

"Just- oh, never mind. Come on, we're going to be late."

With that, we got in the car and mum started driving us.

After about ten minutes we were outside the school. We got out of the car, mum saying a few embarrassing things to us, and started walking towards the school. We walked side by side, having some kids stare at us, some a little confused or shocked. Greg did say that they would see him differently now, but I'm pretty sure they're judging him.

We pushed opened the doors and walked into the madness that's a school. It was crazy. There were older kids throwing rolls of toilet paper at each- other, and kids bullying smaller kids. This is madness. It was never like this back at my old school in London.

After a little more walking, Greg and I found our classroom, and stood at the front, looking for a place to sit. Some kids in the room started to stare at us, making Greg smirk. I stood up a little straighter and smoothed out my skirt. God, this is kind of embarrassing. I wish this school had uniforms so Greg didn't have to wear a freaking suit.
Then, some kids started giggling at us, or at least at Greg. When one of them looked to me, they had a look of awe on their face. I started to blush, so I quickly took off my backpack and sat down in one of the front seats, Greg sitting down next to me. Then, the teacher came in.

"Hello class. I'm supposed to inform you that we have a transfer student with us from London. So, which one of you is Finnley Heff-" he paused in mid sentence, "Heffley. Oh, um, stand up." I took that as my que so I stood. "You wouldn't by any chance be related to Rodrick Heffley, would you?"

"Um, yes sir, but I don't know him very well." I said quietly.

"And I'm her twin!" Greg exclaimed a little loudly, standing up as well. The class started to talk a little before the teacher quieted them down.

"You don't know him?"

"Well, like you said sir, I moved here from London."

"Very well. You may sit. You too, Mr. Heffley."

We sat down in sync, crossing our legs in perfect time. Then, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a brunette girl in braids.

"Your not really related to Heffley, right?" The girl said, a look of some sort of rude concern on her face.

"I am. Like he said, I'm his twin."

"Great." The girl said, slouching back in her seat.

"I'm Finnley, but you can call me Finn. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Patty Ferrell."

"Oh, Greg's told me a lot about you. Apparently you tease him a lot, is that correct?"

"Yes, and your ne-"
"I know it's because he teased you once a long time ago, so I don't blame you." I cut her off. She looked a little dumbfounded, so I turned around in my seat just as the lesson began.


After a few assorted classes, with Greg showing me around, it was finally lunch. Now, I've heard that American school lunches are different form what we have in London, in a bad way. That's why I made my own lunch. It consists of an apple, a PBJ sandwich, and a small bottle of some orange juice.

I looked around the cafeteria, with Greg and Rowley at my side, trying to spot a place to sit.


I heard my name being called, and looked to my left and saw a pretty blonde girl waving at me. I approached her, Greg and Rowley not moving.

"Would you like to sit with us?" The blonde girl asked me.

"Um, sure," I sat down next to her. "What's your name?" I asked her.

"My name's Holly, Holly Hills. So, your really Greg's twin sister?" She asked me.

"Yes. I didn't know until a few months ago, so I'm just as shocked as you are." This caused her and the other girls sitting with us to giggle. Then, some of the girls started asking questions about my life in London. I have them a brief example until we finished our lunches and walked outside to the schools playground. When we got to the blacktop, I noticed Greg, Rowley and some other kid staring at us. I waved at them, only to be pulled back into a conversation about some sleepover that Holly was planning.


When school was finally over, I waited for Greg outside the school building, thinking about everything that's happened today. First, I made friends, and got invited to a sleepover! I've never been to one of those before, so this is going to be exiting! I just have to ask mum to make sure I can go. I'm sure that Greg can survive one night without me.
  Just then, I saw Greg approach me, waving at me.

"So, what did Holly Hills talk to you about?" Greg asked me.

"Not much. But I think I made friends! And I got invited to a sleepover by one of her friends!" I told him excitedly. Greg looked at me with his mouth hanging open, causing some girls passing by to giggle. Then, I heard a car honk that snapped Greg out of his little trance and we turned to look at it, noticing that it was our mum. We got in the car, me waving at my new friends and drove home.

When we got back, I remembered something.

"Mum, today I was invited to a sleepover this Friday by a girl named Holly Hills. Can I go?" I asked mum before getting out of the car. She was about to say something but stopped herself, looking as if she was having a conversation in her head. Then, she said that I could go! I was so excited that I got out of the car and ran into the house and up to my bedroom, Greg following me. I tossed my backpack on my bed and started digging through my dresser.

"Um, what are you doing?" Greg asked me.

"I'm looking for some pajamas for the sleepover on Friday!" I told him excitedly.

"You do know that it's only Monday, right?"

"Oh, shush."

When I finally found the set of pajamas I was looking for, I put them on a hanger, went over to my door and hung them on the hook. What? I need to plan this out. It's my first ever sleepover! I need to be prepared.

Greg then left my room, probably to go ignore his homework and play video games or something. I smiled, getting out my own homework, laying on my bed and started it, only to fall asleep at the lost problem. Figures.

I'm sorry if this is cringy, and that I never update it, I just have a major case of writers block. I'll try and update this as much as possible. Bye!

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